Hello Hello peeps! 😀
We haven’t had a good ol’ chat in a while have we? I just checked my archives and the last time I ran a MWS Cafe chat was back in 2013. What the….?!
Well, let’s remedy that 🙂
If you are wondering what this Cafe business is, no, I’m not opening a cafe and most certainly am not opening a cafe at the foot of snowy mountains! 😀 Goodness, I’d drink all my profits, I’m sure! Instead, it’s a little break in routine, for you to pull up a chair and join us around the figurative table for some good ol’ chit chat. New to the cafe? You’re in for a treat!
MWS Cafe day is a day when I sit here and “chat” with you in the comment box in almost real time. If you have a question you want to ask, now is the best time to do it, and you won’t have to wait 2 weeks for your answer as I get round to replying comments LOL! It’s also a good time to just chat around with other readers who pop by from time to time to share their thoughts in the comments. From past experience, I’ve learned that you, readers of MWS, are what keeps the blog ticking with your insightful comments and also helping other commentators out when I can’t 🙂
If you don’t know where to start, how about sharing:-
- your favourite foundation?
- what sucky product have you used recently that we should all avoid?
- is there a skincare product you love love love?
- what lipstick have you been reaching for more than usual?
Don’t worry if your question isn’t about beauty – heck, not all of us like jawing about beauty all day long! I know I don’t. I like to be a wee bit nosy in fact.
So maybe you’d like to share with me how your 2015 has been so far? We’re almost halfway through the year and to be honest, I’m not sure where the first half has gone! It seems to have flown by in quite a blur for me.
Workwise, I seem to be doing a lot of firefighting, and am being kept very busy but you know how that is. I always say that being busy is a good thing because it means that you have a job to keep. It’s when you aren’t kept busy that you should worry.
But it’s when you’re swept off your feet with keeping busy that you should take a break right? So, have you taken a holiday recently? Was it somewhere interesting or exotic or were you just stealing some time away to bum and forget the maddening world for a while?
I did steal away for a little while last week, but I don’t think many of you noticed, since the blog was still being updated 😀 But those of you who are subscribed to the MWS Companion newsletter would have had an inkling that I was going to be away based on the topic I chose. Ah, but where did I go? That’s a story for another day.
I told everyone on Instagram that I was in Afghanistan 😛 Well, when I saw the terrain, it seemed that way to me, based on what I see in the news. The truth is that I wasn’t in Afghanistan for if I was, I’d be sure to wear desert fatigues and not stand out in a plaid jacket.
But where I did go was somewhere quite exotic and new to me, and perhaps to many other people. But truthfully, I just got back a few days ago, and it’s not been easy easing back into the routine of blogging (I ran out of scheduled posts!) and juggling the backlog of work that piled up while I was away.
So, while I sort out my unpacking (I cleverly unpacked most of my things the night I got back although I was half dead with exhaustion and a bad cough I developed after my holiday ended) and figure out what I should be blogging about (any ideas or suggestions on what you’d like me to blog about in the weeks to come?) please go right ahead and chat away in the comment box.
I love hearing from you (you all know that already right?) and I’m sitting right here, chatting back at ya in (almost) real time for the next 24 hours or thereabouts till I close the comments.
See ya in the comment box, friends! Don’t be shy 😀
Paris B
Hanny Daforcena says
I’m pleased to say that I’ve already graduated from Uni (OMG time flies! I started reading this blog when I started my A Levels!) and I’m currently working in a magazine publishing firm as a writer (very very junior writer at that), heh heh heh~
Anyone watched Game of Thrones this week? I’m really sad for poor Sansa… >_< (Truth is, I miss Oberyn Martell a little more than I should)
Paris B says
Hello there Hanny! Gosh, time does indeed fly! I still remember you saying you were a student and look at you, all grown up now *wipes away tear* This does make me feel terribly ancient as you can imagine LOL 😀 But good on you for getting a job as a writer! I remember you love writing so maybe this will be your first step to something great 😀
I haven’t been following the current seasons of GoT. Actually, I got hold of the 1st Season, watched it through till the end, got so overwhelmed and then read all the books and got even more overwhelmed! So when the subsequent seasons came out, I just collected them but haven’t watched any haha! But just from recollection, man, I love what they did with Jon Snow. Deep, dark brooding …. perfect 😀
Hanny Daforcena says
Thanks so much! I really hope I can pull this gig off, heh heh!
I’ve been in love ever since the series came out. *sigh* Jon Snow. Even though he knows nothing, he’s still such a dear. I’ve read only until the third book but since it’s now a free for all where the show is concerned, I guess I’ll stick to the series first and then read the books.
Paris B says
Oh wait, what? They aren’t sticking to the plot in the books? Grr… Ok I get creative license and all that but man, I hate it when that happens! >.<
Hanny Daforcena says
Welp, GRRM said it last year’s San Diego Comic Con that “The show is the show and the books are the books”, so… yeah.
Paris B says
Oh well, I suppose this gives fans 2 different storylines to enjoy then LOL! BTW I saw from your blog that you enjoy using the Sephora Teint Infusion foundation. For some reason, I can’t get the hang of that one. Felt greasy on my skin and wouldn’t set! Or maybe it was the wrong shade that got to me (They don’t carry the lightest shade here) but I wasn’t too impressed. Reckon the primer helps?
Hanny Daforcena says
Hmmm, the thing is felt rather OK for me. I don’t know, but most foundations break down on me at around… 4pm? So I didn’t really feel that it was particularly greasy on me. The primer helps a lot, actually!
