I run through facial sprays like erm… water; so am always on the lookout for a new one to try. You may too, if you were as liberal using one as I am with my moisture sandwich skincare method! One brand that had been on my radar for a while was a niche little brand – Jordan Samuel Skin. When I had a bout of dry skin recently, I was recommended the Hydrate Serum. But since I was paying for shipping anyway, I also picked up another cult favourite – the Jordan Samuel Hydrate Mist.
Jordan Samuel made his name with the Hydrate serum, which I’ll tell you about another day. But realizing that you can’t hydrate your skin with just water – you need something more – he came up with the Mist.
To be honest, it took me a little while to figure out if it was indeed working for me.
Spoiler – It is! 😛
“But it’s just a facial mist!” I almost hear you cry. “What’s so special about a facial mist?!”
Well, that’s what I thought too!
Yet, there is something a little more special about the Jordan Samuel Hydrate Mist. For one, it seems to adhere better to the skin, sealing in hydration more effectively than just mere water. I wrote once about facial mists, why I use them and the ones I’ve tried. I mentioned then that I don’t use the pure thermal water or water sprays e.g. Evian, Avene etc. The reason is because I found them lacking a certain something.
Now, I know what it is. It is the humectants that are found in the ingredients of this Jordan Samuel Hydrate Mist. Although this looks and feels just like a bottle of water, it is anything but. The water has a little more weight once it lands on your skin, as it is combined with plant extracts, hyaluronic acid and their key ingredient, hibiscus hydrosol.
A ‘hydrosol’ is a floral water obtained by distilling flowers either by steam or water. It is slightly acidic, which is good for skin, and is more intense than just mere floral waters. It is like the essential oil without the oil bit, and can be used without dilution.
When do I use this? I use it as a layering product.
So, I cleanse, then mist, which helps serums and lotions absorb quickly, then mist again, just to help everything sink in better, then follow up with another serum or oil or my cream. I basically end up misting my face about 3-4 times in each routine. I know it sounds like a lot, but believe me, it makes a big difference!
Is there any difference then between this Jordan Samuel Hydrate Mist and any other mist I’ve used before? Yes and no. I find that this one hydrates my skin very well, very much like the effect I get with the Hada Labo Kiwamizu lotion, except that it doesn’t irritate my nose. So, I get all the lovely hydration without having to sneeze my nose off every time. In that sense, I find these both quite similar – not dupes, but a little similar. They both have a weight to the liquid, which isn’t present in mere water sprays.
I do find however, that the Jordan Samuel Hydrate Mist feels a little more gentle on my skin, while delivering all sorts of lovely hydration to my skin. The short and long of it is simply that I am very happy to repurchase this mist over and over! I love it 😀
But there are some things I don’t quite like about it.
First, the spray. The nozzle that ships with the bottle has a rather strong spray, so you get these little jets of water hitting your skin. Holding it further away (about an arms length) helps disperse it better. Apparently, Jordan Samuel has rectified this problem by shipping another nozzle with the product, so you get 2 nozzles. The other nozzle delivers a far more gentle spray. However, the problem is that my box did not contain this extra nozzle. I’m not sure why, but my order was a little messy when it arrived, as another oil I bought had broken (they were absolutely lovely and replaced it with absolutely no quibble, which endeared them to me) so maybe it’s just one of those things.
The second is that the Jordan Samuel Hydrate Mist comes in a glass bottle. While lovely to hold and a nice weight, it does not make it portable. I would love to travel with this, as I expect it will be a delight in an airplane. But the size (120ml) makes it non-airplane-friendly, and the rather large glass bottle is a recipe for disaster.
I’d like a slightly more streamlined bottle as well. I feel that with mists, a slightly more narrow bottle fits better in the hand. However, I do understand that being a man, Jordan Samuel likely has larger hands than I do, so perhaps it fits nicely in his, but it is a bit big for me to grip and spray.
All that said, I will repurchase this mist. However, due to the cost (once you factor in shipping and exchange rates, it isn’t quite a budget price) and the fact I’d have to buy it online, I am rather more sparing with my use. So I use this maybe once in my skincare routine, directly on my skin after cleansing, and substitute the other moisturising layers with other lotions 🙂
The Jordan Samuel Hydrate Mist is a mist that is not just water, but packed with humectants, hydrosols, plant extracts and hyaluronic acid to help it be the first step to hydrate your skin. And it does! It spritzes out just like water, but “sticks” better to the skin I find. It seems to deliver a hit of hydration first, which does help when your skin is feeling dry, or when it isn’t behaving itself. Do note that your bottle should come with another nozzle, that sprays out a more gentle mist, allowing you to swap it out. But perhaps, they should include it from the get-go because I’m not sure who appreciates the jet of water on their skin with every use.
PROS: Very hydrating, Light texture is just like water, Makes a good first product to boost skin hydration, Keeps skin well hydrated and helps skin stay hydrated better
CONS: Glass bottle is a little too large to hold and is not very travel-friendly, Nozzle that is fixed on the bottle sprays out too strong a jet of product each time (a spare nozzle with a more gentle spray is included although mine did not come with one), Bottle size is not in-flight friendly
WHO WILL LIKE THIS: Anyone who likes using facial mists
PRICE: US$29 for 120ml
WHERE TO BUY: Jordan Samuel website only
Here is the ingredient list for the Jordan Samuel Hydrate Mist.
Have you tried this Jordan Samuel Hydrate Mist? Any other Jordan Samuel Skin products to recommend?
I will tell you about the famed Hydrate Serum soon, and will be trying the retinol oil. But if you have other recommendations, please do share, because I’d eventually have to make another order for this mist! LOL! 😀
Paris B
Seems like the latest colour theme of your blog posts are black and white. 😉 This is another product that looks pure and simple. Glad you’ve found something you love and thanks for sharing. You’ve gotten me interested in facial mist and sandwiches…oops! Ha Ha.
Fascinating, you are right about the colour scheme! I didn’t notice LOL! I am, unfortunately, one of those who aren’t dedicated enough to curate a specific theme for their images despite what the “pros” tell us to do 😛 This one’s good stuff and facial mists and sandwiches aren’t a bad combination LOL
I’ve been meaning to try Jordan Samuel’s products for a while now but couldn’t justify paying so much for shipping. So I’ve been putting it off. ?
If you’re into “heavier” mist, maybe try Hyggee all in one mist. It’s a Korean brand though. I quite like it, especially in flights. ?
I’m unfamiliar with the Hyggee brand, but I’ll certainly bear it in mind. Never know when I’ll come across it 🙂 As for Jordan Samuel, I do agree the shipping costs are quite steep. The only way to justify it is to make a larger order, or to share it with friends. Otherwise, it does make it inaccessible for international folk
My favourite thing about this mist is how unscented it is. I love this in contrast to my other HG mist the Josh Rosebrook Hydrating Accelerator. That one has a beautiful concoction of botanicals and I just want to bath in it every time I use it. But sometimes, I just want a good mist that doesn’t smell of anything to satisfy the multiple skincare personality that lives within me. Same problem with the misting mechanism, I did get the first generation of mists. However, I’m looking forward to replenishing this come Black Friday with the new and improved mist. Maybe we should combine order to save on shipping 😛
Ooh I’ve been thinking of trying the Josh Rosebrook one! I keep forgetting to order it though LOL! But yes, this is a good one, and it’s nice that they have acknowledged the problem and offered a solution. I just wish that they’d cap it with the pump for the softer mist. I mean, who really wants jets of water spraying on their face eh? 😛 And yes, let me know about Black Friday!!