I was pinching my pennies to get this new Chanel Tweed blush when I unexpectedly received it as a birthday gift. Thanks Jojoba! 🙂 Needless to say, I was over the moon! I received it in Tweed Corail which is French for Coral and if you wondering, no, it is not scary coral on.
In fact, this blush is my perfect everyday to-go blush and I have been using it every day since I got it! That’s how versatile and wonderful it is to me.
The reason it is called a Tweed Duo blush is because the colours are laid out in a tweed pattern similar to the iconic Chanel tweed material used for their jackets and suits. The Tweed blush is marketed as a blush-highlighter product. Do not ask me what that means. For me, this is a straight blush. I reckon the highlighting part indicates that the blush gives you a bit of a glow.
Tweed Corail is one of the new Tweed Duo blushes by Chanel. It comes in a compact the same size as the Chanel Joues Contraste blushes (the round domed ones) together with the signature velvet pouch, but the blush itself is oblong. It comes with a brush which feels softer than the other packaged brushes I have tested but I don’t usually use the brush unless I have no other blush brush on hand. The only problem I have with the packaging is that it looks identical to the other Chanel blushes so I can’t tell which is which!
The blush itself has an unfinished look to its surface as I first observed. Squint and you might just see some numbers or letters pop up at you from the bumpy surface. Doesn’t it remind you of those 3D poster things that you squint at until a picture pops into place? I’ve had endless moments of fun picking out 4D numbers for the lotto LOL… (I’m kidding about the lotto 😛 )
If you are fearful of the gold glitters you see on top of the blush, fret not – they don’t show up on the skin. Not on mine at least. When brushed on my skin, I get the merest hint of a shimmer but it is mostly just sheer colour. Underneath, the colour is mostly matte but with just a little hint of shimmer. Nothing like the shimmer you get in a Joues Contraste blush that’s for sure.
Colour wise, Tweed Corail is a peach-pink going on the skin – my perfect colour. The texture is sheer which is great. You can just keep applying until you achieve the desired colour on your cheeks. For me, I only swipe the surface lightly one time with a brush then apply. Sometimes I touch up with more colour, most times I don’t. If you have medium-dark skin tone you may need more. If you are very dark, skip this colour it will do nothing for you.
If you compare textures, I’d say that the Tweed Duo blushes are “rougher” to the touch than the Joues Contraste blushes. However, I attribute this to the different ways they are made and the way they are packaged. Applied with a brush, they both go on smoothly and beautifully.
You know why I love this blush so much? I have been ill – chest wracking coughs that keep me up at night – so that means I look like ghostly panda. However, with this blush on, I’ve received nothing but compliments even while sick! So, this blush is now way up on my “Keeper list”!
The Chanel Tweed Duo blushes retail for RM152 each. Expensive yes, but it’ll last a long time. Also they are permanent and will replace the Irrelle blushes (the rectangle quilted ones) so there’s no real hurry rushing out to get one just yet. Time enough to pinch the pennies 😉
PB’s Verdict
Did I say I love it yet? Nevermind I’ll say it again – I absolutely love Tweed Corail!! It is the perfect peach pink on my cheeks and gives such a subtle hint of colour without screaming “Look at me! I’m wearing blush!” plus being sheer means it can be built up to the colour intensity you prefer. All plus points in my book. Nothing but love from me for this new Chanel blush!
Pros: Sheer and buildable colour, Nice colour tone, Minimal shimmer
Cons: Pricey
Were you wearing this on Friday night when I met you? If yes, then the blush is all you say it is and more! 😛
That looks like a really pretty blush. I’ve been wanted a Chanel blush (in fact, a Chanel ANYTHING) for ages now. I think I want that blush now. I want it. I need it.
Uh oh.
You evil lemming creator!!
wow! I’ve honestly never seen you THIS excited before! Very uplifting 😀 The color does look gorgeous. Definitely my kind of color. *goes to buy 4d*
looks like i probably have to get one for myself. you bad girl. and i hope you are well now. (you sounded very well. LOL)
oh boy PB….you make me thinking to add another family member for my chanel blushes LOL. thanks God it’s permanent, so as u said no need to hurry hahahaha.
@rinnah : Yes I was! 😀
@Tine: LOL… try it out first. Not everyone likes it because its sheer. But at least its one Chanel item thats imminently affordable.
@connie: I guess my excitement came through huh? haha… I think i’ll try to buy 4D and see if it works 😉
@Monstro : *puts on halo* me? evil? 🙂
@jojoba: Thank you, the cough is nearly gone but am still on the mend.
@reeka: Yes its permanent – no hurry!
you are making me want this now! why?? and I just thought I could save some money now…lol
aaarrgggh ! The BLUSH QUEEN is back!!!!!
@blu3 : Its permanent – no hurry 🙂
@nikki: I’m back! *evil laugh* these blush people should pay me to make people want their products haha
I KNOW! hahahah like all blushes…send to Parisb! lol her cheeks will decide which works or not
You know, this just came to our shores. It costs an arm, a leg, both my kidneys and also my right eye but I decided to make do without the organs for this 😛
A review’s coming up and like you, I.LOVE.IT. As much as I love Dandelion. That’s saying a lot!