Sidenote: I’ve done a little calculation and I found that the minis that Sephora sells at their cashier counters are cheaper than the full sized ones by volume, esp the UD setting sprays and the Tarte primer. However, the MUFE minis are so costly I rather get the original-sized ones instead.
Paris B says
Hmm I’ll have to try it with a primer then. Wasn’t very happy with it. Or maybe I didn’t shake it up enough 😛 Thanks for doing me the math! I’d noticed the minis near the Sephora cashier counters but never felt inclined to buy because from experience, minis tend to cost more ml/ml than the full size. Glad to know it’s not the case! Now I might actually pay a little more attention hehe… MUFE does tend to be quite costly doesn’t it? But I remember you like bright eyeshadows – have you checked out the MUFE ones? They’re really good!
Sukie says
Hello Paris, welcome back and you do sound like you’ve had a great time away! =)
So… I’ll start off with my current favourite foundation, it’s the By Terry Densiliss one, a wallet-breaker but oh-so-good. Have you tried it yet?
Sucky product we should all avoid? The Biore Makeup Removing Facial Foam. I got myself checked into a hospital one fateful Friday night, and the husband rushed to the nearest 7-11 to get me a cleanser because I couldn’t bear the thought of sleeping in my makeup. This was it. And it was bad. It broke me out real bad. =(
A skincare product I love, love, love?? It’s got to be the Antipodes Worship Serum, thanks (or no thanks) to you! It smells divine. And feels like water. And feels so good on the skin. Thank you for recommending this!
The lipstick I’ve been reaching out for more than usual is the YSL Rouge Volupte Shine in #8, absolutely love the formula and how easily it wears – no need to apply this with a mirror! =D
Paris B says
Hello there Sukie! Long time no “see” 😀 How have you been? And I spotted the word “husband” so congratulations! 😀
I did test the By Terry Densiliss foundation in store, but it felt a little ‘dry’ for my liking. I’m not sure if I’m willing to splurge on it just yet. You know, old, dry skin and all. Man, aging sucks 😛 I haven’t tried the Biore facial foam but I’ll be sure not to now. I never really had a lot of luck with Biore till the cleansing water but I think that’s the only thing I’m sticking to for now. Everything else in their range breaks me out one way or another! I hope the hospital trouble is over now?
Oh I love that you love the Antipodes Worship serum! I took it with me on holiday and I love it more than ever! Swear it kept my skin healthy and looking good and all that. Well, people thought I had just started working so I was terribly pleased LOL! 😀
Fathin says
I had several breakdowns in this first half of 2015. Mostly related to family and my own self-esteem. But I’m blessed to have relatives and friends who are concerned about me, supported me when I was at my lowest and most of all, I have one very close friend who always be there for me, still patiently listening to my rants and fears.
This year, one of my goals is to get my social circle bigger, get to know people other than friends from school and work. Guess what? I joined a sport activity called Ultimate Frisbee! At first, I thought it just throwing disk around like we usually see in tv and at beach. But, noooooooo. It was full of running (mostly sprinting), jumping, twisting the body while throwing the disk and lots and lots of strategies 😀 Best of all, I think I run more in 2015 because of the sport compare to my whole life LOL I always hate run (still do but less intensity, haha) but this game push me to start train myself to run faster, to get longer endurance when there are lots of running in the sessions. And, I think I stand taller and weight lesser – sounds good, right!
And, the juiciest tidbit – I kept changing my crushes, thanks to my growing social circle, haha. Well, if you see those guys in the game and afterward, hang out together, the feeling bounds to happen, haha. Unfortunately, I kept catching fishes that already taken by other baits, uhuh. Why is it nice guys are taken so fast even though they probably just broke up with previous girlfriends? I think I’m going to stop fishing, temporary 🙂
Oh, and about skincare and makeup. I decided to stick closer to my favourite brand, Bobbi Brown. I’ve stopped buying different brand, trying new products, especially when I keep hoarding new stuffs and in the end, I always return to Bobbi Brown. Although, there are many, many products that I haven’t even opened yet, thanks to my crazy cosmetic and skincare shopping last year, I don’t know how I’m going to finish them all!
Paris B says
Hi Fathin! I’m so sorry to hear that 2015 has gotten off to a tumultuous start for you but it’s heartening to know that you are surrounded by people who care about you and for you and who have supported you throughout. That is ultimately what’s most important – who’s around when you’re down, and for that you are truly blessed 🙂 I hope that the 2nd half of 2015 will be much better – it has to be right? Once you’re down, the only way to go is up 🙂
Ultimate Frisbee! Ok, initially I did think too that it was all about just tossing a spaceship around but it sounds like a lot of fun! Gets you out in the open air and as you have found, enlarges your social circle. Oh and don’t get me started on fishing haha! I know how you feel and while I’ve hung up my rod, as it were, I’ll just take things as they come. Can’t force these things right? 😉
Oh and you know what? I’ve found recently that Bobbi Brown is turning out some nice stuff in recent times. I used to find them boring as heck, but perhaps my tastes have changed in general so now I find them easier to use. I don’t like everything though – their lipsticks don’t wow me and their eyeshadows, while practical, do get boring once you’ve owned a palette or two. But their new serum foundation is quite impressive. Have you tested that one yet? I have to say I was quite impressed, compared to others in the similar category!
Fathin says
Yeah, hopefully everything goes uphill even though there might be some rocky road and more falls but at least, I’m still trying and fighting 😀
Now that the weather is better for outdoor activities, it’s more fun and safer to play games and running. When I first joined, it was early this year with lots of rain so the field usually muddy so I always end drenched with mud, head to toes, haha.
My friend said let’s us net instead of rod, can catch more fishes LOL But yeah, right now, let’s things come not force fate strongly 😀 Besides, I still look nearly 10 years younger than my actual age so maybe I can get young fish, haha.
