I’m sure many of you have heard of French brand Talika before this. They are popular for eye care products and the Talika Lipocils lash serum is their star product for helping condition lashes and help them “grow”. We did not have Talika Lipocils here in Malaysia before, but now we do, at selected department stores from April 2010.
With their arrival in Malaysia, Talika also launches their new improved Talika Lipocils Expert lash growth serum at the same time as the rest of the world so we aren’t left out of the action. Hoorah!
Owner of Talika Paris, Mr. Alexis de Brosses flew into KL specially from Paris about 2 months ago to launch this new brand and product amidst adorable cupcakes and drinks made up in the signature Talika blue colour. I love how he said “Li-po-seel” in that lovely French accent 😉 I used to call it “Lai-po-sil” but no longer! “Li-po-seel” is so much more elegant.

Talika Lipocils Expert boasts an improved formula for conditioning your lashes and to help them grow longer, darker and curlier. 3 things a woman wants in her eyelashes, Mr. Alexis contends. There is also an improved brush for application, that comes with a sponge tip at the end as you see above. I’ll explain why this is so, and show you some before and after photos below.
Yeah, I know you’re wondering if this lash serum works. Hop on over and find out! 😉 Beware large scary close up eye pictures.
Brush with a sponge tipped end to get to your roots
Ok, first the brush – why is there a sponge tip at the end? It is to make it easier for you to apply the serum to the roots of your lashes. Conditioning your lashes is one thing. Growth comes from the root. So, you have to get the formula right into the root which is now made easier.
One small draw back. The sponge tip is quite big. So on my small eyes, I can get the sponge tip to work great along the lash lines. I just swipe it on. But when I use the brush to apply the serum on my lashes, I find it hard to get to the lashes in the inner corners of my eye because the sponge gets in the way. So, I have to use the sponge on my lashes in my inner eye area.
Talika Lipocils Expert – Longer, Curlier lashes in 28 days
So, here’s the pictures of my lashes before using Talika Lipocils Expert on the left, and after 1 month’s use on the right. Remember, Talika’s boast is that you get longer darker curlier lashes after 28 days.
Length is a little debatable, looking at my before and after pictures. I don’t have a ruler small enough to measure if there was lengthening of lashes although it does look like there is a tiny little bit. What I am very happy about however is the fact that this serum helped fill in a bald spot in my lashes!
If you look at the before picture, right in the centre is a bald spot where there are no lashes. I only noticed this when I took this photo. 1 month later, this spot is filled out with fresh new longer lashes. If you notice, the new lashes are about as long as the existing ones and the filling in of that bald spot has me sold on this product many times over.
Use it to increase lower lashes
Also, I used this serum on my lower lash line, because I have hardly any lower lashes, and I want to be able to apply mascara on them.
Well, now I have them – sort of! Yep, am happy to report that my lower lashes have grown a little and are now long enough for me to apply mascara albeit very carefully. They are a little spindly but they are there. I now have to get them to look more obvious. I also have some before and after pictures from Ms. M (who’d remain anonymous) who also tested this lash serum from preview launch date.
Clearly Ms.M has experienced much more dramatic lash growth than I did which tells you that we will all react differently to this serum.
I experienced no reactions to the lash serum
I experienced no stinging of my eyes or interference with my vision. The Talika Lipocils Expert serum is supposed to be plant based. I applied the serum on my lashes day and night for the first week and then only at night thereafter (because I got lazy). The texture of the serum is a very light gel with a watery texture and does not affect my mascara at all.
I know you’re wondering if this lash growth will last. Well, I reckon like everything else, your longer lashes will last as long as they live. Once they drop off, your new lashes will need the serum to boost their growth too. Yes, our lashes do drop off, don’t look so shocked – they do grow back too as my bald spot attests 😉
If you’d like to try this iconic product for yourself, head down to any of the Talika counters listed below. Each 10ml tube of Talika Lipocils Expert eyelash serum retails for RM185. Nope, it does not come cheap but you know what? I will repurchase this when its finished because I’m liking the look of my longer lusher looking lashes – I just need to be more diligent! Besides, after the first month, you don’t have to use the lash serum everyday. I now only use it every other day instead – helps a tube last longer.
Pros: Does what it says – I have longer and curlier lashes, Helps lower lashes grow longer, Helps new lashes grow longer and stronger faster!
Cons: Expensive, Needs dedication and regular use for it to work and for maintenance
There will be a Talika Lipocils roadshow in April. Deets are below 🙂
I’m no stranger to lash serums – heaven knows I’ve used my fair share of them in my time. My problem tends to be with laziness and forgetfulness. For purposes of this review, many is the night when I’ve had to climb out of bed to administer the serum to my lashes while bleary-eyed from sleep, because I forgot 😛
I will try to be a little more diligent now, its the filling up of the bald spot that sold me I tell you! Will you be up to trying this? 😀
Paris B
Talika Lipocils is available from 1 April 2010 at Parkson Pavilion, Parkson KLCC, Parkson 1 Utama and Parkson Gurney, Penang.
Talika Launch and Roadshow details
Date : 5 – 11 April 2010
Venue : Level 3 Pavilion entrance
Activity : Free mini eye pampering treatment, Complimentary Lash Conditioning Cleanser sample, Special offers on Lipocils Expert
Wow…It looks so promising but the price is quite steep.
