One day, while sitting in queue minding my own business, a flash of bright yellow caught my eye and made me look up from the book I was reading. There, not 2 feet away from me was someone wearing the prettiest, brightest yellow satchel I’d ever seen in a sombre working environment and for some reason, it made me smile.
In a sea of black and grey bags (mine included), a bright yellow leather one was like a breath of sunshine in a stuffy room. It made sitting in a neverending queue just that little bit more bearable. It tugged at my wallet reminding me not so gently that hey, I don’t have a bag in a colour that bright or that cheery. (I have to remedy it!)
At the same time, I wanted to tell the lady that I liked her bag, it looked absolutely gorgeous and that she had excellent taste. But I didn’t and I sort of regretted it. Have you complimented a stranger on their bag or accessories before?
I haven’t gone up to a stranger to tell them that their bag looks lovely, or that their accessories caught my eye. I would usually admire from afar but that’s about that. Sometimes, if its just someone walking past, I could hardly reach out, grab them by their arm and say “Hey, nice bag!”
Although, if I come to think of it, why shouldn’t I? Granted, they could turn out to have a black belt in taekwondo and throw me over their shoulder thinking I was trying to rob or pickpocket them, but on the other hand, it might just make a stranger’s day, knowing that someone noticed their bag 🙂
Have you ever complimented a stranger on their bag or accessories? Have you been complimented by a stranger?
While I haven’t done so, I will the next time. The next time I see a stranger with a bag that makes me smile and fills my dreary day with sunlight and brightness, I will stop them and tell them that I love their choice and taste. I haven’t been at the receiving end, but who’s to say it won’t spark a chain reaction? 🙂 So, lady with the lovely yellow satchel, if you are reading this and noticed someone eyeing your bag covetously, rest assured that it was purely in lust and admiration at your excellent choice and some day, I’ll tell you that! 😉 Now please excuse me while I go drool over a bright yellow satchel and check my funds 😉
Paris B
I do, if I smile at the stranger and she returns with eye contact. Then I know it’s OK to give compliment. But it’s usually done in queues or cafes, not any random stranger walking past you… hahahaha
If I tried grabbing a random stranger, I’d probably earn myself a black eye lol!
Black eye!! hahahahaha!! :p
I compliment people ALL THE TIME. My job deals with a lot of people, so I learned a long time ago to not be too shy about telling people how they look or how pretty their purse is.
Just yesterday, at work, I told this woman her hair looked beautiful and that prompted her to tell me that she did it for a dance competition. Later on, I told this girl that I liked her purse.
Next time, don’t be shy.