I’d be the first to tell you that whenever I used to buy brush sets, the first brush I’d put aside and never use is the concealer brush. I had fingers. What need had I for a concealer brush? Just another fiddly item to use in the morning and to wash.
And then one day, I came across the poor unused concealer brushes I had and thought “Oh you poor dears, I’m sure you were made for a reason. Let’s see what you can do” Needless to say, I never looked back.
So, since I’m a convert to using concealer brushes, let me tell you why they are really quite a good idea and why although we have fingers that do a good job, the concealer brush helps it look better 🙂
The most obvious thing about using a concealer brush is that it is small. That also makes it more precise getting your product where you want it to.
I use a combination of fingers and brush and here’s how I generally use a concealer brush.
- Squeeze product on back of my hand (or if its a pan product then don’t).
- Take a concealer brush and spread the product around to warm it up and coat the brush.
- Dab the product on the areas that need concealing – redness, spots, pigmentation, undereye
- Using your ring finger (4th finger) lightly pat to spread and blend the product into skin
I realised that a concealer brush alone didn’t blend the product very well and can sometimes make it look streaky. So I use my fingers to blend. I found that the concealer brush actually helped me use less product, get it where I want it to go more precisely and the result was more natural because I was actually using thinner layers. If I need more coverage, I dab the brush over again and I get better coverage.
It was just like using a mini foundation brush and I wondered why it took me so long to figure out that it was actually quite a good idea! This is especially so for the under eye area where I soon realised that using my fingers resulted in me applying more product than necessary and that it would sometimes look too thick and emphasize lines. With the brush, I get thinner layers, cover only the areas that need covering and once blended, get a more natural result.
For now, the brush I’m using is the Sigma F70 Concealer Brush that came in one of their brush sets. I would recommend a synthetic brush because when using concealers, you dabble in cream products and a synthetic brush makes it easier to clean. I’m quite happy with it as its not too sparse and is soft yet firm, and I see that its sold individually for about US$10 so its really affordable and that’s one to consider. Otherwise, I’m sure there are other ones in the market that I don’t know about 🙂
Do you use a concealer brush and have one to recommend? Have you ever wondered what they were for?
I only started using a concealer brush last year (2012) so I’m late to the party as usual LOL! I mentioned it to a friend and she told me she stopped using it because it made her concealer look streaky but if you use it the way I do (and as I notice many makeup artists do) i.e. dab on concealer with a brush and use your fingers to blend, it blends very seamlessly into your skin. Try it and see if you like it! 🙂
Paris B
I use my ring finger for under eye concealers. For spots, i always use a brush. in fact, i use my tiny eyeliner brush to spot conceal then tap it out using my ring finger. Application is more precise and natural that way 🙂
I noticed that too after I’d experimented with a brush. It really does make short work of concealing naturally. And I like the idea of an eyeliner brush although I think I have too much to conceal haha! 🙂
thank you for this eyeliner brush tip. i had a huge volcano waiting to erupt (no kidding! huge!) on my chin n i need my photo taken. that brush gave a more flawless look.
I know you’ve told me this numerous times before, I’ve yet to find a brush I’m happy with so I’m sticking with what nature’s given me. The third…I mean, ring finger 😛 Oh, I’ve also gone back to using my fingers for foundation 😀 (I win the award for being the laziest half-baked beauty blogger!)
Haha whatever works, my dear! It’s just makeup not rocket science 😉
i started out using a concealer brush, then i got lazy!
but when i need some serious conceal, i still go back to the brush for precision and even finish.
So we are opposites! I was too lazy to use a concealer brush before and now I do haha! 😀
I actually don’t use a concealer brush anymore, can’t work with it. no matter what I do, I find my concealer applies the best with my finger. I like to warm up the product as well and this way it will melt into my skin and look natural (the look I go for – base makeup). I think, meanwhile, I don’t even own a true concealer brush 😀
I used to do the exact same thing you do, Claire. In fact I still do! 😉 Perhaps it was because I was trying out some other types of concealer that came in pots which was what pushed me to try using a brush (can’t be digging into a pot all the time!) and I’m sold haha! I just find that a brush gives a thinner layer but I still always use my fingers to blend because the warmth just helps it melt and look so much more natural 🙂
Great tip, Paris! I’ve used this method of application in the past and I think it can be helpful for regulating the amount of product you use–especially if that product is a thick, creamy concealer. But for something thin and fluid like my Giorgio Armani Maestro concealer, my fingers are really the best tool.
I used to use my Bobbi Brown cream shadow brush for concealer and it worked great. I liked that it was nice and thin–I dislike those really thick ones
Oh you’re right about texture, Becca! For more fluid concealers, I still go with fingers for best results. If its too runny, I find that a brush will then pick up more than necessary. Makeup can be so confusing! LOL!
let me try that tip! I usually use my fingers too because I’m always in a rush but if this will be more precise then I guess I have to be a convert too! 🙂
The bonus for me, is that I found I used less product! I know, its unusual, but any saving is good 😉 Try it and see if you like it.
I’ve always used a concealer brush for spot concealing (I don’t do under eye concealing) and have also experienced the streaky problem. But I recently watched a Lisa Eldridge video on spot concealing and her tips work wonderfully. I’ve always applied the concealer on to the spot directly from the brush and then dabbed at it with my ring finger but apparently that deposits too much concealer at once. So now, I dip the brush in concealer, swipe off the excess on the back of my hand and then use very, very, very light strokes over the spot. I then dab it with my ring finger and reapply another layer of concealer – again with a very light hand. I often find that I don’t need to top-up the concealer that is already on my brush. The light, feathery application + dabbing with finger works to eliminate streaking and the reapplication helps keeps the concealing work in place through the day.
