You know, I came into wearing makeup late and I had a horribly steep learning curve. Unblended eyeshadow, too much blush… oh yeah, those were the days! I also didn’t have as much access to makeup lessons because the one makeover I went for left me with orange foundation, purple eyeshadow, orange blush and deathly nude lips. I was so traumatized I refused to go for another makeover or lesson!
You know what? You don’t know how lucky you are these days!
I just discovered this service from Bobbi Brown that I just had to share because for the most part, it’s free! That’s right. Gratis. Complimentary. No obligations!
I took the photo above at the Bobbi Brown store at Pavilion KL, but this is a service that is available at all Bobbi Brown stores worldwide. Yep, not just in Malaysia. Anything 20 minutes and below is complimentary. But if you want something longer like the Pretty Powerful Makeup Lesson, Long-Wear Look, Bridal Makeup and Party Makeup (all 45 mins) you do have to pay a fee which is fully redeemable against products so the service is still technically free. You do know that it was said that Kate Middleton … oops! I meant Catherine Duchess of Cambridge did her own makeup for her wedding right? And you do know that she used Bobbi Brown right? Right? 😉
I sat down for a session not long ago to see how useful it might be, and the tagline says it all. What Bobbi Brown offers you are makeup lessons, not makeovers. You will not just sit back and have a makeup artist work his or her magic on you. What they will do, is teach you.
So, perhaps you want to learn how to do a smokey eye look, but don’t know where to start. What they’ll do is guide you and show you the techniques and how it’ll look… on one eye. Then you do the other yourself!
Bobbi Brown Rich Chocolate Eye Palette – Limited Edition
It can be daunting I’ll admit. Quite often, techniques we practice at home may not be quite what the makeup artist thinks you should be doing, but I suppose we can all learn something and then tweak it to our own satisfaction. The Smokey Eye lesson is complimentary and I’m told you can take it as many times as you like till you get it right, and ask all the questions you want. You’re there to learn after all. Don’t worry about walking away with one wonky eye (as I was afraid I did) because they’ll be sure to tidy things up for you before you leave.
I’m told you don’t need to make a reservation but I think it’s wise especially on weekends or if the store is busy. The store at Pavilion KL where I was, is nice, because there is a little boudoir which is semi-private and away from curious eyes if you’re feeling shy.
The service is complimentary so don’t feel obliged to buy anything if you don’t want to. Naturally, because the lessons are taught using Bobbi Brown products, you will be more likely to be able to replicate the results using the products too. In the process, I had the chance to try a new lip colour – Nectar – that I may never have tried at the best of times, and also a new matte Pink Coral blush. Already have my eye on the blush although I have the shimmer version. Sigh… yes, me and my neverending fascination with blushes 😀
Did you know about this service at Bobbi Brown? Have you been for one?
I didn’t know about it until recently but it’s very nice to know that it exists. Wish it existed back in the day when I was walking around with unblended green eyeshadow. Seriously. Sigh…
Paris B
Bobbi Brown Makeup Lessons are available as a complimentary service. Longer lessons will require the purchase of a voucher priced between RM150-300 which is fully redeemable against products. Services are available at all Bobbi Brown stores.
Oh that chocolate palette reminds me of the Stonewashed Nudes palette that was launched many years ago. That was a staple because it was so office-friendly! Maybe it’s time to dig it out again 🙂
Nope, never knew of such a service but always good to know it’s available because if anything, it’s always fun to see how someone would choose to make you up instead of doing the same old thing for yourself. 😉
Yep! That’s what I told them. “Don’t you release the Chocolate palette like every 2 months? Why don’t you make it permanent?” 😛 I don’t think it endeared myself to them haaha! I didn’t get the Stonewashed Nudes palette because I found it boring (I was in my green eyeshadow phase) but you know, I might like it now. It’s much cooler in tone than the Chocolate palette I believe. I can’t wear this one well 😛
Thanks for the information. Will certainly check this out if I am around Pavilion area and have the time to stop by 🙂
It’s at all Bobbi Brown counters 🙂 The Pavilion one is a little more inviting, I feel because I found the staff more friendly and the alcove helped with privacy 🙂
oh so that was what you were doing in pavilion that day… darn I shoulda me nyibuks and learn the technique too! 😉
I’ve always wanted to learn the smoky eyes technique but I never got it right. sigh…
Haha yes I was and darn! We were so near yet so far! 😛 I still can’t really do a smokey eye so I just do my own variation of it which involves piling on dark shadow and hoping it works LOL!