It IS really something for me 🙂 Gotta admit the price is a bit high but there you go!
ppl hate me becos i still wanna try all these lash lengthening serums like lashfx when my lashes are about three quarters of a cm long and very thick. but i am a girl, and i want MORE!
Well each of us have our own likes and dislikes – no one should “hate” you because of that – besides lash serums also help strengthen your lashes
Would love to give this a go especially on my lower lashes. Now that I’ve got bangs and they almost cover my eyes, anything to boost my eyes would be a plus! On the fuzzy vid conf meeting this morning, the other end commented they could hardly see my eyes 🙁 Maybe it’s my puny asian eyes? 🙁
Haha… I’m concentrating on “growing” my lower lashes too 😀
I own the DHC eyelash Tonic. Claim to make the lashes stay stronger. As you said, must have dedication and regular use, but i dint. So can’t see any of it’s result. Glad to hear there’s another product which work well on the lashes, sure will give it a try. But RM185, hmm….kinda expensive !!
Thats the “problem” with these serums. Gotta have discipline! So long as I have a routine its ok but once I fall off the routine, then it all goes downhill
That’s great! The results look fab! I, too, have a bald spot on my left eye. May have to try this.
Have you tried the Shu Uemura one? That one works really well to lengthen and thicken too…but I didn’t find my bald spot getting filled out though. However, I think it’s because I used to have a cyst there and it killed off the hair follicle in that area permanently 🙁
Hmm… I wonder if Talika will help? I didn’t expect the lashes in the bald spot to grow back to be honest. Do let me know if you try it and it works for you yeah? I haven’t tried the Shu Uemura one.
Definitely will give this a go! I have tried Lilash in the past and although it works, it caused me some irritations and discolored the skin on my lower lids slightly. =/
Discoloured your skin? Sounds awful! I hope this one works for you
i’m currently using a french-made lash serum sold by shins for rm50. the name and description are all in french. i’ve just started using it so no effect yet but it’s not irritating to the eyes. in a clear gel form.
Good to know it doesn’t irritate. I’m very sensitive about my eyes.
wow! love the results! 😀 Good to see that it’s actually working. Thanks for the review.
Yup! Impressive eh? 😀
and I just realized that comparing volume, my Kji & Co lash serum is almost 3 times more expensive T_T me big big sucker
LOL! That’s very significant! But lets see how it performs on you
I can see the positive result, it does take some time and patience but with regular use, I’m sure it’ll even grow longer!!! 🙂
It would be nice if that happened although I’ve just realized that my lashes aren’t quite as short as I complain them to be 😀 Longer would be nice but stronger would be better eh? 😉
I just reviewed the L’Oreal one and a lot of my readers suggested me to try this one! I am still hoping my lashes will grow stronger, longer and thicker! It’s all in my dreams, my lashes are really impossible! So I guess I should start being friends with falsies! *sigh*
Haha I find that with any serum, growth is always debatable. I think my lashes are at their max too! I tried the L’Oreal one too so you could compare it next week 😉
it was selling in Malaysia a few years ago by a Spa… you should know since you’re seem to understand this product so well. It was a big hit in Malaysia.
Talika was already here? I didn’t know that. But then I only started paying attention to beauty products quite recently 🙂 I was given to understand its just coming in in a major way
There are quite a number of similar product coming these days..
How much is this one?
I wanna grow my lashes too!! =p
*tried a China similar product before which is very nice as well~
You gotta be kidding me right? I mean, asking about the price. It was just a joke, right?
Talika worked its magic on you! I agree about being disciplined, I kept forgetting!
Yes it did and the discipline kills me!
Pretty impressive results! But the price is a bummer tho. 🙁
Considering the alternatives I’ve tried, I’m still sticking with this one 🙂
Wow, longer, darker and curlier lashes! I want I want!
Haven’t tried the eye lash product before.
I tried the detox eye gel which sucks!!! I have yet to finish the product and the clicky click pen got stuck and no product comes out!!! I had to throw it away because no matter how I twist, the product won’t come out and seems like no other way to get the product out. 🙁
I am using the balancing lotion which is a great morning pat on toner for me. 😀
Oh my! Thanks for the heads up about the eye gel!
omg! talika is in malaysia.. can i please know where to get it?
The store locations are at the end of the post – Parkson Pavilion is having a roadshow from April 5 so you could check it out then.
Actually this Talika product was sold in Cosway (a direct selling company) years ago, but I think it has been discontinued. It used to cost only around RM50++, so it’s a bit ridiculous that they increase the price so much after rebranding and brought back to Malaysia as a brand new product. I’m not sure about the effect of its current version, but my friends did mentioned the tubes they got from Cosway really did a miracle on their lashes.
wow, this is amazing, do you think it works for hair loss too? since it works for the bald spot on eye area? please advise. thanks
you could try although it’d likely cost a bomb to apply it on the head. No promises that it’ll work especially because the hair on the head might be slightly different from eyelashes in how they grow? Not sure about this. If it works for you, do share!
I just got my Lipocils Expert in the mail today, can’t wait to try it out! But one thing I want to make sure before I try it…what colour is the gel/serum supposed to be? I opened and took the wand out and the gel/serum was a clear brownish/tan coloured gel…I thought it was supposed to be clear?!?! Please advise! Thanks!
how does the result and effect compare between talika lipocils and LashMantra? Is it that u have used the both product? thanks for replying…
Yes I’ve posted my comparison about both. You can read my Talika Lipocils Expert and L’oreal Renewal Lash Serum comparison by following the link 🙂