Day 9 of the 30 lipsticks in 30 days project features my favourite Japanese brand of all time, T’estimo! Its been discontinued – boo hoo! – but it can still be found online and at warehouse clearances if you look!
T’estimo Serumdrape Rouge Lipstick – RS-121
RS-121 is my first Serumdrape Rouge which came all the way from Japan and I loved it so much and used it so much, I was horrified to discover that it was almost half gone! So I quickly had to get another – why not?! 😛
The texture of T’estimo Serumdrape Rouge lipsticks are very smooth but sheer and glossy and shimmery. If you like pigmented lipsticks, you’d scoff at these, but Oh I love them so! And so do most people I’ve gifted them to 😉
The packaging is a simple pearly white tube with a “glitter” ring around the middle. The picture shows RS121 swiped about 2 times on my lips.
I usually go for darker shades because they will at least show up with some colour on my pigmented lips. If I go for light shades or pinks, all I’ll get is shine and shimmer with hardly any color. Hence in my collection you will only see RS (Rose) or RD (Red) shades. They end up “My Lips but Better”! I’ve got a whole bunch of T’estimo lipsticks in various textures and colours and I’m hoarding them all 😀
Yes I know I shouldn’t be tempting you with these since they are discontinued, but I just had to feature them because nothing gets between me and my T’estimo Serumdrape Rouge lippie! 🙂
Here’s a funny story. The day I got this one from Japan, I thought I threw it out with the rest of the trash. I spent a happy hour rushing to the bin to retrive my trash and sorted through it carefully but did not find it. 2 days later it was found … under my sofa. Its never gone missing since!
We move on to something Western with Giorgio Armani cosmetics in Day 10 tomorrow!
Stay beautiful,
Paris B
Shuu says
Yay for T’estimo! I love the lippies too 🙂 Geez, I hate it when good stuff is discontinued -_-;
T’estimo was my first lipstick ever and I’m glad you love them too 😀 Even their orange shade doesn’t look scary 🙂
ParisB says
Hiya Shuu
Yeah I wonder why they got rid of T’estimo. I’m sure it was popular. Oh well.. most shades work great for me and I think I’ve hoarded enough… hehe
Nikki says
LOL on finding it inside the trash! It happens to me sooo many times but not lipstick! LOL but I’ve been forgetful and rummaged through the bin many times LOL
ParisB says
Hey Nikki
I was relieved it wasn’t in the trash else I’d be in a dilemma whether to bin it or keep it! LOL
Aretha says
hi paris
i just noticed that all your lipstick shades are almost the same. 😛 have you ever thought of trying fuschia pink, lilac or nude color lipsticks? 🙂
ParisB says
Hi Aretha
Thanks for the suggestion. Yes I’ve tried most colours at one point or another but nude and fuchsia don’t work. I do have a couple of pink ones coming up but they too are touch and go LOL… I thought I’d feature the lipsticks I like and readers can then find a colour that suits them but I’ll try to dig out some of the less flattering shades just for comparison… and if I’ve kept them. 🙂
Tine says
I love this lippie! Thanks very much for introducing it to me 🙂
ParisB says
Hey Tine
So glad you like it too!