I haven’t tried the serum foundation but based on review, the applicator is quite tricky to use so I’m a bit hesitated to try, haha. I like Bobbi Brown skincare as even though the effect is slower than most brands, I think they are not harsh for my sensitive skin and longer effect (I like things to go slow but long lasting :D). Bobbi Brown makeup shades perhaps more to natural and not too adventurous to some but I like that, especially when they are more focusing on enhancing our beauty than change our look dramatically/drastically *cough fake eyelashes, contouring. Sadly, I have to either order via phone or purchase during my rarely visits to KL as East Malaysia doesn’t have Bobbi Brown counter nor free-standing store yet.
Paris B says
Hahahha yeah let’s use a net eh? Makes a lot more sense when fishing 😉 But fate is a funny thing. Sometimes, when you least expect it, you might net something good so don’t give up just yet. After all, young fish are tastier eh? LOL! 😉
It’s a pity that BB hasn’t expanded to E. Malaysia yet. I did hear that they might be starting to sell online like Clinique, but that doesn’t seem to have materialised very quickly. If I know of anything I’ll be sure to share the info 🙂 I haven’t used enough of BB skincare to notice results although I have to say that I’m quite pleased that their skincare is generally decent, considering they started out as a makeup brand. It’s great to know it works for you though. Isn’t it interesting how different products can work for different people? 🙂 Oh and don’t get me started on contouring! I’m quite immune to false lashes (unless they are those in your face ones that make eyes look like they are sporting some foliage) but contouring is something I don’t quite get. I mean I understand that celebrities and models need to contour because it looks better when they photograph. But in real life, so many people are walking about with weird looking makeup because they think you should contour just as sharply in real life! All that dark powder and light highlights makes people look so weird. You know how it is – few people can handle subtlety well 😛
shannen says
I’m sitting outside my new gynecologist treatment room waiting for my pap smear checking. Very important! Haha. My previous gynecologist retired.
I have been having amazing days since last week. With all the Pre n post birthday celebration, yeah!
Products… I’m very into Kiehl’s now. Just spent like RM800 yesterday replenishing. Sigh…
Very nice to “see you back” . Oh.. virgin coconut oil n garlic capsules help with cough.
Paris B says
Ouch! *crosses legs* Gosh, if that isn’t that dreaded time of year, I don’t know what is >.< I haven't found a good gynae though - care to recommend one? Last few times I went to a female gynae and I swear, women are much more sadistic 😛 Oh and happy belated birthday! Birthday weeks are always the best aren't they? All that feasting and fun and presents! 😀 Thanks for the recommendations for the cough. I'll bear them in mind, but am taking manuka honey now every hour on the hour, and it's been helping a lot too! Clears up the congestion and it does help that I like the taste of manuka honey, and it's lovely and sweet haha!
shannen says
I just saw DR kamaljit at Bangsar. I feel comfortable with her. One of the better female gynae I’ve seen.
Manuka honey is very good too
Paris B says
Thanks for the rec, Shannen 🙂 I’ll look her up. Previous experience with female gynaes left me feeling like they think you should be as tough as they are or something 😛 Whereas men, who probably don’t regularly get probed in this manner seemed a little more sympathetic LOL
shannen says
I have met a Gynae.. so robotic, I felt sorry for myself lying there for her to check. Sigh.. Miss my previous Gynae. But he is finally having his big break, taking care of his grandkids back in UK.
And do share your holiday experience soon!
Paris B says
Better robotic than sadistic 😛 Finding a good doctor is like finding a reliable hairdresser – close to impossible and then they retire/move and the search starts all over again. Sigh… I will definitely share soon. Have to sort out the pictures and work out what to talk about LOL! Next week!
Hanizah says
Been trying out the Antipodes Worship Serum for 2 weeks. While I don’t love it as much as the EL ANR, for its price its not bad. This morning I was curious enough to go to the Skinlab retailstore to find out more about its other products, especially the Vanilla Pod Hydrating Day Cream. I bought a jar to try. I also found out from the very helpful retail assistant that you only need 2-3 drops of the Worship Serum, not a half pump to a full pump, just so you know. ????
Paris B says
Hi Hanizah, thanks for the feedback! 🙂 I agree that EL’s ANR goes to work really superbly and quickly which makes me very happy. But Worship serum is nice as well, once you give it a month or so. Doesn’t work as quickly, but in the end, we come to the same thing 🙂 Oh and I like the Vanilla Pod day cream too! Here in Malaysia, I tend to use it in the evenings because I found it a bit heavy for daytime use. In a drier climate, it was really nice for day use. Oh and thanks for letting me know about how much of the Worship serum to use. I sometimes wonder if I saw better results because I used a full pump as opposed to a few drops but hey, whatever works right? 🙂 I also like the Hosanna serum which is great for hydrating, and the Juliet cleanser. Going to give the Hallelujah cleanser a try soon! Man, I love Antipodes and that’s saying a lot LOL 🙂
Hanny Daforcena says
Ever since I’ve gotten my UD Vice 2 Palette, I’ve stopped buying eyeshadows because it has everything I need! I realize that I can’t do more than 3 colours on my eyelids so nowadays if I don’t wear eyeliner, I’d do a wash of whatever eyeshadow I’m wearing, a bit of brown in the crease and something punchy on the lower lashline with mascara.
Paris B says
Haha I can’t do more than 3 shades either! I usually do a lid shade, crease shade and a highlight. So that’s actually just 2 main shades 😛 I didn’t end up getting the UD Vice palettes primarily coz I found the colours too… much for me. Getting old does this to you LOL! Now I get excited over neutral palettes, of which I already have a ton. Goodness, what’s wrong with me eh? 😛
ShopGirl says
Nice open mic sesh, Ms. P!
