I’d read about the FitFlop a while back. FitFlop is a brand of flip flops that is marketed as being able to help tone your legs and bum as you walk in it. I’d known about it for a while now, but scepticism stopped me from trying it out. That and the hefty price tag.
The FitFlop claims that it will:-
- tone and trim your legs as you walk with the microwobbleboard technology that makes your legs work harder than in normal shoes or slippers
- gives a faster more muscle engaging walk
- relieve back pain
- improve posture
I saw it in Isetan a few months back when it first came in, and tested it out then but blanched at the price. It starts from RM268 a pair … yes yes, you can stop looking that horrified now… its way beyond the range of “normal flip flops”.
But guess who succumbed to the hype of having buns of steel as you walk your way to fitness?
FitFlop Walkstar III in Bronze – RM288
I don’t even wear flip flops most of the time! But its one of those things. You go window shopping, you see a 10% discount where normally there is none and before you know it, plastic is burnt at the cashier and you don’t wake up from your dazed state until you reach home and think “Am I nuts to spend THAT MUCH on a pair of slippers?!” 😛
Haha… So, now that I own a pair of FitFlops as endorsed by Oprah as being the must-have flip flop for Summer 2008, let’s see how it performs eh? I’ll report back in a month or two whether my bum or legs feel any tauter and leaner or whether I just spent a lot of money on a pair of glorified slippers that’s going to kill my feet. 😛
To be fair, I put it on immediately after paying for it and walked all over KLCC and not once did the toe bit chaff my toes as thongs usually do. I like that there’s a nice support at my arch – I’m flat footed. It was also really comfy with a soft springy footbed. My calves do feel a bit of a twinge now like I’ve been brisk-walking and I just read online that you aren’t supposed to go all the way the first time you wear your FitFlops. You are supposed to break it in slowly starting with 20 minutes and working your way up, so your legs get used to being worked out. Eeps! 😛
I’m not buying the whole leaner toner legs deal (I’m still a sceptic), but I’d be happy with better posture. Report in a couple of months!
Have you tried FitFlops? Do you own a pair and do you like it?
Stay beautiful,
Paris B
cat says
haha so cute! do report. I want to know whether it really works 🙂 remember to measure before and do a measurement after a few months. Good luck!
ParisB says
Hi Cat
I’m not wearing it for its leaner toner leg thing but we’ll see. Check back in a month or two 🙂
June says
i have scoliosis!
an unsighty posture.
i really wanna get it back straight
rumors said that if you have scoliosis, some women encounters complications when giving birth.
sigh. i hate my posture!
Jessica says
Hi June..!
Hope it’s alrite for PB for me to reply June here.
Indeed scoliosis is an unsightly posture and it does cause some problems eg backpain but complications as to what u were told are those who belong in the severe type of scoliosis in which they would need surgical intervention etc.
How bad is ur scoliosis? And what problems do u have now pertaining to the posture? If it bothers u much, do seek medical advice and try to get hold of physiotherapy services. It will help in terms of strengthening ur back muscles and preventing it from deteriorating as well as it manages pain relief without usage of drugs.
ParisB says
Hey Jessica
Thanks for your imput and please feel free to jump in any time! 😀
Jessica says
No worries PB! I’m a physiotherapist btw so it’s just like me doin community service..hehe.
ParisB says
Hi Jessica
Wow a physiotherapist! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
ParisB says
Hi June
I’m sorry to hear that – have you seeked treatment for it? I don’t know if this shoe can help but many have reported better posture from wearing it. I have to agree to a degree. It makes me stand straighter
synical says
Haven’t heard of these before… then again, I’ve stopped watching Oprah for awhile now. Anything Oprah endorses ends up with an “Oprah tax”. I’m still getting over paying over RM10 for Ipanemas 😛
You definitely have got to post a review about these – can’t wait to read it.
ParisB says
Hi Synical
I don’t watch Oprah at all LOL… its what I read online and what was playing on the little tv by the shoe stand that told me its Oprah endorsed 🙂
rinnah says
The price is… *fainted*!
But if it really does help with posture and all, I might get a pair for my Dad – to see if it helps with regaining his normal stride after a stroke.
Can’t wait for your review later!
