You know Christmas is upon us when you see gorgeous items like this pop up in promotional images and eventually, at counters.
Tell me your heart didn’t stop a beat, when you spotted that beautiful gold on black lid. In terms of packaging, my eye was set on the Guerlain Perles du Dragon Meteorites the moment I knew of its existence. Hello! Black enamelled tin and gold lid inlay? Just take my money already, Guerlain! Take it all! 😛
Guerlain’s Christmas 2012 takes on the Orient with their Liu collection. Liu is one of the fragrances in the Guerlain line up, and is an Asian heroine in Puccini’s opera, Turandot. What you can expect is lots of reds and golds which is very Oriental (read: Chinese. Chinese love red and gold because its auspicious and prosperous. I love red and gold LOL! 😛 ), and at the same time, very fitting of Christmas as they are very festive colours.
I only have the Perles du Dragon to show you for now, but I also have my eye on the Liu Calligraphy Eye and Lip palette and when I get my grubby paws on that one, I’ll tell you about it 😉 So onward and unleash the Dragons!
Do you remember the Pucci Meteorites from the Summer 2012 collection? Remember the box and how they even printed the inside of the box with the signature Pucci print? Well, none of that here. What you get instead is a very striking red interior.
Open the box, and nestled within is the mysterious signature black tin. Unlike the Pucci Meteorites too, the Perles du Dragon goes back to the regular Meteorites tin cover, with the camellia flower design on the top.
This is the regular Meteorites tin painted black and gold so nothing unusual there. The inside is a black sponge, which is similar to that found in the Perles de Nuit Meteorites from Christmas 2011. I wasn’t terribly keen on it then and I still am not terribly keen on it, because the pearly powder shows up against the black and not very prettily either.
However, I have noticed in a new purchase of Teint Beige, that the permanent tins now also sport a sponge insert. The Teint Rose one I bought when the new tins were lauched sports a puff, like the ones found in the cardboard cases. I’m sort of sad to see the puff go – sure sign of cost cutting 😛
Griping aside, here’s what you get when you open the tin and reveal the Dragon pearls, as I’ve taken to calling them.
The pearls this time, are a pale lot with 5 colours, and I was initially a little afraid of seeing the pink, rose and purple powder balls in there. My concern was whether they might apply too pink on skin. Would this be relegated to that of a shimmery blush?
Here are the powder balls I found in this tin – Rose, Pink, Purple, White and Gold. The resulting effect from having all the colours meshed together, gives you the whitish powder you see on the sides of the tin in the picture before this one, and the sponge puff in this picture. I won’t even bother swatching this for you, lovelies. I tried, and it barely shows up and honestly, its one of those things you have to see and try for yourself.
Apparently, there are 6 shades in there, but I only see 5 in mine so I either mistook the beige and gold, or I’m cross-eyed 😛 Eitherway, it doesn’t matter because when you mix the colours together, what you are supposed to get is a transparent powder that illuminates, brightens and evens out skin. Use it as a finishing powder, after you have completed your base.
I personally found that the Perles du Dragon applies on my skin a bit cool, and a bit whitish. Its hard to explain, but although it evens out my skin and gives me this surreal glow and air-brushed look (even under harsh fluorescent lighting, mind you!) I find it cools down the tone of my skin somewhat. It does make my skin look brighter though. Perhaps what I need is a bit more gold to warm up the tone. And this is where I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the Perles de Nuit from last year took the cake. The candlelit glow from within generated by that tub of Meteorites is second to none I have ever tried.
Oh, and if you are afraid of shimmer, do be warned that the Perles du Dragon does appear a bit more shimmery. It might be because its the Christmas edition so they tend to be more festive. Perles de Nuit was similarly more shimmery, but the Pucci one wasn’t.
Can I use the pink balls as a blush? Well, I suppose if you isolated the pink and purple balls you could but I otherwise wouldn’t bother. Just use it as you would your regular Meteorites i.e. swirl your brush in it and apply on skin, then step back and admire yourself in the mirror 😉
In a nutshell
The Guerlain Meteorites Perles du Dragon is the limited edition Meteorites for Christmas 2012. Part of the Liu collection, it carries the Liu black enamelled packaging contrasted with gold in the signature camellia on the lid. The packaging is very beautiful and it is tempting to buy it just for that! The powder however is nothing like what you see in the promotional images which shows a very warm set of pearls. Instead, what you get is a collection of pink, rose, beige, purple, gold and white that blends together to give skin a brightening glow. However, I personally find that although it does brighten skin, it also looks a bit whitish. Its great when I use it over a foundation that is a bit warm, but when I go over a pink or more neutral toned foundation I can risk looking a bit “white”. So for this, I must say that the Perles du Dragon, whilst gorgeous, may not be for everyone.
Pros: Beautiful packaging, Infuses skin with a brightening glow
Cons: Depending on your skintone, it may apply a little whiter than you like
Who will like this: Collectors of Meteorites (like me!), Anyone who appreciates a brightening glowy powder that is a little more shimmery than the ones in the permanent range
I have here some comparisons between the Perles du Dragon and Perles de Nuit and the permanent Teint Rose.
