A few months back, I found myself battling dull looking skin. That was when I went on a regiment on using primarily brightening/whitening skincare coupled with hydrating creams and things were finally looking up. But for some reason, I still felt it was lacking that oomph!
One evening, I was digging through my stash of half-used skincare when I chanced upon the Dior Capture Totale One Essential Skin Boosting Super Serum. This was my second bottle that I purchased, after the excellent results I had with the first. I’d forgotten about it in the process of messing around.
I remembered then, that I had gotten quite good results from using this serum with anti-aging or lifting skincare back in the day. I was curious to see therefore, if it might have the same results with the whitening/brightening skincare I was using.
Well, what d’ya know? It does! 😀 Don’t you love rediscovering an old fave that works?
The Dior Capture Totale One Essential Skin Boosting Super Serum is supposed to be a serum that eliminates toxins on the skin and reinforces the youthfulness of the skin. It targets primarily the signs of aging – wrinkles, fine lines and uneven skin tone. I didn’t pay much attention to the latter when I was using it before this but this time, I paid a bit more attention.
What this serum also does, is boost the efficacy of your serums and skincare. You can read most of the nitty gritty in my previous review. What I discovered this time around, is that when I used this pre-serum, coupled with a wipe off skin brightener (will talk about this some time) and my regular skincare, I actually saw better results on my skin. It stopped looking as dull, and just looked better and clearer and although it is attributable to the skincare used, I also think the effect was boosted by using this serum.
I think it even helps boost the efficacy of the Clinique Even Better serum which I already am a huge fan of. I had this awful huge spot on my chin (which you might see here) and once I got it down, there was still a dark mark to fade (don’t you hate it when that happens?!). I do believe that this serum coupled with the Clinique Even Better serum got it faded enough within a week, to conceal with just a light concealer or even just foundation. Its not scientific, but it made me happy 🙂 I’m a fan all over again and I’m glad I rediscovered this one! Wallet’s gonna hurt when this remaining runs out and I have to replenish, though 😛
I also picked up the One Essential Ultra Detox Treatment Mask about 2 weeks back but haven’t gotten round to using it yet. Its supposed to be even more concentrated than the serum and produce better results in that skin is supposed to look plumped, smooth and glowing almost immediately. Darn it! I had to see if it works, never mind that my wallet cried out in pain 😛 I’ll come back with a report soon once I put it to a few uses. Its just a 50ml tub and I don’t expect to get many uses out of it so it better work … or not hmmm… 😛
Have you rediscovered an old favourite in skincare recently? Or are you discovering a new favourite? Do share! 😀
Paris B
Dior Capture Totale One Essential Skin Boosting Super Serum and Ultra Detox Treatment Mask Price: RM360 (mask)/ RM360 30ml (serum in 2010) Availability: Dior counters
I’m rediscovering old favorites in Diorsnow and its newly formulated serums
And I’m discovering new love for the One Essential range! You must try the mask soon. It really works!
Still not quite feeling the Diorsnow products although I’m liking the gel and lotion. But One Essential is awesome. I swear it makes any product work better 😛
I’ve just started using Shiseido’s White Lucent Brightening Protective Emulsion! While I’m not into skin lightening I am really liking the light texture of this product! Too bad most of Shiseido’s products come in glass bottles… Can’t quite haul them back! +___+
I quite like that one! It’s light and it doesn’t do any drastic lightening of the skin. It’s in fact quite gentle. I prefer it for a long term use thing to Clinique Even Better. That one, I use for “instant” results or just for a month or so to get things back on even keel or to get rid of acne scars. It’s good for that 😉
I keep testing new cleansers, but I always go back to my very first one recommended by my beautician.
Sometimes, it’s that one that works that we should really stick to right? Which cleanser is this, by the way? 🙂
It’s Evarro, from Switzerland. But I do not know where else to get it other than from my beautician.