ParisB says
Hey Rinnah
Ya I nearly fainted too hehe… They don’t have men ones yet until end of the month or next month (June) I’m told. I’ll let you know when I see the men’s version.
sesame says
Oh I’m waiting…waiting…waiting for mine to arrive! 🙁 Looking to receive a black one with sequins…look glam on the website!
ParisB says
Hi Sesame
I saw the sequin ones – yes its definitely glam! They aren’t for me, because I’m more of a casual girl but its certainly pretty on.
Elle says
I have the exact same pair! same colour and everything! not sure about the size though haha.. I got mine in Singapore’s Isetan. cant really remember the price but there was a 10% discount there as well! I actually wanted to order it from the UK, but shipping cost a bomb! I would’ve gotten the sequined ones but my sister got them first and they look really good, maybe it’s cause of the contrast between the colour of the slippers and the colour of the skin.. still not sure about the shapely calves thing yet though, haven’t worn them in a while..
ParisB says
Hi Elle
LOL… thats awesome! Mine’s a UK3 which is the smallest available and I bought this one because it fit me better than the other designs. Somehow, the sequin one did not fit my feet as well. Boo…
aichaku says
ooo “relieve back pain and
improve posture” got me interested. shall go look for it in SG. 😀
ParisB says
Hi aichaku
Not sure where they are available in Singapore but do try it first before you actually buy it 🙂
Monstro says
You finally found a pair that fits! Can’t wait to hear the reviews. If it’s nice, will think about getting a pair. I’m a sucker for comfy shoes/sandals. 🙂
ParisB says
Hey Monstro
Yes I did! 😀 Birkenstocks aren’t for me but these do fit me well and are just about as pricey as birkies 😉
fr0nd says
I’ve got the same pair! and have been using it for about 5 mths now. Definitely super comfy in terms of walking. I didn’t feel any muscle burn at all. As for toner, leaner legs… err… I don’t see any difference in mine. 😛
ParisB says
Hi frond
Having worn them for 2 straight days, I must agree with you that its super comfy. My legs felt no fatigue and I did not get any blisters which surprised me. I’m waiting to see about the leaner toner legs LOL…
giddy tigress says
I see it’s quite cheap here in the US…hehe…and i want tone legs so!!!!
ParisB says
Hi giddy tigress
Yes its cheaper there!!! I should “tumpang” you a pair or two now I know my size 😉 heehee…
Nikki says
I’ve tried them but did not purchase them, my feet are super weak and I need super comfortable sandals, and I think I need to lessen the weight on my upper body, I’m ok with my legs Lol but glad to know it’s not painful as it seems 🙂
ParisB says
Hi Nikki
Nope its not painful at all and I actually enjoyed walking around in it because its just so comfy! No tired legs after a day of shopping. Amazing!
Connie says
I’d be very interested to know how this will work out! I don’t buy the claims but we’ll see, eh? hehe
ParisB says
Hey Connie
Personally I don’t buy the claims either but from a preliminary point of view, its so comfy!!
beetrice says
ahh…so that was what you were wearing this morning…they looked comfy, although I’m not sure I’d be ‘comfy’ with the price tag! 😀
ParisB says
Hey beetrice
Yep! I was putting it to the ultimate test and I’m glad they held up even though we walked all over 1U! 😀 I had no tired legs and no pain in my feet at all. Hefty pricetag but if it keeps up I’m going to have to suck it up 😛
jojoba says
i can’t wear shoes that separate my big toe from the other 4! they make me feel that my feel are going to be split. LOL.
ParisB says
Hey Jojoba
I could never wear thongs too so I was quite wary but these ones are so awesome I don’t even feel them 😛
prettybeautiful says
do report whether it works or not! i am curious
imaj says
Tried these and they didn’t work for me. My instep is WAY to high. I found the Exer-Fit by Earth Footwear to be a great match (provides a much-needed adjustable velcro strap). My legs are feeling more toned already and it has only been a month!
Joyce says
i have two pairs, and they’re pretty much my ‘go-to’ pair when i go out. i’ve had them since late last year and while they’re super comfy they haven’t given me toned legs, decreased my back pain or any of that. now im trying to wear them less cos my mum says i look like an auntie when i wear them 🙁
ParisB says
Hi Joyce
Aww… I thought it was fun with short skirts or jeans 🙂 They are super comfy I cannot deny.