As you can probably see, Perles de Nuit is much warmer in tone than Perles du Dragon. On skin, the difference is noticeable to me, mainly because I am quite used to seeing these. Teint Rose is there for comparison sake, because it is permanent and it isn’t as shimmery as the other two.
As I’ve pointed out, I find Perles du Dragon a bit cool and a bit white on skin. If you have very warm skintones, I personally do not think this will be Meteorites you are looking for. You may not like the cast and for very warm skintones, try looking into Teint Beige or Teint Dore (both permanent).
If you are new to trying Meteorites, I would suggest you proceed with caution with Perles du Dragon because it is shimmery (its not bling bling glitter, but it is noticeable and if you rub your hand against your face, you will see pearly shimmer come off) and you may not like the whitish cast you can get if you accidentally use too much. I would then direct you to Teint Rose, because for me, it suits most and you can use it everyday without ever looking like you’re ready to party.
You gotta admit though, that black and gold tin is bloody hard to resist! 😛
The other item I’m eyeing in the Liu collection is this palette – the Liu Calligraphy Eye and Lip palette.
I usually am not a fan of palettes that have powder and cream products next to each other but the colours in this one look pretty amazing, and wearable. Guerlain should take a leaf out of Dior’s book and make a cover for their lip colours though. That would most assuredly seal the deal for me! You can view the swatches of this on Messy Wands.
Do you have your heart set on the Perles du Dragon? Or are you eyeing anything else from the Guerlain Liu collection?
Here’s an interesting bit of trivia. Chinese dragons have a pearl which contains the Dragon’s wisdom and knowledge and power. If you have ever seen a Dragon Dance, you will see how the “Dragon” will chase after the “pearl” that is just led tantalizingly out of reach. I don’t know if the Liu Collection is being released in conjunction with the Dragon year of the Chinese Zodiac, but if it is, I like the nod given to it, and I predict it will sell out worldwide, because the Chinese market is HUGE and Chinese love Dragons LOL! 😛
Paris B
Guerlain Liu Collection Availability: 1 November 2012 onwards Price: Perles du Dragon – RM181; Liu Calligraphy Eye and Lip palette – RM239; Meteorites Wulong Exceptional Pressed powder – RM489; Les Ombres Turandot Ecrin 4 colour eyeshadow – RM193; Shine Automatique lipstick in #700 Altoum and #760 Lou Ling – RM118; Nail lacquers in Lou Ling and Altoum – RM77; LIU Perfumed Shimmer Powder for Face Body and Hair – RM260
I am so getting this!! Hopefully someone in kl is on the lookout for me right now!! I love my Meteorites and in having a dragon baby so it’s fitting no? Haha any excuse!!
I’m told it’ll be out early Nov so get your contact to standby! 😉 And yes, it is most fitting – no excuses necessary 😉
I still haven’t tried any of these if you can believe it! I thought I wanted to pick up the Chanel loose powder, but now I’m having second thoughts!
I’d probably skip this one though. If it makes your skin tone cooler, it’ll most definitely look unnatural on me. And YES I’m totally eyeing that palette! All the colors in there are to-die-for!
*gasp!* Time to remedy this, Sunny! 😉 I rave up and down about them, over the years but I’ve also had people tell me that it does nothing for them. I think its one of those cult products that are either love or not 😉
I KNOW, right? I actually were reading up on some of your VERY extensive Meteorites post last night, and that makes me want all of them LOL
I’ll see if I can take a good look at it today. Going (grocery) shopping soon 😉
Hahaha let’s hope a Guerlain Meteorites did not accidentally fall into your grocery basket 😉
Thanks so much for doing this review Paris! I was so certain that Perles du Dragon would be my first meteorites (actually it was really the packaging … how can anyone resist black and gold!) but I think it might not work with my skin tone. Especially with summer coming up I’d stick out like a sore, pasty and shiny thumb! Would you recommend Teint Rose for a NC20 combo oily?
Oh and the prices in Malaysia are so much better than in Aus 🙁 The Guerlain SA at Myer told me the Perles would be approx AUD120 and the compact AUD280 (!!! I died a little inside on hearing that).
Hi Gwen, it actually isn’t shiny shimmery, more like a more obvious glow. I wear it in the day in hot humid Malaysia and there’s no shine 🙂 That said, Teint Rose is less shiny for sure and I do think it would suit most people. It brightens the skin too but in a less obvious way than the Perles du Dragon does. I’m told about the scary prices in Australia too! Its pricey here but its almost double the price in Aust 🙁
Oh Guerlain, you can do no wrong!!!!!!!
You said it Tammy! 😀
BUT… they are ballz. So pretty! I do like the peachier appearance of the other ballz though, I agree with you. But… Ballz!
^ love this comment 😀
LOL!! The pretty Ballz and the gorgeous packaging. Lethal combination!