I’ve been for this service before.
The BB lady nipped my eyelid with the eyelash curler and gave me and everlasting phobia about eyelash curlers since. oh, whilst i was asking her please be careful not to nip my eyelid 🙁
So, no thank you
LOL you know what? I was asked to curl my lashes and I nipped my own lid. 3 times! On each side! I told the BB lady that their curler was crap 😛 I never nip my lid when I’m at home and using my RMK Curler 😉
My only issue is that not all the BAs doing the lessons seem very approachable. I remember when I first ventured to get the highly raved creamy concealer. The BA was trying out the shade for me and I wasn’t completely sure about the shade he picked. When I asked whether it seemed a bit dark, he seem offended that I did not trust his choice of shade. There were also another few occasions when I went to purchase some makeup items and let’s just say I wish they had been more helpful and pleasant. Nowadays, I normally just give the brand a miss. What’s more with the staggering difference in local retail price as compared with the price in USD.
You’re actually right Kate. I had a poor experience at BB at MidValley and that put me right off the brand. There was a girl there who was very helpful but when I no longer saw her in the store, I never went back. Oh and I hate it when SA/BA won’t listen when we voice our concerns about foundation or concealer shades. I had a bit of a tussle with the BB BA who was showing me stuff because I said I could not wear a yellow toned foundation but she insisted on trying out a stripe on me anyway. She had to admit in the end that it didn’t work so it helps to stand our ground 🙂
Kate Middleton is too heavy handed with her blush, eyeliner, eyebrows and fake tan. So I guess I will give these lessons a miss!
Besides, I find BB SAs too pushy and their methods are too fussy… One SA told me I need two blushers… One for overall color and another for a “pop” of color, whatever a pop is. Oh, and two lip colors – one the same color as my lips, and another bright one to erm… brighten up my face….
She does tend to pile it on doesn’t she? Could boil down to personal taste maybe coz she thinks she’ll be photographed all the time? Can’t begin to fathom it to be honest hehe… I wasn’t pushed 2 blushes but they did try to make me wear a lip shade that I said no to. So I agreed to test it, but then said, ok, now I don’t want it because I don’t like it, so wiped it off. Might have stepped on some toes but I think it helps to be able to stand up to them and say no 🙂 That said, the tip about using 2 blushes does work if you have the time or inclination. Usually a darker shade (to contour or use a bronzer) and then use a bright shade on just the apples of your cheeks to give that “pop” which makes you look a bit perkier but over do it and it could be disastrous LOL
I get the contour and highlight thing (yup, SA tried to get me to consider that too) but this was two different blushes… One lighter one, called Slopes and then another darker color of my choice … And this was after my saying I wanted a simple routine for workdays!! Yeah, BB is not cheap, and they really should take note of our comments, we are giving them valuable feedback! I actually have more to say, but I don’t want things to get too negative on your blog! I have about 3-4 BB items now which I won’t be replacing and have since become a fan of several other brands.
Lol! I’d give up if I had to use 2 blushes on a workday just to look decent. But yeah, it would be good to get the service up to mark considering how much we have to pay for products. I personally like BB blushes and their eye stick crayon things. Guess they have their fans too like all brands 🙂
hello Jenn. It’s quite common to use a “pop” of colours just on the high point of cheek. This is usually the brighter one, like fuchsia. I find that blush palettes with 3 colours in one are usually good. Saves time. You sweep over all colours for a general tone, and then you dip you brush in the deepest colour only for that pop. :p
As or 2 lip colours… you mean wearing 2 at the same time? How long do we need to do the makeup like this I wonder?
