Hello friends!
If you’re visiting, in the hope to see some live updates here at MWS, you’re in luck! After a week or so of hard work behind the scenes, I’d like to present to you the brand new website design of My Women Stuff!
It has been a while since I changed my blog design and with one thing and another that’s been going on, I felt that it was time to change things around. Just like how a fresh coat of paint or rearranging the furniture around can make a house feel and look brand new, I suppose. That’s how it feels like right now 🙂
If you are reading this in an RSS reader, or in email, or if you haven’t visited the blog for a while, come over and say Hi! I don’t bite 😛 If you aren’t seeing the new design and are wondering what I’m on about, clear your browser’s cache or hit Ctrl+F5 for a hard refresh, and you should see what’s new 🙂
While it does look fairly familiar, quite a lot has changed under the hood, as I basically overhauled the whole framework, which means that you may or may not find yourself plunging down a rabbit hole. If you do, please let me know so I can fix it.
As you can tell also from the collage above, the new design is now responsive, which means it resizes seamlessly across all your devices. But what is most important, is that you should not have any more problems leaving comments from your mobile! Yay! I had to work with a mobile theme plugin before this and that gave a lot of trouble to many people, I know. I took heed of your complaints about not being able to comment on your mobile, and that’s been addressed. So, that’s one major problem gone! Comment away from your mobile, folks! 😀
While I’d previously embarked on ambitious projects like this on my own before, this time, I engaged the services of Tine, who you may know blogs over at Beautyholics Anonymous. She does work with theme designs and WordPress on the side, so I decided I’d use her services this time. Let someone else worry about coding for a change LOL! 😀 And I can’t recommend her highly enough. I was kept in the loop all the way, and things moved along very smoothly, and it pretty much worked out how I envisaged it to. So, if you need some work done on your blog, drop her a line 🙂
Blog redesign aside, I went underground for most of the past week, undergoing what I’d term a social media detox. Basically, I went AWOL on all my social media channels, and I must say, it felt good to just lay low and disappear for a while.
But now that I’m back, it means I have some catching up to do. What you see above is just some of the new things that have come my way, or that I’ve purchased in the past month or two, that I’d like to share with you.
Some are time sensitive of course, like the L’Occitane x Pierre Herme Christmas collection which I hope to share very soon; and the Guerlain Rouge G in Merveilleux Rose for Christmas that I picked up at Sephora a few days ago. It’s funny. Selected Guerlain Christmas items are already available at some Sephora stores, but you have to ask the sales people about them. I haven’t picked up the Enchanted Snowflakes Meteorites, which are incredibly pretty, but which have also gone up so much in price that I balked. Yes, my friends, I actually passed over Guerlain Meteorites because they were too pricey! Goodness, I suppose with greater age comes greater wisdom 😛 But, never say never of course. Who knows what I might do in a moment of folly 😛
Other items in the picture, and many others not pictured, will be released on the blog as we go along. Being predominantly skincare, they will take a little while. You know the drill 🙂
But as I’ve done for most of 2015, I’m taking things a little slower and a little lighter. That isn’t changing. I’m focusing on what I enjoy and what grabs my attention the most. Less blogging time means less blog real estate, which means I’m very selective in what I will publish. I suppose regulars can tell that MWS has moved on from being a news-y blog, although I’m not quite certain what we’ve transitioned into. A blog reflective of my own character, I suppose 🙂
Yet, I hope it is one that you will still enjoy visiting; if not for what’s new in the beauty world, at least to read some bluntly honest product reviews, and to partake in the occasional curious, if not random discussions 🙂 Everyone is welcome at MWS, and I thank you for welcoming me into your day.
I hope you enjoy visiting and browsing around the new MWS site.
Please let me know if you fall down a rabbit hole, and please let me know if the mobile comment function works! That is one feature I was most concerned about, thanks to all the feedback I’ve received, and now, you have to tell me if it’s any better 😀 I’m glad to be back, peeps!
Paris B
Thank you and indeed, HAIL! It was a long time coming. I only bit the bullet because I knew I could sub out the headache to someone else LOL! If it was left to me, it wouldn’t be done for another year 😛
October sucked big time! What with the haze and attendant ill health. So, finding out you’re back, means November will be great! Welcome Back!
Aww thank you Cecilia! I do hope you’re feeling much better now. I know I am. October is usually my fave month, but this year sucked balls (pardon my French) so I’m actually quite glad to have it behind me. Oh and to have the sunshine back again is wonderful! I don’t even mind that it’s hot!
