I don’t like sounding “naggy” but I do feel strongly about people who get unintentionally duped, especially when shopping online. The thing about shopping online is the need to be extra careful about what you purchase and where you purchase an item from.
It is easy to find deals online and those group deal websites are usually one of the first places to offer good deals on goods and services. I will however, tell you to please be very vigilant when buying goods, especially cosmetics from these group deal websites, because there is no guarantee they are genuine. Granted, we take that risk every time we shop online, but it is possible to read up reviews about an online store. Its different when its a group deal offering what seems to be an excellent discount off a popular product for a very limited time. You feel like you have to take advantage of the “offer” because its limited.
I no longer subscribe to any group deal website (my reasons for it are here) but I’d recently noticed a worrying trend of popular cosmetics being sold on these group buying websites. The most popular deal is for almost 50% or more off the popular Urban Decay Naked and Naked 2 palettes. Its still something like RM75 or more when the original retails at RM175, but here’s the deal. Its not the original product.
Have you come across this and were your spidey senses tingling? Were you duped?