A blog hiatus is an idea I’ve been toying about with for a little while. I rarely take blog breaks, mainly because there is a lot to talk about and some personal commitments to adhere to, but there will come a time when I may take a little time off. No plans yet but I’ll be sure to let you all know when I do 🙂
And that’s something I just wanted to talk about today – keeping your readers up to date.
If you have any amount of traffic or readership, or if you blog on a regular schedule, your readers will have a certain expectation. Its all well to say we blog for ourselves and don’t owe anyone but ourselves an explanation for what we do or do not do, but the fact is, we should consider the readers, because what is your blog without your readership base?
If you blog on alternate days, readers will expect to have your update pop up every other day. If you blog daily, there is a reader expectation of having a daily post to read, and skipping a day may puzzle them.
So, when you unexpectedly disappear for longer than a day or two, imagine the consternation of your loyal group of readers. It could range anywhere from concern to displeasure to being upset. Humans have a wide range of feelings and ways of interpreting things. So, I believe that it is good practice to have an “I’m Away” notice. Am I alone in thinking this?
Putting up an “I’m Away” notice or “Short Hiatus” serves as a notice to your readers that you aren’t abandoning them or leaving them in the lurch. It tells them that you are still hanging around, but that life has taken an unexpected turn, and you just need to get back on even keel before continuing with your online exploits.
There is no need for a lengthy explanation as to why you are on hiatus. It could be a personal matter, you may be away on a long vacation and how much you want to divulge will depend on your style. These days, its so easy to get online from anywhere, to post a short note and I think its just polite to do so.Its the same thing as going to a favourite cafe to find it closed but with a note in the window explaining that they are closed for the day and to please come back the next day. It tells you that the cafe isn’t closed for good, but that it is only temporary and it reassures their customers.
I just think it good practice to say something, because I found that a few blogs I used to follow just dropped off the face of the earth. Their blogs were still there, but updates ceased with no explanations or notice for months on end. A short note saying they were shutting down their blog, or that they were taking an extended hiatus or that they were busy but would return, would be nice, and if you ask me, just polite to all loyal readers.
Do you feel the same as I do? Have you taken a blog hiatus recently?
I think a blog hiatus is a good idea sometimes. It allows you to take a break, evaluate your position and decide how to move forward. Or if real life starts taking over, the online life will have to give. That said, I suppose if one doesn’t have a set “schedule” then a notice probably isn’t necessary – all depends on the blog and blogger! 🙂
Paris B
Simple Blogging Tips are some simple tips I have for fellow bloggers, based on my own experiences. I’m no ‘guru’ but I hope they will help you. You may read up on previous Simple Blogging Tips here or please feel free to ask your question in the comment box or in email.
I agree, you are not alone in this thinking! If it’s quite a long break (a week +), then I think it’s nice to have some sort of notice. 🙂
Glad to know I’m not alone thinking this 🙂 I think a week is a fair enough time to give notice of a short break. Little days off in between don’t quite count do they? 😉
I always mention if I go on hiatus because it’s frustrating to keep checking a blog expecting updates and… nothing! Not to say the blogger “owes” his/her readers an explanation, but it’s definitely an appreciated courtesy.
Yes! I sometimes wonder if my feed reader is broken or something, and go over to the blog only to see silence on the western front. Would be nice to see some sort of “Away” notice
I’m good with a day or two…I don’t really need a notice for that and I won’t get upset or angry. But over a week, I’ll probably like to know. And angry…hmmm…if I follow a blog, I’m more likely to like it so I won’t get angry but perhaps concerned.
I would be concerned too but I actually saw readers get angry with a blogger once for not updating because her mother fell sick. I thought it was really horrible of them to be so nasty!
I definitely agree. It was a month ago when I was suddenly hospitalised for appendicitis, and it was easy for me to just blog using my mobile phone, saying that I’d be away for a few days + short explanation. Personally, I think it is common courtesy to at least keep readers informed.
Yep, short little notices don’t take too much time and these days, wifi, data amd smartphones or tablets makes things so easy!
