Look what I found while combing my hair last night…
A pure white hair!
Admittedly it isn’t the first I’ve ever found on my head but coming on the cusp of turning a year older it is a nasty reminder of age catching up on you. It was so traumatizing I had to go lie down 😛
So excuse me if I’m feeling a little blue 😛 *drama queen*
Paris B
Aw Paris don’t be blue! 🙁 This is completely normal! Think of it as a complete new chapter in your life! (Not sure about your age but a new birthday is always the start of something special :))
Hope you feel better, love!
Hey Renee
Thank you 🙂 It just sorta hit home that eeps! I’m turning older! 😛 I can’t wait for my birthday to be honest, I want to take a break! 😀
Bring on the industrial strength hair dye!
Haha Saintangelius – my thoughts exactly!
Paris, I have been colouring my hair for so long, I don’t really know how much gray I’ve got!!
Besides, this is an opportunity to experiment with cool hair colours!!
Hi Jamilla
That I would age as gracefully as you have! 😀 I will be exploring hair color once more start to appear 😀
oh, absolutely nothing to worry about, i have plenty of them on my head…
Hey prettybeautiful
Yeah I know – I’m only glad my hair usually goes blonde/gold instead of white for now 😉
No worries Paris B! White-gray hair can look regal..remember Meryl Streep in ‘The Devil Wears Prada’? 🙂
Hey Jessica
Haha… yup! Or I could also look like Cruella de Ville? 😉
based on your title
is it your birthday?
if yes well happy birthday!!
hey dont worry bout the white hair please.
my sister, age 21 this coming october already have two strands.
my friend age 20 already have wrinkles around the eyes.
im soon to have it too! at 19?
so therefore: DO NOT WORRY!
Hi Lynn
Thank you. Its not my birthday yet but I appreciate the thought 😀 I’m not worried about the white hair per se just very taken aback to see it 🙂
I have quite a few white hair myself. It’s normal, don’t worry Paris. And you can always dye them and experiment with colors. Happy birthday!
Thanks Gio
Ya I am planning to dye it when it gets out of control 🙂
PB, I’ve found a couple of white hair myself, and I don’t blame the age, I blame stress 🙂 And with your work? I’m sure its because of stress 🙂
Hey Nikki
You know what? That might be it too! Stress is terribly aging.
Definitely stress if its around this age. You were probably thinking too much about something.
Hi Liz
Work probably LOL…
Don’t be blue Paris! You’re far from old lah!
I started graying in my early 20s…but who cares!
Only problem is I have to constantly dye my hair which is a pain!! Total genetics on my end, since my dad was graying in his teens–shocko.
Hey Monstro
I’ve perked up 🙂 I’m going to start coloring too once it gets out of hand
Happy Birthday dearie!!!
Well. If it makes you feel any better, I’ve been having white hair since I started working. Serious. So, it’s been.. what, 4 years I’ve been having white hair?
But yea, I screamed my lungs out too, the first time I found a strand. Now it’s like, “Bah. Humbug!” LOL.
Hey Syen
Not yet birthday time but thank you! 🙂 Your job would give anyone white hair! LOL…
Aww PB 🙂 White hair can be cool too! Plus it’s a right that one usually has to earn slowly with respect and dignity through the journey of life.
If it makes you feel less traumatized, then I won’t be shy to admit that I’m barely 20 and I’ve had strands of white hair popping out here and there since my teens 😉
Mine’s likely a combi of stress and genetics… although I don’t know why a gal who hasn’t even started the horrors of working full time has to put the blame on stress 😛