Thanks for sharing the tips, Isabel 🙂 I usually spread it out on the back of my hand like I would if I was painting to get an even coating on the brush and then apply to skin. Sort of same same but different with the method you just described but I’ll try yours and see how it works for me 🙂 I always have to finish off using my fingers to tap it in – the warmth from the fingers is quite essential to blend it seamlessly into skin 🙂
Nicely done.. Now i gotta search my concealer brush in my drawers… By the way, what concealer is in your picture?
haha so you’re like me and discard your concealer brushes too? 😀 The 2 concealers in the picture are the Laura Mercier UnderCover pot concealer (open) and Make Up For Ever Full Cover (tube).
Thanks for the tip. I do not have an actual concealer brush and I usually apply concealer with my ring finger to my under eye area. I guess I need to either get one or have another look at my brush set to see if I could convert a similar looking brush into a concealer brush. LOL. Hope other readers could recommend a concealer brush that is worth checking out.
For my undereye area, I tend to use my fingers too. However, ever since I learnt a tip from an Estee Lauder makeup artist last year, I’ve been using a brush because he taught us that you don’t need and shouldn’t be applying concealer all over the under eye area and in fact, less is more! I will try to show you what I mean in an upcoming post, but essentially, I apply concealer only on the outer third and inner third of the under eye area and then pat to blend. You’d be surprised at how effective it is! That said, I don’t have a serious problem, mostly shadows, so it works well 🙂
I use both concealer brush and fingers too! The nice “final touch” from the warmth of your fingers make everything blends oh so seamlessly 😀
When a makeup artist talks, we all listen, Nikki! Thanks for sharing your tips!
I use a flat synthetic brush first, then pat it in with my ring finger. I admit though sometimes I’m just too lazy to bother with brushes so I just use my finger. ^^
I just wish the big, shiny, red pimple on my chin would stay concealed; it’s like it eats concealer because after I conceal it, it pops back out again 10 minutes later…
Oh I’m the same about being lazy 😀 Some days, I just go straight with fingers or just apply more foundation so I skip concealer haha! 😀 For stubborn bright red pimples and pigmentation, I’ve found the Make Up For Ever Full Cover concealer to be the best. Helps it stay hidden for longer. I fell out of love with it for a while, but its back in my daily repertoire. Have you tried it?
I actually have that concealer actually; it slides off just the same, sadly. 🙁 I’ve also tried Shuu Uemura’s concealer…same thing even though it’s much much drier.
Great tip! I tend to use a brush to apply concealer sometimes, but then use my fingers to warm up the product and kind of melt it into my skin!
I keep hearing such good things about those Sigma brushes-might have to pick up that set!
Brushes from Sigma are ok for the asking price but I suggest picking them up individually vs as a set. Not every brush is great 😉
I am doing my makeup at work so I usually have like 5 minutes to get it on with 🙂 And I don’t like to use many kinds of brush around here I already pull a lot of attention to my babies (yes I call my stash, babies, lol!). I have one from Ecotools (as yours, part of a set), but I don’t even use foundation brush so in fact brush using is a new thing to me. I never invested so much in them. But lately I needed a brush to use for my cream blushes (when I use my fingers I believe I just make them disappear faster) so I bought MAC 130 and I can see now that a brush can make a difference! So definitely gonna try your tips, thanks Paris 🙂
Hi Casey, like you, I use a brush for cream blushes too! I find they stay on better on skin, look better and I don’t dirty my fingers 😀 I never used to use brushes when I started out using makeup, only for blush. I even did eyeshadow etc with fingers! but now, I have a brush for everything LOL 😀
Lol!! Oh, Paris 😛
I love my concealer brushes — I place with one, then blend with an eye brush (under eye, around the nose) or flat-top foundation brush (nose, chin). The mix of brushes does a much better job than my fingers!
Now, the brow/lash brushes in kits… those have GOT to go!
Ah Rae, I’m with you on the lash brushes in kits! Or mascara spoolies. I mean honestly, how many of use use those?! So I use mascara spoolies for brows to soften pencils etc LOL! I am intrigued with your method of using concealer brushes – do you have specific ones you use?
what is the best way to apply concealer for eyebags?
I don’t have severe eyebags but when I do, I use a highlighter instead of a concealer, because light reflects off and doesn’t draw as much attention to the bags. I like to use Dior Skinflash or any highlighter pen 🙂
I cannot live without my concealer brush! But I prefer fluffy ones instead of the conventional flat ones. I use the Real Techniques domed shadow brush, dab a bit of concealer on a spot and lightly feather it out. Same thing with the undereyes.
I’ve heard about using a fluffy brush for concealer too! Especially for the undereye for a more diffused effect. I tried it once but it didn’t quite work for me. I might try it again and see 😀
I use ECO TOOLS CONCEALER brush !!!! Its fab 🙂
Thanks for the rec, Shreya! Ecotools is affordable 😀
thanks for the great tips!
Most welcome, hope it helps you 🙂
I’ve tried so many brushes and always come back to my ring finger. It just seems to blend my concealer the best.
I agree, Marla. For blending, I have to use fingers but I like the brush for precise application, and then blend out 🙂
Haha I’m like you: I have fingers so why would I need a concealer brush 😉
For the moment I use a stick concealer (NARS) and a pen one (Clinique). Maybe that’s why I haven’t needed to use a concealer brush much? Maybe I’ll try it with the Clinique one just in case!
Oh that’s part of the reason I like going with pen highlighters/concealers too – so easy to just dab on, pat and go! 😀 Unfortunately, my skin still needs some of the thicker concealers 🙁