If I had known I’d have prepared a list of 50 questions I’d been dying to have you answer lol but as it were, my mind is drawing a..blank.
Anyhow, I just wanted to say thank you for your ever-fresh blogging style and your ability to reach out to your readers in a way that makes us feel like you’re listening – this MWS Cafe Chat being one such thing.
I’m still amazed at how you reply meaningfully to each and every comment here on your blog. Truly, thanks!
Paris B says
Hiya SG 🙂 I’d missed holding these sessions. You know, where we just get to ‘hang out’ as it were. But you still have time to formulate your 50 questions LOL! Will have to give those in other time zones a chance to get a peep in as well so ask away! 😉 Thank you for supporting whatever hijinks I get up to for the blog. It does get harder over time to keep things fresh, when there’s life to juggle amongst everything else, but I’m glad you’ve enjoyed it anyway and I appreciate that you see it that way! (not as some filler post because I’m drawing a blank and sitting here with my eyes half-closed while my body shuts down for its afternoon siesta..zzzzz)
Dawn says
Hey Paris!
Been in a bit of a funk this week. I started out in a new job in a local SME in April, but a month in they were looking to do some major restructuring and wanted to change my job scope completely. The proposition they presented was not really favourable to me and was not the direction I wanted to head to in the long term, so I decided that it would be better to resign and start looking for another job (I knew I wasn’t going to be happy with staying in the company with the given role)
So I’ve been job hunting this week through online job portals and classified ads. The job pool does seem a bit dry at the moment, but still soldiering on and hoping for the best!
Paris B says
Hi Dawn, I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had a bad week 🙁 On the bright side though, at least you know where you want to head and that this company or role isn’t what you want to do or be in. It’s better to realise it now than 6 months down the road when you wake up one morning and decide you hate it and find it’s harder to leave. Here’s wishing you the best in getting a job/position that you want – it’s always darkest before the dawn! 🙂
Dawn says
Haha, pun intended? I see what you did there.
Thanks Paris:) Your comment really cheered me up!
One lipstick I have not been able to put down is Mac’s Craving. Initially I was a bit iffy on the colour, but the more I used it..the more I took to the shade! Right now I’m a little more than half way through and I thinking, man I’ll be sad when this is gone!
I’ve really been loving Colourpop’s shadow and blush. They have the most unusual texture that’s so satisfying to stick your fingers into! The colours are fantastic and really long wearing on the eyes/cheeks! So easy to do up a one-shadow look with your fingers. Not too much a fan of the lippie stix, it smells a little like plastic to me as I’m sensitive to scents. My friends and I ordered it via Vpost, since they dont ship outside the US, Aus and NZ.
Paris B says
OMG I’m a genius! LOL Honestly, I didn’t notice the pun but there it was, and I’m glad it cheered you up! 😀
I’ve been hearing so much about Colourpop in recent times. They’re really affordable aren’t they? Oh and I’m glad you mentioned that the Lippie Stix have a smell. Man, I hate products that smell like chemicals… or just have a smell in general. They get so much raves that I was thinking of finding a way to get hold of some, but won’t now! I’ve also seen a lot of love for the eyeshadow and blushes. What’s it? $5 a pop? That’s crazy that is! Some day I’ll give them a go – the colours and swatches look very enticing but I’ll have to find a way to get hold of them first!
Dawn says
Haha! Yes you should try it, they’re really quite something for the price!
And its a great way to try out crazy colours without feeling too much of a pinch as its so affordable. Lip items and eyeshadows are USD$5, blushes & highlighters are USD$8 (they are comparably larger too).
I would highly recommend the eyeshadows and blush. Lippie stix well, my friends love them and can’t detect the smell…its just me haha. The colours are beautiful and very long lasting though!
Paris B says
Hmmm you do have me very intrigued! I shall have to find a way to hunt them down. These freight forwarder things can get really pricey! But I suppose where there’s a will there’s a way 😉 Chin up, girl!
Shuang says
Oh hello PB! It’s been a while since I last say on your cafe lol. 2015 hasn’t been too eventful, good nonetheless. Just got back from a short vacation with my son, his first trip ever haha. He was very pleasant during the trip making it very enjoyable. Back at home he’s back running rampant haha
I’ve pretty much gone back to the basic starting from this year. Just sticking to the skincare I know work best for me. As for makeup, I actually cut down a lot. My routine is pretty much just base makeup, blush, bronzer, eyebrow and guerlain meteorites. Speaking of which, my son was playing near my dressing table few days ago, knocked my meteorites down. Oh my horror!! Thankfully the lid was on, although a third of the balls crumbled, phew!
I’ve been using beauty blender and real techniques miracle complexion sponge lately and loving em actually. I don’t mind washing them every use, in fact I found washing them up to be quite soothing, weird I know, all the squeezing and stuff haha.
I also bought Clarisonic Mia 2 but my husband ends up using it more than I do. I found that it dries my skin up somehow so I just use it every other day whenever I’m about to put on some mask. The hub uses it everyday in the evening. Clears out his acne in a week. Maybe I should bill him my purchase 😛
Paris B says
Hiya Shuang! It’s been over a year since the last cafe and I’m sure your little one must be up and about by now? 😀 It is quite trying travelling with a young child right? I see my siblings travelling with my nephews and it’s like they have to pack the whole house! LOL! But still, it’s good to get away for a little while – where did you go?
