While it always seems like happy-happy-joy-joy on blogs where we rave about the latest discoveries and new products, out there in the sidelines and out of the limelight lie a fringe of discards. Products that don’t perform as they say they do, products that for one reason or another doesn’t agree with our skin and products that we just don’t quite like at all. It happens. Not everything is or can be a new favourite.
Here are some products that I’d been trying and testing off and on over a few months trying to decide if I like them or I don’t. If I like something, I usually form the impression quite quickly. When I don’t, I like to take a longer time to see if it grows on me, just to be fair.
These didn’t, although with one or two of them, I don’t dislike them enough to bin them immediately but will finish them up. So, in the middle of all my raves for skincare I like, here are the ones that didn’t make the cut one way or another.