YAY Welcome back! 😀 Thanks very much for the shout-out too, much appreciated! 😀
I can’t wait for your review on the Guerlain Rouge G in Merveilleux Rose. It looks so good and I’m really tempted.
No, well done to you Tine! Thanks so much for being patient with my numerous demands 😀 You know, I was surprised that the Guerlain turned out to be pink. For some reason, I thought it would be red as it is every year. Then, the girl showed it to me and I said “Eh, it’s pink!” but I bought it anyway because I’m a sucker like that 😛
Love the new blog layout! Nice work Tine as always!
WELCOME BACK! I totally panicked when your site was down lol
Hahha Thank you, thank you! This calls for a celebratory drink 😛
Welcome back paris B! Love the new design.. ???????????????? up
Ops! Hehehe the emoji did not came out.. 2 thumbs up
Thank you Nomi!! 😀 😀 Thanks also for telling me what the emojis were LOL! I was like ????? hehe…
Welcome back! I have been coming over last week to check if you are back. I don’t need ‘New-y’ blog, but I appreciate an honest one! Bravo! 🙂
Aww thank you IYing 😀 I guess I should have put up an announcement somewhere, but I really felt that need to disappear for a while. Still, am back and ready to make some mischief! 😉
i m glad you are back! hugz! but black looks a little too stern for me? but i’ll still b ard. 😉
Thank you Peiqing 😀 Hugs! Did you mean the black title bars on the sidebar? I thought the previous design, with the black background was even darker so I went for something lighter this time 😀 But you know, maybe all that stern black is also good. Tells people we mean business and I’m no pastel pushover hehe… 😉 Thanks for sticking by!
Welcome back and I love your new design, Paris. It’s clean and chic. Tine did a great job indeed 🙂
Hi Lily, thank you 🙂 Yes, very pleased with how it looks now 😀
Welcome back! Loveeee the new design <3
Thank you Fiona! 😀 I’m liking the relative simplicity too!
Yay soooo glad your blog’s back Paris! Love the new design too, clean and sleek!
Yaay I’m glad to be back too! 😀 Thank you, I was hoping for it to have that effect!
I have the new meteorites! so pretty but the casing is quite plasticky, and WONT fit nicely in my drawer =0
It’s that domed cover! I’m still kinda torn. It’s so pretty yet the price is totally off putting 🙁
Clean and nice! I love! And yes to responsive site means I can comment via mobile better~~ Also, I craved in and bought the Meteorites this year because…..It’s has Stars beside the normal balls and the packaging is too beautiful to miss out. I have to say the packaging is pretty heavy and study. It look very must like a jar of moisturizer in round packaging and with mirror in it! (not sure if u know what i mean) So i guess that’s the reason of the price hikes.
Sorry for the double post.
Thank you Cynthia and yay for mobile comments! Glad it works this time around 😀 Yes, the inclusion of the stars with the balls is certainly something isn’t it? So different and so pretty! Gah! 😛 Yes, I totally get your meaning about it looking like a jar of moisturiser – it certainly looks different from all the regular Meteorites jars
Nice! Tine did you proud, the new design is wonderful!!! Looking forward to the next stage of your blogging journey 🙂
Thank you, and yes, Tine most certainly did! Glad you’re here to join me still 😀
hi new wall! love the clean white space! but i never had the problem of commenting on mobile with the previous theme though
Haha thanks! I like the whole white out effect too 😀 Some people told me they couldn’t leave a comment coz they con’t confirm they weren’t a spammer LOL! So now, everyone can confirm that 😉
Fantastic design! I think everything is getting better recently, the redesign of your blog, the haze is clearing.. Welcome back to social media and looking forward to your posts!
Aww thank you Kate! I like how my return to the social media world coincides with the clearing of the haze – we can just see so much more clearly now, can’t we? hehe… 😀
I love the new layout. It is so clear & clean :-). This year due to the birth of my son, busyness at work and now a change of jobs, I have hardly had time to read much beauty blogs. So the only beauty blog that I come back to read is yours and Tine’s. LOL. There is a new Meteorites in the market? Ooooh…I need to check it you.
Hello hello Victoria, thank you! That was the effect I was going for – a clean, fresh start? 😀 Thank you for making time for our blogs even though you’ve been strapped for time this year. Speaking for both of us, I can tell you that we truly appreciate it 😀 as for the Meteorites, you may have seen the pictures floating around the internet – the one that looks like a snowglobe, that has stars amongst the balls. It does look a tad white though so I’m not sure how that will really fare, since no counter I’ve been to has a tester 😛