Hi Ting,
Ya, you know, you’re right, I just realized I do that when I use my Dior blush which comes in a lighter and matching darker shade. Not sure if Dior still has that particular blush, but Canmake does a great dupe. 🙂 and my friend told me if you watch BB videos in YouTube, Bobbi Brown herself does use two blush colors. I wonder why BB blush isn’t sold with two shades if that’s how they advocate the use of blush… (Just wondering! 🙂 )
I guess the SAs are just trained to repeat various BB mantras without taking into account the clients’ specific needs. I was shown a lip color that I was told is my nude shade, but as my lips are quite pigmented, it wasn’t at all a case of MLBB but MLWIWTLD (my lips when I want to look dead). I don’t care if Kate Middleton or whoever likes this color, it’s not exactly flattering on her either, come to think of it! So yeah, and I can apparently use this nude color to even out the tone of my lips so that when I want to use another shade, it will bring out the true tone of that lipstick. Yikes, if I really wanted to do that, I can use my concealer!
Maybe it’s just me, but everyday makeup is about a streamlined routine to look polished and it should be fuss free. The only part of the routine I prepared to take more time on is base makeup, the others no, and everyone knows a great lip color can instantly brighten up the face, so really, if the client tells you she wants a flattering brighter color, go with it, don’t show her a nude lip!
I guess after spending close to Rm400 on products to qualify for a makeup lesson, I expect to pick up some great tips, specific to my skin and lifestyle, not a session of further pushing of product. I am now a proud owner of the Shimmer brick, which I am told can be used as eyeshadow, highlighter, blush, applied over blush and overall brightener… It’s too shimmery and pink as an eyeshadow, unless tired and puffy eyed is the look I want to go for, I don’t use highlighter on a daily basis, blush, erm… Just say no to sparkly baboon arse face, and overall brightener? Erm…. I don’t think so….. Needless to say, it’s still in my drawer……
I am sorry for the rant, but makeup companies in general need to up their game when it comes to their customer service. (BB just happens to be the one that annoyed me, but I am sure they don’t have monopoly on bad customer service;) ) credit where it’s due, BB has great long lasting blush, their bronzers are brilliant (Antigua Ftw!), concealers, ditto, and they were the first to come up with gel eyeliners which are genius. However, with makeup, there are always dupes, and other companies will overtake them with better formulas, pricing, etc. Customer service is really where it’s at. Otherwise, as customers we get mad and rant in blogs like this. LOL
Yoohoo Jenn, it’s amusing reading your reply. MLWIWTLD?? Classic! Haha! And you are dead right about using concealer to even out the lips too! Which was why I asked if you have been advised to use 2 lipsticks at the same time… Actually, a nude lip pencil or one that is closer to your natural colour lips would be better to hold the lipstick in place. It feels too “heavy” wearing 2 lip shades.
Kate Middleton always has pinkish sparkly lips. Not so much nude I think? Jennifer Lopez is the one who looks drop dead gorgeous in whatever colour she wears. 🙂
And shimmer brick… For the longest time I have been curious about this but I keep looking away because I just couldn’t figure out how to use it?? We’ll have to ask Paris to compare shimmer brick to her beloved meteorites… Hehehe.. Pretty please, Paris? 🙂
As for pushy SA’s… They are everywhere in every brands. I thought the MAC ones are notorious for being arrogant. The SAs over here (Bangkok) are generally quite nice. Thais usually have better service minds than else where, I must say. It’s in their culture. But having said that… I was once persuaded by the BB SA to buy two LE sparkly lip gloss. Something was blocking my head that day and hearing words like “limited edition” and “there is only 2 left. You can no longer get it” and “if you buy over THB X you will get Y” made me willingly hand over my plastic. Gaaaahhh! After a few years of reading blogs online, I came to learn to let go of LE seduction. As for the said LE sparkly lip glosses…. I hardly use them.. 🙁
Honestly, before I learn about other cosmetic companies I was a loyal BB customer. Their wearable and neutral images are cup of tea. Even my first book on how to makeup is written by bobbi brown. 🙂 their star products are always excellent. No question about that. Eyeshadows are good quality too if you wanna splurge on neutral tones. But I think we are fickle minded women after all. All neutral and no fun colours make us a dull woman… Hahaha
Howdy Ting!
