I’ve had reader Zesty Yanie write in with an interesting question.
Any suggestion about fat blocker? i not worried about my weight, but my tummy actually.. bulging..
I thought it was an interesting question because I might speak for myself but the tummy is the hardest bit of flab to lose! I’m not exactly skinny – I’m happy NOT to be super skinny and I do have problems with a flabby tum too.
I don’t use fat blockers nor creams. On a personal note, I don’t believe topical creams work at all. So I recommend exercise and careful eating habits.
Weight might not be an issue but exercise not only keeps weight down, it keeps you trim and helps your blood circulate better. Even if you aren’t worried about weight, you should be concerned about your heart and overall health.
I’m one for low impact exercises – swimming is very good exercise as is yoga. Don’t knock yoga – its not all ommm…. and zen meditation involving you being tied into a pretzel. Its a LOT of hard work for muscles you never thought you had. I’m always a shivering mess of jelly when those muscles start to work.
Swimming is also very good for overall fitness. Its low impact and works out different parts of your body at the same time. I prefer low impact exercises because its easier on the body and its generally more relaxing as anyone who has a hectic job will know.
Healthy eating is another thing. Reducing the intake of sugars and carbohydrates will help cut the flab. I’ve gone on the no-carb diet and yes, it works. But after a few months, you stop losing weight and if you eat carbs you put it all back on pretty quickly. So, my diet now is very simple – EAT EVERYTHING! But in moderation. You satisfy all your cravings and enjoy your food while at it. I love my food so telling me I can’t eat certain foods only want to make me eat them more 😛
So that’s how I try to beat tummy flab – not that I’m really succeeding but its not excerbating the problem either. Its a lot of hard work and I’m not saying I’ve gotten it down to the point where I’m happy to prance around in a teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini, but I’m not about to hide away in a corner in a tent dress either 🙂
Do you have tips to share?
Do you know of good fat blockers or how do you deal with a problem tummy?
Stay beautiful
Paris B
I went through a stage were I was super obsessed with my weight and I think I’ve tried fat blockers, seriously? I can’t say there’s anything that would work, eating healthily and exercise really helps! I know this sounds like a health magazine article but seriously, I’ve gone through so many dieting techniques and worked out 4 hours a day 6x a week and it doesn’t work, til you make peace with your body, learn to listen to it, eat only when hungry and stop when full..and you’ll be alright 🙂
Believe it or not: green tea, chinese tea, the kind you can just add hot water, you get when you go yum char. None of those fancy herbal teas with slimming properties (pooey!). But do note that this works for only limited amount. I find my weight going down very steadily if i take tea in the afternoon. I don’t notice the weight getting shed off but I do find my jeans fit a lot loosely at the hips and butt, so I think there has to be some truth in it?
Think I’ll make some now since I’ve just had a huge lunch.
Good post! And great question, touches the very sensitive core of all women.
To beat the tummy flab, try doing some abdominal crunches. Doesn’t have to go all the way up but try to lift ur body till ur shoulder blade leaves the floor/mat/bed etc. And don’t hold ur breath while doin this. To trim the sides (we call em the obliques muscle) do the same but instead of goin up, go left/right. Again, don;t hold ur breath.
Diet is also important but don’t go for crash diets, try substituting certain food items like use more of olive/grapeseed oil, eat more fibre to keep u full, the works. Hope this helps!
p/s: PB, u might wanna start incorporating higher impact exercises. Helps to increase bone mineral density, hence lowering chances of osteoporosis 🙂
I’m a huge fan of ab crunches too. Doing it on the gym ball seems to be really good for the lower tummy.
Also, though not recommended unless already having it, a chronic cough has never let me down. LOL! Seriously, every time I get a cough, I end up with toned tummy–almost six packish. Thanks to the hours of coughing, it actually builds up muscles there. 😀
I’ve read and have been told by personal trainers at my gym that spot training (i.e abs crunches) doesn’t really work and also in order for the abs to be seen, you have to melt away the top layer of fat first. However, I can’t vouch for the accuracy of the statements.
My only way of dealing with weight gain is lots of cardio exercise, specifically jogging. I’ve tried going for yoga, fitness classes, stepper, cycling classes and eventually realised that jogging is the fastest way for me to lose weight and fat overall. 🙂 Usually the first place you put on fat is also the first place you lose it, and for most women this would be the tummy and the hips.
And er…I don’t really watch my diet, because I love my sinfully unhealthy food too much, so I would just compensate by jogging for a longer distance the next time at the gym. 😛
Nice question… I’ve tried some of those detox teas endorsed my local artiste and it soooo doesn’t work.. I just tried it cuz my mom had some lying around… haha… Nothing… no result whatsoever… It was suppose to ‘cleanse’ yr insides but it didn’t do any good to me… waste of money…
Crash diets, skipping meals are definitely a huge nono… I also heard that wearing those long sleeves and pants track suits are not good cuz they only make u sweat more… U’re just losing water… as soon as u drink water, u gain all the weight back… just exercise regularly… start by taking the stairs instead of the elevator… Drink water only…
p/s: I can nvr go on a diet cuz I love food… hahaha… moderation is the key =)