If you read the financial pages of the papers, its mostly doom and gloom. Recession, reduced spending and rising costs dominate most of the news. Go out and eat and you’ll find food portions reduced in size at higher prices. Then you look at your paycheck and wonder if it’ll cover all these rising costs.
So, new stuff aside, I thought now is a good time to play a little game called “Shop in your Stash” 🙂
Rules are simple:
- Look in your present skincare, makeup, clothes or handbag stash or collection and pick out one item that is over 5 months old that you have not used or worn in a while.
- Write about it on your blog (pictures will be nice!) and link back to this post. If you link back here, I should be able to pick it up and in 1 week from today (7 November 2008), I’ll put up a roundup post of everyone who participated in this little game.
- If you don’t have a blog, don’t fret, just tell us in the comment section about your experience shopping in your stash.
The goal:
- To help rediscover some oldies but goodies
- To help us appreciate what we already own and hopefully stop us lusting after new stuff (not that it’ll work! 😛 )
- To introduce some of our old favourites to everyone else (and maybe cause them to lust after them LOL!)
I’ll go root about in my stash this weekend – will you join me? 🙂