You’d think there aren’t many products I use up – fickle person that I am – but the truth is that I do use up quite a lot of products quite often. This is especially so with skincare. I am now quite particular about trying to finish my stuff – remind me to tell you about it another time.
But I got to wondering, just how far do you go to use up your products?
I use up toothpaste quite often – don’t you? Brushing your teeth twice a day means you go through toothpaste quite quickly. I’m quite good about using it up, and I try to squeeze out every last drop. I haven’t stooped to cutting the tube in half though! LOL 😀
When toothpastes used to come in metal tubes (hands up who remembers those!) I’d be quite good about rolling up the tube from the bottom, as we approach the end, to ensure I get out as much product as I can.
But what about facial cleansers or serums or sunscreens… or even foundations etc. Stuff that don’t come in easy to manage open mouth jars. How do you deal with those? How far do you go to use them up?
To be honest, I don’t go very far to use up every last drop of product. Quite often, by the time I get to the end, I’m so relieved that I’m ready to move on! So, if it’s shampoo, conditioner or body washes, I’d just squeeze out what I can from the bottles, and even if there’s a little residue at the end, I’ll just get rid of it.
Recently however, I neared the end of my favourite morning cleanser, and because the product came in a glass bottle with a pump, I couldn’t squeeze out every last bit. The pump too, didn’t quite reach all the way to the bottom, so there was a few cm of product left.
Initially, I gave up on it and opened up another. But I found that the new facial wash didn’t live up to my expectations. So, I’d do my best to shake out the old product, removing the pump and hitting the mouth of the bottle against the heel of my palm to dislodge the cleanser. It worked, and I’d end up with painful palms, but happy skin, for a week or two. And then, it got harder and harder to dislodge because there was less and less product left.
Eventually, I hit upon leaving the bottle upside down, as you can see in the picture above, and letting gravity do its thing. There is still a fair bit of product in there, which I shake out every morning and it should last me another week or two, before I eventually have to give up and get something new.
The only reason I’m so persistent is because I really love this product. If I don’t, I’m more than happy to move along, even if I haven’t neared the end of the bottle. I am however, a little less persistent about other products. I’ve done something similar when using the Estee Lauder ANR serum because I enjoy using it and because it’s so expensive.
I remember my Mom would actually cut tubes of sunscreen into half to get every last bit out of the tube. I’m less hardcore. If I like the product, I’d do my best to eke out every last drop, but most of the time, I’m happy to move on even if I haven’t used it up to its last drop.
What about you?
How far do you go to use up every last drop of your favourite product?
Do you cut tubes and bottles open? I know of many people who do that with their Urban Decay eyelid primer. There are even tutorials online to show you how! Many people do this to save money as well. Every drop of product is paid for! I go the extra mile for products I particularly love, but not otherwise. You? 😀
Paris B
Gosh, I have so many ways to be “kiasu”, haha…
For toothpaste, I used to curled the tube up to the tip and squeeze with all my might till the last blob.
All my shower creams and shampoo will be lying upside down with the pump loosen so I can stil pour our the last drop.
I always tap my acne spot gel which is in a tube to make sure EVERYTHING has reach the tip before squeezing it out and I would still hear the air bubble popping sound.
Hey, it’s perfectly ok to be kiasu you know – these things cost money! 😀 I usually am quite good about using up toothpaste, because my new tubes are in the storeroom and I tend to forget to traipe there to get them haha! You’re practising good habits – nothing to be ashamed of at all 🙂
I do that with every single product of mine whether or not I like it. If I can cut up the tube, I will. If I can’t, I’ll tip it upside down and grab whatever product I can out. With shampoo, I usually tip some water into the bottle, give it a good shake and pour everything straight to my hair. Waste not, want not 🙂 I didn’t do that initially but when I peeked into the container, I realised how much product was there still left in there! With toothpaste, I’d cut it in a way that I can tuck both sides in together to “lock” it up. It’ll give me an extra week or so of use 🙂
Hats off to you for doing it whether or not you like the product! If it’s a bath & body product, I sometimes use more than I need, just so I can finish up a product I don’t quite like LOL! But you know, it’s all good practise. Waste not want not as you say!
as for me, only my toothpaste and my cleanser that i used till the last drop.. other than that, if i find that my skin already “immune” with it, i jest get rid of the product 🙂
Haha I know what you mean! Sometimes, it feels like such a chore to get at the very end of the product, especially when we’re dying to move on right?
Oh I do e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g I can to scrap out the last bit of product lol. I too turn the bottle upside down like yours. As for the tube, I’d cut it in half, scrap some product out whenever needed and use the top of the tube to cover back 😛
I make sure I finish all my skincare before opening a new one. It worked so far, as long as I reject incoming skincare review hehe.
