I was recently contacted by The Orange Co. An online company based in Singapore to try a couple of samples of Ecobeau – a Korean natural skincare and cosmetic brand that say they have no preservatives, alcohol or parabens in their ingredient list. There was a cleanser, mask and 2 BB creams so read on if you’re keen to know more about this brand. I did end up liking one of it very much 🙂
Note: All items reviewed are sample sized. Please check website for actual product. Review is based on use of product as per sample.
Ecobeau Loess Nutritive Mask (link)
My sample pot lasted 4 uses. This is a peel off mask that has a thick gooey texture in the sample pot. As its a sample, I do not know if it represents the actual product – in this case the actual product comes in a tube so it might feel different since it won’t be exposed to the air. As this is a peel off mask, exposure to air might make it thicker than it really is but as I said I wouldn’t know.
The first time, I wasn’t sure how to use it so I applied too thin a layer. When it dried, it couldn’t peel off properly and irritated me because I had bits stuck all over my face. I was prepared to hate it, but I persevered and I liked it the next time round. My advice is to apply a very thick layer of the goo – it makes it much easier to peel off once it dries. Ecobeau says that peeling off the mask will peel off the impurities and reveal brighter looking skin. Hence you need a thick layer of product to start with.
After 4 uses I must say that immediately after using this mask, my skin did look brighter and did not feel dry but soft and smooth. But I’m not sure about the long term effects. I recommend washing your face again after that to get rid of all the mask. Otherwise you will keep finding bits balling up under your fingers as you apply your creams. I used the 4 uses over 2 weeks and I can’t say if it helped my skin nor if my skin is any brighter as a result but it did not cause breakouts and its not a bad mask to use. I could consider getting this one.
Pros: If used properly skin looks brighter immediately after using this mask, Not drying
Cons: Can be a little messy
Ecobeau Anti-Aging Whitening BB Cream (link)
In the sample pot, this cream had a hard thick texture (I’m not sure if its due to exposure to air as the full size product comes in a tube). It had a yellow base so I thought it would suit me fine. When I first applied it, it seemed to blend into my skin but sadly, after 2 minutes on my skin, it turned orange 🙁 I looked like I had tried (and failed) a fake tan with disastrous results. I only used very little as you are only supposed to use a thin layer, but the orange tint is quite obvious. Coverage is light depending on how much you use.
It did not make me oily during the day and has SPF30 but it seemed to settle into my pores a little. I do apply some powder over the BB cream to set it but the orange tint does not endear itself to me. In fact, after a few hours, I looked 4 shades darker – NOT HAPPY!
Pros: Did not make me oily, contains SPF30
Cons: turned me orange and 4 shades darker
There is another BB Cream that is a new formula cream that’s just launched. Might it fare better?
Ecobeau BB Cream Plus (link)
Unlike the other Ecobeau BB Cream, the BB Cream Plus has a grey tint. Thankfully, this one did NOT turn orange although I did take on a grey skintone. It is very thick to the touch (I’m not sure if its due to exposure to air as the full size product comes in a tube) and you are only supposed to use a very thin layer on your skin. I apply it the same way I apply liquid foundation – put a dab in my palm, warm up in my hands and apply to face.
Coverage for the BB Cream Plus is supposed to be higher with better sebum control. I found my skin turning oily with this one, which I found odd, compared to the Ecobeau Natural BB Cream which did not. The grey cast on my skin troubled me, and I ended up using the MAC MSF Natural powder over to create a more natural colour and Meteorites to prevent the flat skintone.
I swatched it a bit thick to show colour. When I use it, I use less but the grey and orange tones remain.
Pros: Only need very little, High SPF
Cons: Skin turned oily, grey tint
Note about BB Creams: I do not use BB Creams as an all in one product – I do not believe in it. I use BB Creams as I do foundation i.e. after my skincare and sunscreen. You are supposed to be able to use BB Cream in place of moisturizer and sunscreen. I don’t. Its a personal thing.
Ecobeau Loess Water Foaming Cleanser (link)
The sample bottle was faulty so I could not use this product at first. It was replaced subsequently, and I must say that I like this one. I am after all a fan of foaming cleansers. I like the light scent and the gentle foam.
I tried using it to clean off makeup as claimed, but it did not clean off waterproof mascara and eyeliner very well. At a pinch, it works but I’d use it after using makeup remover to be sure my skin is truly clean. I like how my skin does not feel dry after cleansing and that it feels very light and gentle yet very clean. I’d consider this for a purchase for sure.