Ooh your son has good taste, going straight for the Meteorites! LOL!! Glad to know they didn’t come to any harm and if it makes you feel better, sometimes, crushing them a little helps them apply more easily so maybe he thought he was doing you a favour 😉 I haven’t tried the beauty blender or the real techniques sponge yet. I keep meaning to get the RT one but it’s always sold out on iherb! I’m not sure that I’m patient enough to use it though. I tried with a different brand a while ago and while the effect is lovely and flawless, it can take a little more time than I like. Oh and the cleaning. I’m usually very lazy about cleaning my tools (oops! did I say that aloud?!) and sponges do need cleaning daily as you’ve said. Kinda like a stress ball I suppose, the effect is hehe… Oh and definitely, tell your husband that he needs to get his own Clarisonic or maybe a gift of equivalent value? 😛 I find it too drying too and I’m quite happy just using a regular wash cloth. Serves me so far! I think a lot of us are going back to basics this year. 2014 seemed to be the year of excesses for which we are paying in 2015. On the bright side, most of us have accumulated enough to last us a whole life! So it’s not hard to pare down eh? 😉
Shuang says
Yeah I gave birth in 2013 and now he’s almost 2. Tell me about it, packing is quite challenging when u bring the little human with u. I even bring my mini crock pot coz we don’t have one at my mum’s apartment. He still eats homemade meals, didn’t eat out with us during the trip, maybe had a nip here and there but that’s all. Kids’ throat are pretty sensitive and taking care of the cough after the trip would be so much more painstaking (from my other cousins’ experience) so I’m glad I went all the trouble to make sure he ate right. Healthy kid means happy mum lol. We didn’t go anywhere fancy, just went to Jakarta to visit some relatives and had some nice break. My parents and sis tagged along too so it was very pleasant.
The sponges cut down my base application time a lot. I just smear wherever I need and dab to blend. I find that I use less product and since I don’t dab the sponge directly onto the foundation so not much product absorbed into the sponge and thus cleaning is much easier. I saw on youtube how some beauty blenders break down after few washes and even torn apart. I don’t have problems with mine. So far been using them for months and wash them daily. No brute force though, beauty blenders are pretty delicate.
Yes I gotta agree, my makeup can easily last me a lifetime, or two lol. Oh I also got myself L’Occitane shower oil. oh my gosh the first time I used it I was all “where have u been all my life???!!”. You’re such an amazing enabler PB! Now even my mum is a convert. LOL
Paris B says
Eh, I think it’s wise of you not to feed your little one outside food yet. My siblings do the same thing – carry a little cooking pot for my nephews. Well, one of them is big enough to eat outside food, but it’s not always the best thing for them (or for us, but we’re adults and if we can’t have a little fun who can right? 🙂 ) Ah I haven’t been to Jakarta and visiting family must have been nice!
I’ll have to try using a sponge soon, maybe the next time I make an iherb order. I have a foundation on hand that I feel would work better if applied with a sponge as opposed to a brush so this might be the push I need! I like your tip of using the sponge to blend and not to pick up foundation. Since I do the same thing with my brushes, it won’t be too steep a learning curve. So I’ll give it a go!
Ooh and I’m so happy you love the L’Occitane shower oil too! It’s just so amazing right? Every time I use it, I feel so luxurious. Just like a lady! 😀
Shuang says
I agree on not letting kids eat outside food while they’re still too young. Some food even adults can’t stand the heaty after-effect. Better be safe than sorry right?
Do give the sponges a try. I just alternate on sponges and brushes nowadays. Sponges dry up pretty quickly compared to brushes. Actually I just grab whatever available haha it’s just nice to have alternative when my brush hasn’t completely dried up yet.
Yeah and I love how my bathroom smells too after I use the shower oil. I was given some samples on their recently released velvet balm. Oooh it smells so good too. Perhaps I should ask the hub to get me a tub in exchange for Clarisonic Mia 😛
I happen to read comments below on SLS-ridden facial wash. I have long ditched commercially sold facial wash. Instead I made my own facial bar soap. Yes it takes quite a while for it to be ready but in the long run it’s actually more economical and safer as I know what ingredients goes into the facial wash. It surely doesn’t lather as much coz it doesn’t contain SLS but at least I know it’s what best for my skin
Paris B says
OK put the RT sponge in my iherb basket for the next order hehe… And you guys say I enable you! Tsk! 😉 The new balm smells nice doesn’t it? Feels nice too. Think your husband needs to buy you a whole set in exchange for the Clarisonic! Haha!!
Oh that’s clever of you to make your own facial soap! I’m sure it’s rewarding and better for your skin knowing what goes in it. Good for you! Maybe you could let Junni know where to start 😉
Junni says
Hi Paris, this is the first time I join your chat room eventhough I have been following you for the past 8-10 years. I could not check your spam checker with my mobile every time I want to comment your post, so I have to keep coming back to my laptop to do it. Anyway, I am having a persistent severe acne over both of my lower halves of cheeks for the past 2 months. It just goes crazy and horrible and drives me to nuts. I have checked with my dermatologist, met my aesthetician, go through all the ingredients in all products I use on my skin, and change all to oil free, fragrance free, safest and simple products. I could only use an anti blemish foundation the only make up on my face now. I even do a research on face mapping acne online and found Ayurvedic anti acne diet advise. And I start doing simple yoga at home. To cut it short, I change my lifestyle seriously this time around.
Junni says
Oh yea since you ask, when I rummage through all my make up and skincare products, surprisingly almost 70% contain comedogenic ingredients which could exacerbate acne. Of course, these ingredients wouldn’t cause much problem for those with non oily or acne prone skin. But one sucky product I would like to share here is Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cleanser, it actually contains SLS – sodium laureth sulphate as main ingredient! In a face wash? I wouldn’t say Kiehl’s products are bad because I do love some eg their sunscreen. Hai..moral of my story, check the ingredients before use it on face especially sensitive or acne prone skin.