Good job Fiona, it’s all good habits 🙂 I have been quite good about using up skincare in recent times too. That also means I take a hell lot longer getting through to new stuff, but as you say, it means having to be very selective about what we accept – not a bad thing if you ask me 😉
I’m gonna be dating myself when I say I remembered the metal toothpaste tubes from back in the day..
Saw this product online (Google Nikki’s Magic Wand) that you could use to scrape the bottom of cosmetics products, etc, but since it’s not available outside the US, I guess there’s always good old fashioned pipe cleaners?
Facial cleansers I try to squeeze out as much as I can but also would like to avoid lopping it off these days because of all the “bring your old cleanser for a sample of new X cleanser” type things
Haha! The young ‘uns have no idea about metal tubes 😛 Ok I googled the magic wand thing and I’m all erm… ok… As you say, there are options but I have to hand it to her for her ingenuity! I hadn’t come across it before though. Oh and are they still doing those “New cleansers for old” exchange thingies? I could never make it to any coz they’d always limit them and I was too lazy to make the trek to some obscure mall on a weekend. But hey, if it’s free, it’s always worth a shot!
I do try my best to get the very last drop – unless it\’s makeup. I have so many foundations, I\’d be happy to just call it quits and move on. LOL! However, when it comes to shampoo, shower gel, skincare, I do all the ridiculous things just to get every drop out of the bottle 🙂
You know, I don’t think I’ve ever used up a foundation before. Well, powder ones I have back in the day when I only ever had 1 and used it everyday. These days, the only makeup I’ve used up is a concealer, and I did stretch it out as long as I could! LOL
I usually just add water to my favorite shampoo or shower gel to get the last bit, if it’s a less favorite, then I’m usually really relieved that it’s ending soon :p I have been dissed about my bad habit of not squeezing the last bit of toothpaste out though
As long as you forget to get that new tube of toothpaste, you’ll squeeze out the last drop from the tube. At least that’s what I do 😛
I try to use up every scrap as product is so expensive! I cut tubes in half, take lids off etc. I also try not to buy more than I need so things don’t get tossed because they go icky or past their use by date
You are absolutely right, and it’s actually a very good habit to finish up as much product as you can. After all, every drop has been paid for! Also that’s a good point about not hoarding. I learned that the hard way!
Oh my God, I’m so bad about this! When something is about to run out, I just buy a new one then move on to that when I’m done trying, which happens most of the time! But when my Mario Badescu Drying Lotion was running out, I scrapped every bit of product in the bottle, even putting in a bit of toner just to get the pink powder off the bottom! I’m too lazy to order a new one on Luxola and Sephora sells them for waaayyyy more expensive (RM140 at Sephora, RM90 at Luxola plus free shipping!). Thinking of trying out the Kate Somerville one though.
I totally feel you Hani! These days, I try not to break out a new product until I’m quite sure I’m done with the old. That way I do my best to finish it – doesn’t always work if it’s something I’m not crazy about though LOL! Oh and you might be interested to know that Luxola is now Sephora (or more or less anyway, as they’re now both owned by LVMH. Their new name is Sephora (Luxola) Pte Ltd) so I have a sneaky sneaky feeling prices are going to be far less competitive in the future.
Either I cut the tubes open or I tilt the bottle upside down to get the last of it. I still remember the first time I cut a tube of body scrub open and there was so much left inside even though I squeezed the life out of the tube before. And that is how I started to cut all the tubes open to use every last bit, like it or not.
I usually just let gravity do its thing to get as much out of a tube as I can. That’s also part of the reason I don’t quite like products in tubes, although it is more hygienic. There’s always so much left in there! But it’s a good habit to have, don’t stop!
I cut open tubes and plastic bottles and I am not ashamed!
Absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, Wendy 😀 I think it’s a good habit to have. I’m just terrible at it myself 😛
i’ll do my best to get it till the last drop…haha…i dont want to rugi ooo…
Very true! Every drop is money! 🙂
I’m one of those who pry open bottles and cut tubes into half! And I dilute shampoo and body washes towards the end so that every single drop is used. Omg… typing this just made me realise how kiasu I sound. Hahaha. But times are bad so there’s no shame in making everything count!
Haha we are all secretly kiasu you know 😉 No shame indeed, as you have pointed out. There is a lot of product left behind a lot of the time, and every drop is money! Good on you 🙂 I don’t dilute anymore because I don’t like how it feels, but I do let gravity do its thing to help me get out that last drop!
Oh I am bat shit crazy when it comes to my favorite items, I will use contraptions to store them upside down just like you do, I even taped a bottle to the side of the cabinet once.. stupid non flat cap on top. I just hate those glass serum bottle, you can’t get that stuff out no matter how hard you try 🙁
Hahaha I can’t imagine taping the bottle to the side of a cabinet, but how ingenious! I dislike this aspect of glass packaging too. Lovely when it’s full, but not so lovely once you’re trying to get out that last bit! I usually store them upside down . That way, gravity does its thing and I get out MOST of the product.