DKNY Be Delicious. Hands up who has never heard of it? Everyone’s heard of it right? Now, hands up who has never smelt it? *raises hands sheepishly*
DKNY Be Delicious has been around so long and in so many incarnations, but I’d never really gone and taken a sniff until recently. And Oh.Em.Gee! Its lovely!
I love apples and apple pie, apple crumble, apple cobblers… apple anything… because I love the smell of apples. Even better if there is a hint of cinnamon or nutmeg to add a touch of spice. mmmm….. I have one caveat. I’m not an Apple fangirl … because it doesn’t smell of apples HAHA! 😛
So quite naturally, a fragrance that smells of apples will appeal to me. (psst! If you like apples, like I do, I’ve got a bonus recipe below for one of the easiest Puff Pastry Apple Tarts ever! 😀 )
So Be Delicious smells of apples. The bottle is pretty much a dead give away. Its a lovely sweet green apple scent with a touch of citrus that transports me to a sunny orchard where I sit in a hammock crunching away on a Granny Smith, and shooing away mosquitoes 😛
But do you want to smell like an apple? Well, you don’t end up really smelling like an apple nor an apple pie. This is a sweet but crisp and fresh fragrance that is young and good for the day. I wouldn’t wear it for night personally. I prefer something heavier and more musky for the night. It also makes a great first perfume for a young girl.
And for the day, its quite lovely. Plus the bottle that is shaped like an apple is cute. The shiny cap is quite lovely but as you can see, is a beyotch to photograph.
Now, let me show you these 2 adorable miniature bottles of Be Delicious I was gifted with, and which I happened to see for sale overseas. The DKNY Be Delicious EDP (green) and the Be Delicious Fresh Blossom (pink). Now aren’t THESE adorable? 🙂
And here’s a gratuitous picture of an apple tart because I can 🙂
Paris B
DKNY Be Delicious EDT Spray retails at RM185/50ml and RM245/100ml at all DKNY fragrance counters.
i love the first generation of be delicious! it is one of the few perfumes that i ever finished.
Gosh! I’m so late to the party! But better late than never I guess 😀
This has been my “summer” perfume for the longest time ever! “Delicious” is certainly the right word to described the scent IMO
Yep yep! Its quite nice especially since its so warm here most times 😀
I have been lusting after these ever since they came out, but I have never bought a perfume before… Anyone knows how much they cost in HK or Taiwan?
I’m not sure but these aren’t LE so now you know the prices, you can check if they might be cheaper at Duty Free 😀 Even if they aren’t, they might have sets or special purchases at the airports so take a look there
Oh gosh the small bottled ones are so cute! I wouldn’t mind getting myself one of that. Big one’s a lil too much for me ;P
I’m not sure where we can get them here though. They are adorable right? I have no heart to use them 😛
I like this for day use. Yea, like you, I prefer something heavier and perhaps sexier(?) for night use. 😉
And those pastries make my tummy rumbles….:P
Haha… I actually wear pretty strong fragrance in the day too with McQueen Kingdom taking top spot. Somehow it just works 😉 But yes for the night, definitely something heavier and definitely sexier 😉
i wanted to love these so much, and at first spritz I do. But it dries down to something a little too sweet and powdery for tart loving me. Alas.
That’s the thing about perfumes isn’t it? It all ends up so different depending on our skin chemistry.
I have the Green Apple too! It really perks me up, like a “happy summer-ish mood” haha 🙂 I agree that it is more for the day.
hehe I love how you said summerish mood. It does conjure up lovely warm days doesn’t it?
I’m never a big fan of fragrances as most scents are too strong for me and I end up having awful headaches. This however was a different story. I LOVE it! Every time I spray this on me, I feel so refreshed and it definitely attracted few guys to smell me. *swooon* Haha, but they were all friends. Reckon Brad Pitt would like this? 😉
Haha… Brad Pitt fan are we? 😉 I like how young it makes me feel instead of the heavy musky scents we tend to get for “women”
Haha, young and carefree 🙂 Yes, he just gets better with age. O la la
Aren’t you glad I’m not going to fight you for him? 😉
i got the first generation i think!
the dark red one 😀 awesome for night! me thinks that one a bit too strong for day use.
but i would really love to check this one out, sounds so yummy lah! and so adorable!
You know, I think I remember smelling the red one. I did remember seeing the bottle anyway which really captivated me because of that darned apple shape 😉 You might like this one for a lighter fresher scent.
omg! u got the mini apple blossom! envy~~
Teehee… yep! 😀 So cute!
Oooh, I have the green one and I use it for weekends. Love the scent but I wouldn’t make it my signature scent, if you know what I mean. The miniature version you have there is simply adorable! *melts*
Yup! Its not signature scent material but its nice just for a spritz to freshen up 😀
It’s very nice. Long lasting as well. 🙂
Less long lasting on me but yes its very nice 😀
I have a sample of this, and I love it! Too bad it’s only 2.5ml. Oh well, it just means it’s time to get the actual bottle, which is adorable btw 😉
Christmas list! 😉
I love the green one 🙂 I got mine a few years ago when they first launched Be Delicious. My bottle is empty now but it’s still sitting on my counter because I really like the bottle.