Paris B says
To be honest, I don’t even know why they sell the Ultra Facial range here. It’s far too heavy for our weather. I told them so (the Ultra Facial LIGHT range is ok) but there it is, still in stores. I mean, if it can be used in the Antartic, I doubt that we here in the Tropics really need it right? As for SLS, a lot of face washes contain SLS which is a sad but true fact. So, if you go for something non-foaming there is a lesser chance that it’ll contain SLS.
I’m not sure what else you’re using but here’s some things I found that help me get over my spotty problem and keep my skin relatively spot/acne free. Double cleansing – first with a balm/oil cleanser and cleaning it off with a face cloth, then followed up by a 2nd cleaner in the evening. In the morning, use a non-foaming face cleanser. Then, follow up with an acid toner (Hada Labo does one which is fairly affordable, but I like the Pixi Glow Tonic or REN – all of which I’ve reviewed at some time before this 🙂 ) and then a hydrating serum before moisturiser. Quite often, we forget to add more moisture to acne/spotty skin because we think it’s oily but I’ve also found that using more hydrating products can actually help the skin because dry skin breaks out too! Just a thought/tip 🙂
Paris B says
Hi Junni! Nice to have you with us today 🙂 I’m so sorry to hear about your troubles with the mobile site. I’d actually been told by others as well, that it prevents them from commenting so temporarily, I’ve disabled the mobile theme. I don’t know if it’ll solve the problem, but I hope it will. Temporarily anyway. I’m working on getting a new theme up and running in time to come so maybe that will help matters.
I’m so sorry to hear about your acne problem! I know how you feel because I’ve been there, when the skin just goes mad and you have no idea why. If it’s along your jawline, it’s sometimes hormonal (which is tricky) but can also be food related. I find if you cut out dairy and sugar, it does help a lot. Also for me, if I eat a lot of beef or lamb or “heaty” foods, I tend to break out too. So maybe sometimes, it’s not what you put on your skin but what goes on inside. Yoga does help, to get your body moving in any event and to calm you down. Oh and check your shampoo/hair care products too! I actually broke out terribly from using a shampoo if you can imagine. I mean, who’d think so right?! Keeping my fingers crossed for you that it’ll all go away soon.
Junni says
Thanks for your lengthy advice! It breaks out not just along the jawline but over the cheeks as well. Ya, I agree with the food totally! I manage to stop taking coffee and trying my best to avoid spicy, sugary and dairy foods now. And, it is true, the anti acne creams and peel that dermatologist prescribed probably helps lessen the acne but they dries up my skin and I m actually have oiler skin now. Luckily the asthetician pointed this out to me few days ago and I am watching my skin hydration as you mention dry skin causes breakout too.
Paris B says
Food is such a tricky thing isn’t it? Especially if you have to eat out often. I find that when I eat out more often, I break out more. If I take control of my food, I suffer less but yet we don’t always have the luxury of time or opportunity to eat at home right? Anti-acne creams can be terribly drying so be sure to keep your skin well hydrated. I hope it all goes away soon, Junni. Acne can be such a pain!
qing says
Hi Paris! 2015 was a blur for me since I am now in Japan for a study exchange. But to be honest, it is not easy to get this opportunity since I am from a government university. Japan do have bizzare things suited from your head to toe and boy, was it hard to suppress the urge to SHOP 😛 But their things are super duper expensive. A cheap, normal meal in Japan will costs about RM20-RM30. So I guess it’s time to tighten my belt and shed off those extra pounds! Since this exchange trip was fully sponsored by my own savings (mum I hope you see this so you will be guilted into giving me some pocket money), I guess it will help in curbing my shopping urges 🙂
Have a nice year ahead!
Paris B says
Hi Qing! 🙂 You lucky lucky girl to be able to spend time in Japan! I hope you’re making the most of your experience there (belt-tightening aside) because it’s an experience you’ll savour for the rest of your life 😀 I know from my short visit there just how tempting it is to shop because they do cater for everything don’t they? And the food! Oh man, I love Japanese food and while they aren’t cheap, they are delicious! My advice, having lived away from home for a while, would be for you to take the opportunity to travel to as many places in Japan as you can go. You never know when you’ll go back and shopping is, at the end of the day, merely material. What you will take away with you when you leave, is your experience and memories of your time spent there, so go forth and have a wonderful time. I’m jealous… can you tell? 😉
Skygazer says
Hi PB!! Super excited to be here at your cafe!
My favourite foundation is Bourjois Radiance Reveal Healthy Mix (I buy it through Asos!). Love how a little goes a long way when I apply it with my Sigma.f82!
Paris B says
Hello hello Skygazer! 🙂 I’m happy to have you here too! Oh, I loved the Bourjois Healthy Mix but I haven’t tried the Radiance Reveal which I think is the new version of the original Healthy Mix foundation. If it’s similar in texture, which I’m told it is, then it’s one crazy amazing foundation! Does to much for such a little price right? 😀 Are you a fan of anything else by Bourjois though? I find their products a little too fragranced for my liking. If they’d kill the scent, I think I’d like them a whole lot more 😀
Skygazer says
Yes agree, they’re quite fragranced! So far the only other product I’ve tried are their eye shadows but I find them abit too glittery! I’m intending to try their Rouge Velvet for lips next.
