Hi everyone!
Last year at about this time, I had a bit of a melt down haha! Things have improved a little over the year as I’ve learned to do things “my way or no way”, which has been a bit of a coming of age for me. There’re still things I’d like to do better so I’m learning to be tougher too. But there was something I did last year that I felt was very good for me blog-wise, and that was taking a break.
So, by way of a gift from me to me on my day (guess you’ve worked out what the Celebrate October giveaways were really about), I’m taking the day and a little time off from blogging. But instead of having you come by today in anticipation of a post and have nothing to read, I’m going to share 21 things I’ve learned about myself in the past year. 21 of course, because I’m forever 21! 😉