I feel almost shabby following Peach_’s perfect polish application of the Dior Vernis in Forget-Me-Not with this poor rendering of nail polish. But I just had to show you one of my favourite polishes from A-England – Tristam.
I’m a little unsure as to the exact spelling. I used to think it was Tristan who was the Knight but it would appear that Tristam and Tristan and also Tristram are used interchangeably. The reason I place Tristam amongst my faves is the colour. Just look at it.
It is a deep denim blue, with shimmer evenly spread out in the formula and on the nails, it looks like stars sprinkled across an inky dark blue sky. Its a beaut!
On nails, Tristam comes to life under yellow or direct light.
The multicolour shimmer is evenly spread throughout the formula and it takes just about 2 coats to get it opaque and ready for your top coat. The colour itself is a deep blue base and unlike a glitter polish, it isn’t a loud colour at all. Its surprisingly muted in daylight.
See what I mean? At a glance, you will not notice too much shimmer until you look a little closer and then you start drowning in the nebula filled polish. Its very pretty 🙂
Tristam or Sir Tristan the Knight in the King Arthur myths was a bit of a black sheep. He was tasked to fetch Iseult from Ireland, to be married to King Mark of Cornwall but along the way he and Iseult unknowingly consume a love potion, causing them to fall in love with each other. It was doomed of course and Iseult or Isolde ends up marrying King Mark of Cornwall and Sir Tristan lives his life and excelling in his bravery but always inextricably bound to the love for Iseult. Ah what is a good legend if not tragic 😛
A-England polishes grab my attention more so for the concept behind the collection than just merely the formula which in the case of Tristam is really quite good. I’m a right newbie when it comes to applying polish and I found this one easy to go on. The texture is lighter than usual and applies very easily. 2 coats gets it opaque enough for you to delight in the lovely colour. If I can work this, so can you 🙂
Do you like nail polish with shimmer or do you prefer a creamy colour? I prefer a shimmer colour because I find it easier to work. Do we have any other fans of A-England polishes out there?
Paris B
A-England nail polishes are 3-Free Price: £9 Availability: A-England website (free shipping worldwide) Collection: Mythicals
These are beautiful! I love all the glitter I can get!
Me too! I find shimmer polish easier to handle too
Looks like someone is getting a new addiction, ha! And I just love that you’ve put it on top of a ASOFAI book 😉
Yes yes! 😀 But only for certain brands, not the mainstream ones 😉 It just HAD to sit on an ASOFAI book – the whole line deserves it! 😀
It is sooo prettey!!! BUt RM 45 a pop, eeeks! Will wait till after CNY to see if I can haul it with my friends.
I didn’t think it too pricey because shipping is free worldwide after all 🙂 They recently had a 30% off sale if you saw my retweet? But I”m sure there’ll be another one so watch out for the sale then 😉
That is really pretty! I like the surprise sparkle element under bright light. I’m a creme/subtle shimmer lover, but can certainly appreciate good bling! 😀
Teehee I’m a kid at heart – bling all the way! Also I find shimmer polish easier to paint for some reason. I couldn’t handle the cream at all without it looking thick and streaky 🙁
I’m with peach here. I love cremes or subtle shimmer but this is really pretty!
You’re sophisticated mah… I’m a kid with bling on fingers 😀
Thanks to you, I’ve just placed an order for some of their polishes online. +___+ Here’s hoping they arrive before the much dreaded CNY! =D Dark blue really works well on you my dear! =)
Seriously? Y U NO TELL ME????
Yay! Did you manage to catch the sale? 😀 I hope you like them – I love them for some insane reason. I think its the fumes and the names 😀
It does look nice, and this coming from someone who’s pretty lazy when it comes to applying nail polish to begin with.
Anyhow, ordered one of the holiday specials since the last time you blogged about this brand…. have to love free global shipping.
Wow I enabled you to pick something! 😀 Which set did you get? I love that they have free global shipping too!
Quite honestly, I don’t remember now. Have to wait until I actually get it, haha..
I see you’re reading Storm of Swords! I loved that book, couldn’t put it down. Imagine if A-England came up with names like Lannister for red nail polish, or Stark for silver or blue, but I think they might get sued 😛 Jaime for gold nail polish, hee!
Yes! I watched Game of Thrones and then I got the book set (waiting for Book 5 to come out in paperback) and ploughed through Books 1-3 but am taking a break before reading Book 4 Feast of Crows because I was getting nightmares. Weird huh? 😛 I have the perfect Lannister polish actually – wait up for it 😉 Oh and I know they are supposed to be the bad guys but I love the Lannisters esp Tyrion! I didn’t like the Starks on paper although on telly, I was so sad then they killed off Sean Bean ahh…. I could go on and on… I love my fantasy novels 😛
Same here! I watched the series first before reading the books. I haven’t gotten nightmares from reading Game of Thrones yet, but I do find it hard to sleep at night sometimes because I read before I sleep 😛 Many people say Feast for Crows isn’t as exciting ast Book 3, but I think it’s a build up for something bigger in Book 5. YES I love Tyrion too! Peter Dinklage really made me love the character. Well, I supported the Starks although the only character I really liked was Arya and Jon, but was very sad they killed Ned =(
The color is very nice on your cute nails. Very festive.
Thank you Lavender 😀 Its certainly party appropriate 😀
I WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >< it looks good enough on its own without any topping
Indeed it does! Keep this one in mind if you ever place an order.
OH MY GOSH! Looks great! Thanks for introducing this brand to me. haha. Will check it out, probably so going to buy… =PPP
Haha they had a sale just recently. But I’ll be sure to share if I come across another sale notification. Their selection of colours are really pretty!
I just bought this polish along with Guinevere after you alerted me to the brand last week, and I love both of them. I adore the subtle shimmer in Tristam! Shimmer is so much easier to remove than glitter polishes too!
Ooh lovely! I’m happy you love these and Tristam! Isn’t it about the prettiest polish you ever did see? 😀