Paris B says
Hmm to be honest I wouldn’t go for their shadows either! Too little colour pay off and as you’ve said, too much glitter. I tried their new Aqua Laque liquid lipstick but I’m not sure I’m as much in love as everyone else is with it. Oops! 😛
tirurit says
Hiya! First time in the cafe
So welcome back! Even though it involves piled up work and no scheduled posts left!
I have been really enjoying the paulas choice vitamin c serum. It has a strange gel like texture and it melts onto your skin.
I have also just bought a night time algenist moisturiser. For the price I paid I hope it DOES work!
Also, I have just decided to ditch my second job once I finish the school year. I am just running myself to the ground for little money and almost no benefits.
Paris B says
Hiya! Always a first time for everything 😀 Thanks for sharing your experience with Paula’s Choice. I’ve been very curious to try her products but we unfortunately can’t get it here 🙁 Anyway I can always hope and look online! I’ve been hearing a lot about Algenist recently. I have a couple of creams I’m supposed to try so I too hope it works because it’s pricey as you’ve said.
Good on you for deciding to drop your 2nd job. I’m sure you’re spreading yourself thin and while you’re in school it’s also a good time to enjoy yourself before you actually start work for good 🙂
Mrs Tubbs says
Hope you had a good holiday! I wondered why you hadn’t packed lunch recently!
Paris B says
I did thank you! I had no access at all to social media hence the silence on my front. But it turned out good in the end cos I had the chance to detox 😉 Have you done anything fun recently? Hope the weather is improving in the UK!
Kris Ong says
Hey there Paris, not sure if you remember me but I am an avid reader of your blog and both of our nephews came bouncing out quite at the same time, year of dragon I believe. 2.5 yrs have zoomed past and you have another nephew/niece (do correct me if I am mistaken) and I am having another nephew this august =) Life is good to us isn’t it.
Well, I’m going to start with non-beauty related, I am always curious abt your profession. I mean you look like a lawyer to me, but yet a little too creative for such a “hard” job. Well, nothing much going on 2015, I got married but don’t feel that its life changing. I am in HR but sometimes I wake up in the morning I feel that I should be in beauty related job. I get comments at work if I decided so boldly to put on a red lip or a bright pink lip or an attempt on smokey eyes. Tsk Tsk. Am I in the wrong job or what.
Back to beauty, our first love. Haha. My skin has been great, flawless in fact for pretty much my whole life until this year, 2015. I began breaking out at my temples and sideburn area and jawline. I went to a dermatologist and confirmed its hormonal acne. Bleh. So now I am battling redness, scarrings and ard 2-3 pimples at any one time. I must admit it is a blow to my self confidence, from getting compliments by strangers on my skin to raw, red and bumpy skin. I have bought so many medium to high coverage foundations to try, latest one being the MAC Pro Longwear Nourishing Waterproof foundation (Phew what a mouthful!) Well, Its still in the box but if you are interested I can report back =)
Favourite foundation: Used to be Armani LSF, now still on a lookout
Skincare product I love love love: Jojoba oil it soothes and moisturise and all natural
Lipstick I have been reaching for more than usual: Chanel Coco in CECILE, Charlotte Tilbury Perfect Bitch and Dior Smoothing Lip Lacquer (only when I tie up my hair)
Thanks for the coffee session, adds such a personal touch to your blog.
Paris B says
Hello Kris! Of course I remember you – How can I forget that we became Ah Yi at around the same time for the first time! 😀 Gosh, time sure does fly right? I now have 2 little nephews, and they’re both incredibly adorable. But only when they’re happy of course. On the other times, I’m happy to hand them back to their respective parents LOL! 😀
Congratulations on getting married! While not life-changing, I’m sure it makes you happy and that’s more important right? As for what I do, well, let’s just say that I don’t see things in black and white but in all 50 shades of grey 😉 So maybe you could be right? 😉 I’ve got friends in HR as well and I’d say it can be quite a thankless job especially if you have to deal with different people and their quirks right? I think a lot of us who love beauty feel we ought to be doing something in the beauty line, but you know what? We might not like it then either! LOL Maybe you could find a similar job in a beauty company some day? That would be the best of both worlds.
I’m so sorry to hear about your hormonal acne problem. I hope it’s under control one way or another. The problem when it’s to do with hormones, is that we can’t really do anything unless the hormones are kept under control right? I had my acne problem when I was a teen, all the way till university. It wasn’t until I started working that everything calmed down, so I know how hard it is and can be. I haven’t tried any MAC foundation to be honest, but please feel free to report back on how you like this one. I’ve heard a lot of good things about Prolongwear and I do hope you like it too 😀
Thanks for joining in the coffee session, Kris. I’m glad you enjoy it and please know that I thoroughly enjoy the little peeks into the lives of everyone who chooses to drop by and have a little chat. It makes me happy to see so many familiar “faces” drop by 😀
rage says
Hey it’s the Bride to be, again. Found a foundation I’ve fallen in love with. Like absolutelyyyy in love. It was by chance though; never heard of the brand/company before this purchase.
Its called Catrice All Matt Plus Shine control foundation. Im 020 and I haven’t ever been happier. It doesn’t yellow me out (I’m naturally two toned: cool toned on some places and warm toned on others on my face). It doesn’t feather or crease. I don’t have to set it with a powder. It’s suuuuch a beautiful match, I think I won’t have to say I died without finding an actual match for my skin 😀 The texture is beautiful; it’s creamy and gel like at the same time, and disappears into the skin like magic.
Also, it stays on for longgg. I’m talking tropical island summer day long. I feel the only thing I need is a better foundation brush (that i am working on 🙂 It also hides my blue veins well which is a surprise. I have transparent skin (for the lack of better word) and visible blue veins under my eyes and near my chin. So I don’t know… I think i am in love….
