Hello friends,
How has your April 2020 treated you so far? Most of us around the world are staying home, or in various stages of lockdown and isolation, and there seems to be little be happy about isn’t there?

For us here in Malaysia, we are at day 44 of restricted movement, as of today, and I’m not sure when it’ll end for now. While I’ve kept my spirits up for the most part, I cannot deny that there are days when I lie back on my couch in the middle of the day, and wonder when life will go back to a semblance of normalcy, when we can go out at will, head to the park and just catch some fresh air and sun.
Yet, there have been bright spots in the month, that are worth documenting. I’d love to know what yours are too – they are there, look for them, hold them close and remember that this too shall all pass eventually 🙂
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