Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia
Friends and readers in the USA celebrated Thanksgiving Day yesterday and I believe the Canadians celebrate theirs in October. While we don’t have a similar sort of Thanksgiving Day here in Malaysia, I wanted to adopt it anyway because in the flurry of everyday life of chasing our dreams and keeping up with things, we often forget to pause and take stock of what we already have. Quite often, we forget that for many of us, we have a lot to be thankful for, for being where we are and having what we have.
Just reading this alone means you would be thankful for having the internet, an education, electricity, and a mobile phone (if you’re reading this on your mobile) 🙂
So I just wanted to share a few things I’m thankful for. You too can share what you’re thankful for, if you feel like vocalizing it, or you can just pause for a moment and think of 10 things that you’re thankful for. Believe you me, it will make you feel better, or if not, a little more thankful and appreciative.