Paris B says
Hiya Rage, sorry for the late reply! But I absolutely share in your excitement in having found a foundation to love because it’s like the angels singing right? Plus it’s an affordable brand from what I know, so that’s even better! I think we’ve just got some Catrice here so I’m going to have to check it out now don’t I? tsk tsk… and people say I enable 😉
HapaGirl says
Hey, Paris! *waves* I didn\’t make it in time for the chat but I thought I\’d stop by and leave a note anyway. I truly enjoy reading your blog so much. It\’s refreshing, grounding, and honest. There\’s so much more to life than beauty and skincare, but man does it feel good sometimes to dish about it!I recently got back from a trip to Japan and I STOCKED UP on lots of great items there. Let\’s see, what are some highlights? A bunch of cheapie lip products and cream blush from Canmake, a few splurges on Shiseido Maquillage lip products, and a definite splurge on a Jill Stuart eyeshadow palette and those new lip oil glosses shaped like strawberries. Kawaii! I also replenished my supply of cleansing oil, shampoo
Paris B says
Hiya! Thank you so much for the uplifting comment 😀 I’m glad you like the varied topics, not just makeup and skincare! 😀 Oh and you went to Japan! Man, I’m so jealous! I love Japan and if I were to go again, I’d be so broke, it won’t be funny! Canmake cream blushes are the best! I haven’t checked them out recently coz last I knew they were in Sasa and I hate going into Sasa 😛 But you got Jill Stuart!! Eeks! I have one of the blushes, and it’s so adorable and so nice to use too! I hope you’re enjoying your eyeshadow palette – they always remind me of chocolate 😀
HapaGirl says
Oops, looks like my comment got cut off. I was blathering on about stuff I bought – but what I really want to say is that now I’m on a strict no-buy (I was on one from November until my trip last week!) and it feels good to be austere again.
Also, I wanted to say that the travel has certainly opened my eyes to how good things are here in Malaysia, relatively speaking. The working culture in Japan is just so rough. My family members who are still of working age have very little time for anything other than work! I’m grateful that life here in Malaysia is a bit slower in pace and that people seem to value spending time with family, eating good food, going outdoors, etc.
Anyway, big hugs to you and I hope all is well! xo
Paris B says
You know, I find it interesting seeing Malaysia through the eyes of someone else who isn’t as jaded as I am about how things are going. I tend to forget how good we have it here, so thank you for reminding me that under all our dirt, we have some gold too LOL 😀 Still hoping to bump into you at Bangsar pasar malam one day 😉
Efrain says
Yeah I’m late to the cafe (I hope it’s still hot) but lately I’ve been with more work than usual, at least things are getting calm again. See I have started the summer courses in Uni, even though I only took up two subjects it takes time to move from a part to another; one subject is about policy advocacy (and the subject is in English) and the other is German (and I’m thinking about enter as a listener in French) I hope I won’t mix languages.
Also I started as a volunteer in a NGO that works reproductive and sexual rights, here was where most of my time was used but now I’m going to be for less hours there.
BTW I didn’t get the scholarship 🙁 but I don’t need the surgery 🙂 so it was a mix of good and bad news.
Beauty related I have one question the other day was talking with a gal and she told about that if you can’t eat your makeup you wouldn’t use it in your face and I didn’t really replied her but I was like WTF I’m pretty sure that even if I can eat it it may have some “dangerous” ingredients to use in my skin so I don’t get that thought of more “natural” products. What do you think?
Paris B says
Hi Efrain! I’m sorry to hear you didn’t get the scholarship, but glad to know about the surgery 😀 Besides, you just never know about opportunities. Maybe a future opportunity will come up for you to travel to Scotland or anywhere else. And I think you’re brave for taking subjects in 2 different languages! I’d be so confused LOL! 😀
Hmm I’m not a fan of DIY skincare/makeup so I suppose I think my skin is stronger and more resilient than I give it credit for. So, yes, I’d put stuff on my face I can’t eat, because well, not everything chemical based is bad, and not everything natural is good. Eg. I’m mildly lactose intolerant so dairy anything is bad for me, but if it’s good for my face I’d slap it right on! 😀
Peiqing says
My year 2015….
has been bad at work – fighting fire like you. in fact the first day of work 2 Jan morning started off some unexpected bad events and fire fighting.
But what’s good was I got to treat myself to a holiday back in Tokyo again! Hearts Tokyo/ Japan!!
And what’s surprising/ amazing was I had to go on a whirlwind trip to London, barely 1 month after returning from Tokyo, for a last min job interview invitation. I didn’t get the job, but it was a revealing experience of what I lack and how I can improve. Sobering… but at least it’s some insight? And I enjoyed my 1st visit to London! So pretty!
Skin-wise, I have had breakouts since the beginning of 2015, due to “firefighting” stress at work, but thank God! It’s made quite a lot of improvement in a short time since I took up a short laser facial trial with a clinic. 😉 Yes! I signed up for a package with them – it’s like a treat for myself after all the depressing events with work.
2015 fighting!
Paris B says
Gosh, it does sound like 2015 has been quite a roller coaster year for you Peiqing but what adventures you’ve had and we’re just halfway through the year! I think it’s wonderful that you had the opportunity to head to London for an interview, and as you said, even if you didn’t get the job, at least you know now which direction you should head. Who knows when another opportunity will come knocking! London is an amazing city. I love it too but haven’t been back in years and years. Overdue for a visit I think 😉 Glad to know laser treatment has helped your skin! I didn’t have a very impressive trial with little to no results, so I haven’t really gone for any treatments like this. But I can’t deny that every success story has me tempted to try! 😛