Another interesting post here! 😀
I totally agree with you 😀 That said, I felt guilty as a reader too you know! LOL 😛 Sometimes I just really don’t get the chance to talk here because I felt that it’s better not to talk if it’s just talking for the sake of wanting to drop a few lines. So that’s why sometimes you may hear me say “Paris dearie, I am back!” 😛 I guess I need to learn to be more courteous too as a reader 😀
Fortunately I don’t blog 😛
LOL!! Why on earth do you feel guilty?! 😀 Its nice to have regulars around, but I know people get busy or they lose interest, or maybe the topic of the day or week just isn’t their thing. But its really nice to hear from a regular so thank you!
Guilty as charged! I don’t blog on a regular schedule, but when I had stopped posting for months, I found people took noticed and cared when I thought no one would!
Yes Peach, we care! 😀 I think that a break is most noticeable when a blogger posts very regularly but its nice to have you back 😀
Definitely a good idea to mention on the blog if you’re taking a break. Bloggers who blog frequently and consistently creates a form of expectation for readers. It’s good to let them know that you’re all right and have no disappeared off the face of the earth 🙂
I do have a question though, and it’s something that was alerted me via Twitter quite some time ago. Is it safe to announce on the blog you’ll be away (as in going for a holiday) though? For safety sake, in case your house gets broken into during that time because it’s announced on the blog (or social media) that you will be away? What do you think?
Good question, Tine. From a personal point of view, I never mention when I’m going away on vacation and for how long. I personally do not think it safe to mention because you never know who is reading and who knows you or where you live etc. I try to keep many aspects of my life private so the less people know, the better. I usually do my holiday announcements after I return from vacation and when I’m away, I try to keep the blog going, so no one really knows if you’re around or away. Excellent way of messing about with people’s heads 😛
I plan on taking one as you know soon. I thought I’d be able to take a break right away, but I keep getting pulled back in. But I think come November I’ll be able to. I have a holiday planned to Disneyland and will hopefully be able to take some time off and clear my head.
I know exactly how you feel, Tracy! I am thinking of taking one soon but haven’t decided when. Getting sucked back in, as you say 🙂 I love that you’re going to Disneyland. I LOVE DISNEYLAND! 😀 😀 Maybe you could share photos etc when you return to blogging (for my sake anyway LOL!)
You miss need a short holiday from your blog. As much as I love checking out the new posts everyday, I do sometimes feel that you should take a break and a breather. I think letting us know with a short note is good enough. Everyone needs a break every once in awhile. Most bloggers don’t even blog everyday actually.
Glad you agree, Joy 😛 But the personal commitments sometimes bug me too much and there’s too much to cover, so yeah >.< Thank goodness I do enjoy it eh? 😉
wow this topic serve me well…i am jus thinking about it too..i have a very busy schedule september due to vacations, personal gathering,works and my bday celebration…even when Im in vacation, i try to update some picture to keep my reader updated. It was really exhausted to spend whole day travelling and edit picture on the same night before i dooze off..at time i really wish i could update my blog daily but just too tied up at work…I wish i could have break either from my work or blog…either one will be great!!
I know what you mean, Cindy. I make it a point when I’m on vacation to never touch my blog. I just schedule my posts ahead of time and leave it to run. Its no fun when you have to “work” while on holiday 😉
yeah just need to fully enjoy the holidays…that the true meaning right??so r u going holiday soon?
Nope, no holiday on the horizon for me 🙂
Paris, I agree with you. I think blogs are very much both ways relatioship. It is good to know what to expect. Thank you 🙂
Indeed! I like to think from a reader’s point of view since I read so many blogs myself 😀 I’m glad we are all on the same page
It is at least a common courtesy.. If you have readers watching you daily, at least you should do it for them! I know it’s not a blog but, for example, recently famous blogger Susan Miller lost her mom. And she did the same. She put a notice on her webpage explaining the situation.. That is how you pay respect to yourself and your readers
You’re right, Casey it comes down to courtesy 🙂 Even if someone chooses not to tell the exact reason why they are away, I think a short notice is good practice. At least readers know you have not abandoned them (or at the very least, that you’re alright)
Ah yes. Blogs on my follow list just don’t update anymore. It makes me wonder if I should delete them.