Wow you’re in Bangkok! I am envious 🙂 you’re so right, the Thais are lovely at customer service. The SAs I encountered were so good and knowledgable too. I was recommended some products at the NARS counter which I absolutely love til today. (Deep throat blush and Bangkok lip color) thanks for the tip abt nude lip pencil btw, I must remember that one 🙂
I think my disappointment with BB stems from my soft spot for it… Like you, it was the first high end makeup brand I used, and yep I read her (earlier) books too. At that time her books were the only ones of its kind you could get in the market and I loved her makeup philosophy… Btw, why did BB use Katie Holmes when she always said they use real women for their models who are never airbrushed??! Anyways, as a newbie I went to the BB counter (anyone remembers the one in Jusco at old wing One U? 🙂 ) and was kitted out with a fantastic concealer, powder, lipgloss and eyebrow color. (Shimmer bricks, etc etc didn’t exist then) I was unsure about mascara and liner, finding it too fiddly and was told, that’s fine, you don’t have to use it then, but do tidy your brows and here’s how you do it. It was perfect advice for a newbie. I went back for more because there is a relationship of trust there. Over the the years however, I started experimenting with other brands and looks (yeah, women are fickle!). A little while back, though, I decided to pare down my makeup collection and find a routine with quality products that I know will work for me. (I went through the LE phase too!). So BB popped into my head and off I trotted to the counter only to be aghast at the silliness of their selling methods. There can’t be anything worse than an SA saying “buy this it suits you” and you have to go “no, it doesn’t”, “oh yes it does”, “oh no I don’t think so” etc etc etc 😉 So yeah, it’s like I am telling an old friend, “hey, buck up” 🙂
high five Jenn! 🙂 Me too… I started in BB’s base products because I thought I could trust the brand (and I still can). When I was newbie, I used little base products anyway so it made sense to invest in a good one. Plus, I was terrified of choosing the wrong shade so it was best to consult with the SA at the counter. I didn’t believe pharmacy had any good base products then. How silly! Of course they do.
On the contrary, I am envious of YOU! Cosmetics / skincare prices are so expensive over here due to tax… when I go back to KL, everything seems so cheap!
I am sorry to hear about your recent experience at BB. Really disappointing especially when you have been a long term customers… 🙁
About shimmer brick (not giving up here haha), as it’s such a star product, I suppose you could find some use of it eventually? 😀 It is a beautiful product afterall. 🙂
No, you’re absolutely right, pharmacies didn’t have good base products then like they do now. Revlon in particular has really stepped up recently 🙂 hmmmm not fair to call myself a long term BB customer, more like lapsed.. Heh 🙂
Yeah the shimmer brick looks so good when used in BB videos…I need practice. I can just about make it look ok as a highlighter but when I do wear highlighter I prefer liquid ones like Benefits hi beam. There’s one by No 7 that’s great too (another reason BKK is much cooler than KL. oh, and BKK has Suqqu too, not fair!) 😀
Suqqu is not available in every department store, unfortunately. But if you need something from BKK, I am happy to be messenger. 😀 Yes we have Boots here. Grass is always greener on the other side. hahaha
Good luck with the shimmer brick! For my makeup routine, highlighting rarely happens… haha because I am lazy. Even with the meteorites (bought after Paris raved and raved about them) I hardly use – only when I want to feel feminine as it smells lovely. :p
Haha Ting, don’t go anywhere near the shimmerbrick 😛 I just told Jenn that you’re looking at someone who used to own almost all the shades thanks to the hype. I’ve since given them all away. Meteorites give a nice glow. Shimmerbricks give you a brickload of shimmer. Not the same at all and on older skin, not flattering 😛