AWH! Love!!!! I have one of the meteorites, but its really a collectors item for me, because its whitish on me. But I love the smell, the packaging, the name the look! And most deff want this one!
Ooh which one do you have Van? 🙂 I’m collecting these too with every new collection that comes out 😀
I am lusting after that palette!! Red, gold and black, come to mama~!!
I can almost see the stampede to the counter happening when it is available LOL!
Hey there!
I was wondering, where can you purchase this collection in Malaysia?
Thanks a lot!
Hi, it is available at Guerlain counters (Isetan KLCC & The Gardens, Sogo, Parkson KLCC & Pavilion) from November 2012.
I just bought this off eBay for £35.99 and waiting for it to arrive. The retail in the UK is £42. But in my little town, the Debenhams has no Guerlain counter and further away, I don’t know if the Guerlain counter at the House of Fraser will carry this collection. Besides this eBay seller sells it cheaper than retail and it’s a top-rated seller. 🙂
Glad you managed to get it cheaper online! Its a gorgeous little thing!
Where is it £42? I got mine for £37.50 and they’re that price everywhere (House of Fraser, Debenhams etc. – checked all of them).
Anyway, they are a beautiful set and I’m happy to have them! Enjoy!
I’m glad i’ve gotten last year’s meteorites. Look rather on the similar side to this year’s. But i still prefer last year’s version. It’s perfect for my skin tone. Not too cool or warm.
Did you mean the Nuit one in the teal tin? I love that one too 🙂 Its quite different from the Dragon one but I think it gives a nicer glow to the skin
Ooooohhh…so so pretty! Totally want this!!!!
Look out for it early Nov! 😉
Yeah–definitely going with your advice and getting the Teint Beige. I’m sad though because about 40% of why I want the Perles du Dragon was because of that insanely gorgeous black container!!! 🙁
Fingers crossed that Guerlain does another amazing tin in Summer 2013 in a warmer shade and you can pick that up instead! 😀
The packaging is SO gorgeous, isn’t it? Black lacquer and gold inlay, and you can sign me up!
Its all about the packaging, Alison! 😀
I’m getting them for Christmas. As they’ll be probably sold out by then, I’ve decided to order early. The package arrived today and I just peeked into the tin to see if everything was whole. I have to close the package now. 🙁
I’ll have some fun with my other Meteorites (I use the ‘Teint Rose’ ones daily and the ‘Perles de Nuit’ on special occasions) until Christmas, though. 😉
You posted this just a few hours after I bought it! I was so looking forward to buying this one. The reds, the black, everything. Dragon year too, it was made for me! I do wish it had some kind of Dragon motif on the packaging though, that would have been to die for. Like when they had the little bee on the lid for one of the previous years. A dragon wrapped around the container.
Also, Dragon Balls! (I’m sorry, couldn’t resist, Dragon Ball was part of my growing up, hehe.)
I already have Teint Rose, at first I thought it was just a nice to have and one was enough. Then everyone, complimented my skin when I wore it, everytime. Now I only want to add the white version to my collection which seems to be an Asia exclusive (ok, ok and the spring version which I’ve seen previews on this week).
Somehow I’ve turned into collector, with no intention of ever doing so! There’s just something so nice about owning these.
Oh, I hope you don’t mind me sharing this awesome collection I found online, how amazing is it? It goes all the way back to 2000!
Meteorites are an expensive addiction >.< I do see the white ones here but I never thought to pick them up. I wonder what they will do? I somehow imagine white shimmer all over LOL! And you know what? I actually recognised that picture that you linked - I remember her collection from MakeupAlley days 😀 I wasn't a fan then but it was when I was first introduced to Meteorites. The rest as they say, is history 😀
Hmm, I was thinking about this, but I think I’ll just purchase a refill of the permanent one. Forgot how pretty they are 🙂
I always perk up when you have a Meteorites post! This is lovely looking, but I will take your advice. I finally received a Teint Rose as a gift yesterday–woot! So excited, can’t wait to play with it!
WOOHOO! I hope you enjoy it – its the point of no return 😉
Oh god I’m praying it’ll be suitable for my skin because I want this so bad! I don’t have my own Meteorites yet and dying to own a tin of my own!!
I’m totally sold for the name since I’m a Dragon baby myself XD;;
Its out at Parkson Pavilion and KLCC now, I’m told so go and try! 😉
Hi Paris, I’m new to your blog and really love your articles. Thanks for generously sharing your experiences and thoughts with all of the readers. I’ve just bought my first tin of Teint Rose pearls mostly because of you. They are so adorable and Guerlain really should give you the credit 🙂 You might think I have a funny taste as I’m quite obsessed with the scent. Do you, by any chance, know any perfume has the closest smell?
Hi Jena, thank you for your comment and I am secretly pleased to have enabled you into getting the Meteorites 🙂 Hope you love it as much as I do! As for the scent, I’m not sure. I have read its the scent of violets and Guerlain may do a fragrance that matches it. Try taking a sniff at some of their fragrances, perhaps? 🙂