Pros: Light foam, Non drying, Cleans skin well, Can double up as makeup remover in a pinch
Cons: None
You can purchase EcoBeau products online (The Orange Co. also ships to Malaysia and Brunei) and there are a host of items to try. Prices aren’t terribly expensive (quoted in SGD) and if you are into BB Creams, you might give theirs a shot. After all, if they contain natural ingredients it can’t be any worse than the rest of the BB Creams out there that don’t.
My recommendations based on my experience are the Loess Nutritive Mask and the Loess Water Foaming Cleaner. Both worked well for me.
Might you have tried anything from this brand? Or will you? 🙂
Paris B
Ecobeau is available at The Orange Co.
too bad the BB Creamed turned super dark on you! That’s one of the main reason why we have to try liquid foundations over the counter coz they may react and turn dark on your skin which is not good! The mask and the cleanser looks promising though 🙂
Yup! If possible, try everything before buying because you just never know how it will react on the skin 🙂
I’ve said this before but I’m a fan of BB creams~~ I too don’t skip out on my moisturiser n etc. before applying my bb cream… I find that it’s easier to apply after putting on my moisturiser^^
oooo… I might check these products out in Sg… I love foam cleansers~~
Yay! I love foam cleanser too!
well against ALL my better judgments after reading lipglosseater’s take on the Kiehls brightening scrub (and this is not why i bought it as her other recs eg. nivea mask, mac foundation had disastrous results on me, ditto Connie) and found that you reviewed it and liked it too, i went and asked for a sample yesterday. and guess what, it worked! guess u n me really do have the same skin, unfortunately, mine is less elephantine than yours.
i too, hate bb creams. but love foaming cleansers! but i think you WONT be purchasing this, as u usually purchase stuff that blow u away! =P
LOL! This foam cleanser is pretty decent. If it was easier to get e.g. if I was in Singapore or if it was available at a store, I might pick it up. I guess its a good thing for those who like natural products.
I’ve been searching all over the net for a BB Cream that is all-natural/organic (or at least 90%) to no avail until I stumbled upon hopeinablog.wordpress.com that recently posted a list of bb cream with (almost) all-natural ingredients bb cream that does not contain alcohol/paraben/perfume/etcetc that might be harmful. Ecobeau was on the list. I searched for review and found yours. I was saddened tho, to find that this seems to be not working very well for you. If I may ask, what is your skin tone? Mine is NC25-30. And pretty oily in humid area like Jakarta. I read vivawoman.net’s review and it seems to be working pretty well on her. Did it really turn orange on you? What about the Plus? It claims to have more coverage and matte finish, while I’m looking for a sheer coverage as I only need to hide dark circles and some reddish skin around the nose. Does it look really foundation-ish on the skin? I don’t have any scars to hide. And even if I happen to have one (usually from acne), I’m not the person who pile concealer/foundation/powder on it. I don’t even use powder on daily basis. I sometimes dust very light powder OR use a very thin foundation on special occasions.
Yes it turned orange on my skin and Plus turned grey. I should be about NC25 in MAC but I don’t know because they never colour matched me properly. You can get a rough idea of my skin tone from other foundation posts and I usually take the lighter/lightest shades. I know Vivawoman likes it, but things like this work differently for everyone. The Plus version is thicker and heavier coverage compared to the normal Ecobeau one.
How do you compare the coverage of the Normal and Plus version to other foundie like the ones you just reviewed, Bourjois (I’m tempted!) and Lancome Teint Miracle? I see that Bourjois coverage is lighter than Lancome, no? I think as long as the Normal version covers some reds and dark circles and even out skin tone pretty well, than considered I’m sold.
However I’m still terrified that it might turn orange on me just like it did to you! I’d really love to have this product tho but would hate it to throw away a product twice the real price to just get its ass over here. Tsk.
I don’t have either Ecobeau BB cream anymore since they did not work so I cannot compare coverage. The Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation has better coverage than Lancome Teint Miracle. I did not like Teint Miracle.
I finally placed an order in OrangeCo.com for the Plus one. I chose to have that looking that the review on vivawomen gave positive reviews and you said that the Normal one gave you orange complexion (ew!). I do hope it will suit me well, since I won’t be able to return the purchase. I do also hope that the coverage is not far from BRTC Jasmine Water or Skin79 Hot Pink. Wish me luck. =]