Ooh thanks for your very kind offer Ting! Come to think of it, I must have a look at my no 7 stuff to see what’s finishing soon. I should not be buying any more makeup really, but with NARS opening in KL next month, and Xmas gifts sets coming up, I think this is highly unlikely! I’ve never used Meteorites although I would like to try it some time, the box looks so pretty, I would like to just leave it on my dressing table! 🙂
Anytime, Jenn. I go back to KL 2 or 3 times a year – depending on my schedules. 🙂 If you need to check out Boots brands, I am happy to help as I do grocery shopping in the supermarket every week and there’s a Boots around. 🙂
Yes, ma’am. That permanently put me off shimmer brick. hahahaha
By the way, I love the meteorites. Looking at the beautiful colourful balls make me happy already. They are better than those pressed ones in terms of prettiness. 🙂
hahaa yes! I’ve been thinking about getting a pressed Meteorites but the prices put me right off. Good for travelling though. Won’t get balls all over the floor 😛
MLWIWTLD totally killed me Jenn LOL! I personally hate the whole nude lip trend, especially those who totally blot out their lips. I thought the idea was to give us natural looking lips, not corpse-like features. As for the Shimmerbrick, meet someone who used to own almost all of them thanks to the hype 😛 I eventually gave them all away because when I got them to work, it was lovely but it was very easy to over do. then I got older and really, the high shimmer bordering on frosty makeup look doesn’t look good when you move away from your 20s My suggestion is to find someone to offload it to and have it go to a better home 😉
Wow, that’s a lot of Shimmerbricks! I do think the brush used makes a big difference- a softer one rather than the BB blush brush, but yeah not really my thing either, it highlights my acne scars and open pores. 🙁 My hopes of getting the JLo glow gone ….. 🙁 🙁
Haha yes, it was a crazy phase. Thank goodness I’m over it 😛 I found actually, that a slightly denser brush gave a better result with the shimmerbricks. If it is too soft, then I tended to pick up too much shimmer and it’d get everywhere. But a slightly denser brush allows you to pick up just a little (and more colour), and buff it in so you do get a slightly more glowy look. But you know, you’re right about it accentuating pores and marks. The other reason I had to give it all away. If you want a glow, you can try a liquid highlighter. Mix it into your foundation and it is usually more forgiving 😉
Wow it sounded like a difficult product to master. Not only the technique, but which brush to use with it as well… I wonder how it can be used a eyeshadow…?? hmm…
Yep, it can! Very shimmery eyeshadow, but eyeshadow nonetheless 🙂 I used to have a brown one that I used a lot for eyeshadow. Goodness, those were the shimmerball days
I’ve tried making an appointment with them like 1 or 2 years ago? Can’t really remember how long was it. But, the BB lady told me its full. I change another date, its still full. Change the date again, its still full!! So fine. Forget it. lol
Yeouch! That wasn’t nice at all 🙁 Seems like I got lucky eh? Not many people have had good experiences at BB 😛
I don’t like BB SA too!! I went to 1u outlet few x the sa was very arrogant and unfriendly. It feels like our role is exchanged. That I hv to be d 1 to please n tolerate them. Long x ago I tried Bb makeover in another outlet and was newbie to makeup. Still after done it was horrendous I was makeup like a toned down clown ..haha!! So I don’t hv good experience with Bobbi Brown sorry to say..
Ugh! I hate it when that happens Leona! Happened to me at the MidValley outlet many years ago and I refused to go back. The people at Pavilion were quite nice. Not too pushy although I did have to stand my ground a bit about how I wanted to look. Turned out quite well. But you know what? This is all good feedback! I do hope the people from BB read this so they know that their BAs are putting people off 😉
I never go to BB…just because other brands seem more exciting to me. Their product is expensive and too much in quantity for me.
But I did accompany a friend to BB outlet in Singapore. The SA taught my friend to put on foundation and concealer like a stern teacher. He sounded very arrogant and slightly frustrated at my friend being a newbie at makeup. I suppose its their company culture?