I think I have a tiny sample vial of this at home… must dig it out and test soon! 😛
I do hope it’ll work for you. Ive read of people breaking out a bit from using this, but I’m lucky I didn’t. It’s great for me but I also realize not everyone likes it 😉
I envy you that you can try out multiple skincare like this 🙁 My skin goes into a rage if I even THINK of switching products 🙁
Pros and cons to trying new products. Pro: I get to mess around and Con: I mess around and never stick to one regime 😛
Hi Paris! Is this similar to the Lancome Genefique and Cosme Decorte Moisture Liposome Essence (the purple bottle)? I think they have the same function right? My skin reacts to Genefique, it breaks me out. I am now using the Moisture Liposome and it is awesome, the intial effect was really good, I am now on my 3rd bottle and I find my skin has somehow gotten used to it and the improvement is not so visible anymore.
I agree with your sentiment about discovering good ol favourites, I find myself reverting back to old favourites after some time and enjoying the process all over again.
Hi LSY, I haven’t tried the Cosme Decorte one so I’m not sure if it’s similar, my skin hates Genefique too! My mom loves it though so maybe it’s just meant for older skins 😉 I’d put this One Essential as being closer to Lancome’s Visionnaire. It’s a serum meant to be used before your normal serums, to boost the efficacy of the serums. This one also claims to remove skin toxins so skin looks brighter and better. I was told that we should stick to one skincare that works for us for best results. But honestly, how many of us can do that, eh? 😉
I haven’t tried any Dior skincare yet, and in all honesty I want to prolong this phase as much as I can (budget concerns *coughs*)!
I know what you mean by rediscovering a new favorite. Even before I started blogging I liked to try different products even if I’d found one I liked. I always believed the next is just going to be as good, but sometimes when I look back I realize it’s not!
Haha other than this product, and maybe one or two others, I don’t think it’s all that necessary to try Dior skincare per se 😉 but yes, like you, from way back, I was always hopping around, from high end to low end and back to high end. It’s the reason I started blogging! To keep track of what I’ve used and if it worked hehe…
I don’t have any skincare favorites, yet, but I’m trying everything I own, hoping to find the right products 🙂
I hope in the process of trying, that you do find a fave. Its always that eureka moment 😀
My pores are super easily clogged… Even the khiels oil free one clogged me up! The midnight serum too although it markedly improved my finelines at under eyes area.. ( I recently accidentally put it there one day and the next day I saw reduction!) am planning to use it once every alternate day…only around the eyes.. Hmm… But should I even put serum around eyes in the first day?
Any suggestion Paris?
Oya back to pores…(haha side tracked)
now I am back to My old old Neutrogena hydroboost, my pores improved, spots are MINiMAL ad skin is just SO magically nice…
Its effect is suprising.. Since its just a drugstore moisturiZer
****around the eyes in the first place
What I was told is that silicone may just be the culprit. I’m not sure if any of the products you use contain silicone but sometimes, they can irritate sensitive skin and clog pores. I’m not sure if the MRC can be put around the eye area but you know, if it doesn’t bother you, I don’t see why not! 😀 I’ve been taught that a light oil like avocado oil is good for the eye area. Use just a tiny bit and tap it in the skin around the eye and maybe do it just twice a week 😉 That said, if that Neutrogena works for you, there’s no reason not to continue using it! 😉
I bought this 75ml serum last month for RM580… so far am loving it… but haven’t seen the result as drastic as yours previous review…
Look on the bright side, Allison. Maybe you don’t have that much to improve hehe 😉
My pores are still quite large and my face did break out a bit when I first started using it day and night… now that I only use it at night… my sleeping mask seems like absorbing better after I apply the serum…
Hi Paris,
I wanna thank you for your idea of mixing both ANR and MRC cos it gave me idea to produce my own concoction of ANR with Clarins Facial Treatment Oil. However, I was wondering have u ever tried using the Dior One Essential as a pre serum and later follow by ANR? Do let me noe if u hv tried it and if you like it? Pls pls pls…. Lol
Hi Liyeun, that’s interesting 🙂 I have used Dior One Essential before and was using it with ANR. Didn’t quite notice anything remarkable although both serums are good for me 🙂 I’ve stopped it for a while though (Finished my bottle and haven’t replenished 😛 )
Oh, so I guess I’m just gonna just stick with da new mixture i’d made! Safe more money without one essential…hehehe