I picked up the Yeouth Vitamin C & E Serum on iHerb without knowing too much about it. It was one of those purchases on a whim, if you may.

It was pretty affordable, and I’m always curious about a new Vitamin C serum. But primarily, it was affordable, and as much as I love my luxury skincare products, I too love a good budget find! 😀
Incidentally, I’ve been approached by Yeouth to ‘review’ their products, for which they offered me credit to purchase on iHerb, and then post a review of it. I declined the offer as it was far too much trouble than it was worth. The products aren’t very expensive, and I had already purchased them anyway. However, this has resulted in my viewing online and Instagram reviews of Yeouth products with a jaundiced eye. Most people will not disclose this fact of ‘sponsorship’ and while I have nothing against it, I do think it is appropriate to disclose it for transparency, so readers are able to better evaluate your review.
And now, on to what I think of the Yeouth Vitamin C & E Serum 🙂
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