Yikes didn’t know BB has that reputation in singapore as well. Looks like I really got lucky this time around lol! I wasn’t too into the brand because it’s too safe, but I really like their blushes. I have to admit that the looks they have done for Katie Holmes have made me quite interested though. I wonder if I’m playing it safe in my dotage lol 😉
yes that’s it Shay!! BB has so much product I really wonder why don’t they reduce the product size (it’s already very difficult to hit pan with cosmetics from other company anyway) and reduce pricing too? We have smaller face and also smaller eye-lid space to really use up anything at all… haha
Yeah, I really think there is no big loss as they don’t come up with anything exciting.
Even for the neutral palette above, theirs is so boring rectangular shape. Marc Jacobs came up with a neutral palette which is oblong shape which looks more appealing.
I think they may appeal to those who want something safe and maybe easy. Interesting you should bring up Marc Jacobs beauty. That’s one line I’ve got absolutely no interest in at all! HAHA
Here we haven’t got Bobbi Brown stores, unfortunately. However, MAC stores do have a similar programme, in which they do one eye and then you do the other – also for free. I can’t say I was very pleased, though – I thought the makeup they did was too bland. On the other hand, I did learn some nice techniques.^^
Oh that’s interesting to know about MAC, Mari! I don’t know if the MAC stores here do it but I have a bit of MAC-phobia haha. They were the ones who gave me the clownish makeover and the sales people are just so unpleasant most of the time that I don’t even want to step into the store. Oh well, people said the same things about BB here too hehe…
Oh my, let me tell you my bad experience at BB. Went to the counter only to find the only available SA eating at the back of the counter. I said hello, and she then gave me the look of “can’t you see I’m eating here?!”. She then said, “you wait ahh”. And i did. A couple of minutes later, another SA came. First SA told second SA the situation (in a language only both of them can understand – quite rude I must say) while pointing at me with her chopsticks. So when they are ready to serve me, I did the best thing I could think of, I leave. Never went back.
Yikes! That was awful DJ, and rude! I’m glad you left.
Hi Paris and all other lovely ladies! Hearing all your bad experiences with BB SAs is so cringe-worthy and makes me angry at the same time! Bad customer service is definitely not limited to BB, or even makeup counters though, like some of you pointed out.
I have vowed NOT to stand for another one of these. Once I was shopping for a polaroid camera, and the salesman started out bored, then got ruder and ruder, ironically as it became clearer that we were serious buyers as we asked more specific questions! My husband (then fiance) got so angry and told him off nicely, like “thank you for being RUDE”, and “please learn how to speak to your customers properly” loudly so all in the shop can hear, and whipped out his phone camera to take picture of the guy & the shop front. My fiance is 6 feet tall, big and hairy (he usually is the nicest gentleman) and when he pulls out the scary is quite a sight. Poor guy’s lips were trembling! Though I cannot do the physical scary, being 5 feet nothing in height, I will be firm and ask “why are you having such bad attitude to a potential customer”, and I will request to be attended to by a different SAs, or they could leave me alone to choose what I want to buy — this is a promise to myself!
It’s always good to stand up for yourself and NOT to stand for poor service. Usually, if I receive poor service, I leave. Just up and go. After all, it’s their loss not mine! Well, unless I’m in a restaurant then upping and going isn’t quite the best option, but I have been known to walk out on the basis my food took too long to come. They forgot, my dining partner had eaten, and I was still waiting!
I had really high expectation of Bobbi Brown compared to other cosmetic brands and being new to make up, what I expected walking into Bobbi Brown was a real friendly service helping me find the right products for my skin etc (I assume that is what they get paid for). But not from the sales assistant in the One Utama outlet. They provided real horrible service. The SA who attended to me was so arrogant and stucked up. She was of no help, and even looked like she could not wait for you to leave the shop so she could get back to whatever she was doing. It took her 10 minutes for her to attend to a customer btw. I was just left alone browsing their products but honestly doing that felt better than her standing beside me just staring and being totally unhelpful. It got so unbearable I walked out. Seriously she ruined the brand bobbi brown for me. If any of you ever intend to get BB products from that outlet don’t depend on the sales assistants, they’re real turn offs.