Its a public holiday today, so I know many are out and about. Instead of answering questions, lets have some giveaway fun instead!
With party season just around the corner what better time to win a pair of Foxy Originals earrings from Serenity Gemz worth RM130! Incidentally Serenity Gemz, an online jewelry blog store is also having a Christmas Sale with 25% discount off everything in the blog store so do check them out!
Over here however, 1 winner will stand to win the Foxy Originals earrings featured above. Its easy to enter – just hopalong now! 😀
All you have to do is to tell us in a comment below:-
What is your favourite piece of jewelry and did you buy it yourself or was it given to you?
Open to anyone with a Malaysian mailing address and winner will be picked by Serenity Gemz and prizes will be sent by the sponsors also.
Deadline is 12 noon 2 December 2009 and one entry per person please.
Please RT on Twitter or share on Facebook to share the love 😀
Good luck!
Paris B
UPDATE 2 Dec 2009 5pm:
Hello hello 🙂
My fave piece is a gold bracelet with tiny charms (bells, bird cage, clover leaf, abacus and a few other good luck symbols).
It was passed down by grandma to mom and now to me, been wearing it since I was a kid 🙂
Fav piece is a pair of gold studs in the shape of a treble clef and a set of quavers. Sadly, I lost the treble clef side earlier this year during an exam.
My favourite piece its actually a pearl necklace from my mum, it spurred my love for pearl accessories since young and now whenever I wear any pearl accessories even if they’re just simple pearl studs, I feel instant class.
My favourite piece of jewelry is the jade necklace my parents bought for me on my 21st birthday. I didn’t like the typical key necklace thing so I decided to be even more traditional and ask for a jade piece instead. I love it because not only it has a deeper meaning to it but also I’m proud to still wear some bit of our chinese tradition in a modern society now which shies away from it.
My favourite piece of jewelry would be a white gold necklace with a cross on it that my mom gave to me one christmas. It’s really important to me cause my mom worked really hard that year just to buy me a christmas present. heh, I guess this present reminds how awesome she is and how much of a brat I was then =P She would not sleep on weekends at all and cook for caterings all by herself for few hundred people during the weekends. She’s still working hard now but I guess I’m helping her out so it isn’t that bad. But because the necklace came form such love and hard work, it really is important to me. Plus! it’s my only piece of jewelry! ^^
my favourite piece of jewelry is my necklace with a dimond pendant that my dad bought for me on my 21 birthday. I dont wear a lot of jewelry but this is the only piece i will wear it with me on a daily basis.
My favourite jewellery is my necklace with a diamond key which is given by my mother since my 21st birthday ^^ i wear it everyday ^^
definitely my loooooong gold necklace with a jade pendant. No money can buy this piece of precious because it is inherited from generations to generations! My grandma gave it to me before she passed away, so this is more precious than money! It’s definitely a piece that is more valuable than anyhting else!
my fave have to be this pair of earrings my mum got for me early this year~its just a simple bronzy one but I just love it soooo much and it means a lot to me~:)
Fav jewellery, is a pair of gold star studs my mum passed on to me. She had been wearing them since she was a kid. Not pricey or grand, but real precious.
My favorite piece of jewelry is a custom made ring that I designed myself and got it made. It’s my Right Hand Ring! It cost a bomb as it’s real white gold and diamonds but I earned every single cent of it myself. For me, it’s a symbol of my inner strength and tenacity. Every time I look at it I’m reminded…. “I can do anything!”.
My fave jewellery would be my promise ring! It’s made of pure silver and was given to me by my boyfriend, who kneel on one knee in a LRT parking lot and asked me whether would I be his one and only one girlfriend!! It definitely beat all my other pieces in sentimental value!
My fave piece of jewelry is my wedding ring. I can’t go out without it! 🙂
My favourite piece of earring is one of a dragonfly. Sis got it for me for Christmas last year. I actually chose it myself…and when we ran out of ideas of what to give my other sister and my aunt, we end up giving them earrings, and since we love the design so much, we ended up buying 4 of the same pair! One for each of us ;P
my fave piece has got to be the 2 sided choker-necklace with a twig with leaves pendant that my parents got me on my wedding day. It’s my fave piece coz it’s super simple but classy and can be worn both sides, the white gold or the yellow gold side, and the pendant design is so unique and rare that many had actually asked about it whenever i had it on my neck! It has no blings or gemstones, but still is my one true fave piece!
My mum gave me her precious diamond wedding ring which was given to her by my dad on their wedding day. Her finger outgrew the delicate ring and thus decided to pass it on to me. it is very dear to me 🙂
My favourite piece of jewelry is a necklace with star pendant that was given by my bf on the valentines day…although its just a cheap necklace but it is full with our memories
my favorite jewelry is a black necklace with orange jade given to me by my friend. really love this beauty plus the fact that my friend had to go through a lot to give me this.
My fav is a garnet heart shaped ring. The cut of the stone is very nice. I love it a lot. My mom gave it to me for one of my birthdays. Its my birth stone.
fav piece is a bracelet of colourful stones encircled, passed down by my mum. the stones were real inexpensive, passable workmanship. but strangely ive always gotten compliments for it. guess i’d much prefer trinkets like these than fancy diamonds! weird, but to each its own i’d say!