If its your first time visiting, Hi! 😀
The lovely Tine of Beautyholics Anonymous did an email interview with me recently and its up on her blog today 🙂
Thank you Tine! Its truly been an honour!
If you’d like to know what advise I’d give new beauty bloggers or my favourite blush (as of today), or what’s the story behind the monicker “Paris B”, and the secret to the universe… alright, no secrets to the universe divulged… head over to her blog and read about it 🙂
If you’re visiting from there, thank you for coming by, and I hope you enjoy your visit here at MWS 🙂
This is a *paiseh paiseh* (Hokkien term for shy/embarrassing/humbling) moment as the label “an inspiration” is such a big responsibility to shoulder, but I will not deny being terribly chuffed! 😀
Paris B
tee hee don’t paiseh lah, you are an inspiration AND a horrible enabler! 😛
Haha… so agreed with Plue… you are both an inspiration and extremely good at enabling… 😛
I guess I have a hidden talent eh? 😉 thanks dearie
Haha thanks!! We all are just as bad for each other 😛
That was a great interview, babe! I’m inspired by you too, so you should feel honored, not paiseh.. 🙂 *throws confetti*
Whee! Confetti! Hehe… Thanks dearie!
enjoyed reading the interview! And you havent changed much since 2008 😛
Haha! Thats both a good and bad thing right? Lol
Great interview, and you are truly an inspiration for us beauty bloggers! I love your style of writing (which I’m definitely not good at, since English is not my mother tongue…), and how you review a product! 🙂
Thank you so much Jess! I enjoy reading yours too and your English is fine! I love your fotd cos you’re so detailed!! And it’s very helpful for me cos I think we’re similar in skintone so I can use your colour rec as a reference 🙂
No THANK YOU, lovely! Thank you for being such an inspiration to me, and to all the bloggers out there 🙂 xx
*blush* thanks again!
yeah! thanks for being an inspiration to me too! =D I really enjoyed reading ur blog and reviews… and everytime when I wanna buy a new skincare product or cosmetic, I’ll read ur reviews on various brands first! hehe… and it helped alot~ ^^
Haha see what I mean about it being a heavy burden to shoulder? 😉 but thank you. It means a lot to me.
I have read Tine’s post about you! All the while, I thought your real name was Paris! It was nice getting to know you more through her blog! keep up the good work Miss Paris! have a nice day! 🙂
Thank you so much Issa! Sadly no my parents weren’t as imaginative to name me after the city of love … So I took it upon myself to! Hehe
I’ve just read your interview! Way to go, girl! And don’t wave away the “inspirational” title out of humility. Don’t forget you got readers all the way around the globe! 😀
Thank you so much Mari! I love all of you readers from all over cos it adds such a lovely mix of flavours to the comments! 🙂
Great interview! You have been an inspiration to all the beauty bloggers here !! Keep it up !!
Thank you! It means a lot to me 🙂
It was a great interview done by Tine and you should be proud! You’re such an inspiration to all of us! 🙂
Thank you so much Nadia! 🙂
Loved the interview you had with Tine, and I should just add that you were one of my inspirations as well (not to mention probably one of the biggest enablers on my list that keep making me covet things!) :p
Thanks dearie! Looks like I have a hidden talent to enable!