I did surely feel like there is one less if MWS stops posting. =P Sometimes one day break also seems a bit too long to wait. =PPP
After reading several hiatus notices over the years, I’ve learned that it is good to post too if I know I will be busy, because I appreciate those notices.
I run though my blog roll once in a while and if I come across a blog that doesn’t update anymore after months, I delete it. I may keep it in my reader just in case they pop up some day in the future but on the visible blogroll, its off. Can’t be directing my readers to a dead blog (well, unless there’s a wealth of info in there 🙂 )
It’s good to get a notice so that I don’t have to check back every other hour for new post and was dissappointed every time, which will get really annoying after a while… becoz if a blogger doesn’t care much about his/her readers to post a notice of the away, then why start a blog in the 1st place, right ?!
Oh yes I know exactly how you feel, Bugs. When some of my fave blogs fell off the bandwagon, my interest in them fell off too. I keep some in my feed reader because that updates automatically and I don’t have to keep checking back 😉
Hmm, yes i subscribed to RSS once on another blog, but maybe I’m “old-fashion” or I’m juz plain boring that I like to check on the blog myself for updates… XD
Talking about feed reader, do readers need to subscribe to count as a follower of a blog? On some blogs, the 1st condition to join a giveaways or contest is that they must be a follower of that blog and they even have follower ID as proof..?! I’m juz curious about the “follower” thingy and what it does for the blogger. ( If this is a silly question which need lotsa time explaining to a non blogger like me, pls juz ignore, I might not understand anyhow ^_^ )
Haha I know what you mean, Bugs. Sometimes, I check the blog again, just in case the RSS feed is broken or something.
As for your question, its a little bit technical, based on my understanding. You see, some blogs hosted on Blogger/blogspot (if you notice) have this thing called a Google Friend Connect box in the sidebar showing their “followers” and I think that when some blogs specify “followers” they mean visibly following their blogs. However, this function isn’t available to blogs using wordpress or self hosted wordpress blog. Following/reading in RSS means no one knows if you are or if you aren’t. No one can tell. A bit technical but I hope it was clear 😀 Feel free to ask more questions if you like! 😀
It’s good to update your readers so they don’t wonder why you are gone. As for me, I will faithfully check through the blogs once a day, everyday. If I don’t see any updates say in a month, I start to lose interest. Hence, it’s better to update if you are going to be gone for a while.
You don’t have to tell them exactly where you go. A simple message will do. It’s just mannerism? Ha ha… Maybe I’m being overly-sensitive here but these days, you can NEVER tell how a person will react. As such, better be safe than sorry. Well, just my 2 cents worth!
I wish you a GREAT weekend Paris!
I fully agree! I never tell people where I go, well except for the last time, but even then, I never say exactly when either. Its more of a privacy and personal thing than anything else but when going on a break, its good to let people know. Just manners, as you say 🙂 Hope your weekend has been a lovely one Callie!
I agree, I tend to worry that something has happened to the blogger. Just to say that you’re not blogging for a while is sufficient.
I am guilty though of taking a hiatus this week when I had problems with my ISP – no internet or 3G for 72 hours. It was difficult!
Yep, I think its helpful to know, because sometimes, we follow a blog so closely, its almost as if we know them and their dropping off the radar can be worrying. Glad you got your ISP issues sorted! Those are the worst sort >.<
If I’m going for a week usually I put up a notice or a nice picture of the place I’m going and maybe if I can will put up a few photos of the places I went to during my holiday if I can get wifi. I think it’s good to inform readers that you are away for a holiday or anything at least people wont left wondering where you gone, and are you alright sort of things 🙂
Yep! Your loyal readers might think something bad happened if a blogger suddenly stopped blogging without reason. I’ve even seen some readers get angry! It was weird.
I just went on a hiatus and it felt so good! No pressure to update, no “oh no I still need to blog later”. I think a break is very important esp if blogging starts becoming a kind of chore. It helps u to re-evaluate n love blogging all over again, if I’m making any sense. 🙂
I don’t think I put up any notice prior to going on a hiatus tho, prob midway through it, but it’s still better than nothing! >. <