I was reading Yishan’s post over at Beauty Swatch about her Beauty Philosophy where she shared 4 of her beauty mantras that she practises most often and I thought it was a very interesting topic to pick up and share and discuss 🙂
I am in full agreement with all of her points and here are 4 of my beauty philosophies which may or may not overlap. Do share yours too – it’ll be very interesting to see what yours are and if you agree with mine! 🙂
#1 Beauty does not have to be expensive
There is a lot to love about luxury brands and luxury products. Its easy to go all gaga and to lust after something with a 3 figure price tag. But if you look a little harder, there is a lot to love from the pharmacy or drugstore too! I have 10 star budget buys I showcased recently, and I’ll be showing more of it as we go along so stay tuned for more beauty bargains!
#2 Moisturise! Moisturise! Moisturise!
I am a firm believer that keeping skin hydrated and moisturised will help with most skin problems. I’ve done it myself and I now stick primarily to a hydrating skin regiment, only adding in anti-aging serums or whitening serums as I see fit. The primary focus is to keep my skin hydrated as that is when I see my skin at its best. When a skincare range fails to make my skin feel comfortable this way, I ditch it. I guess its just me learning what works for my skin.
#3 Nothing works for everyone
If anyone thinks that there is one product out there that works for EVERYONE then they are, I’d say pretty naive or pretty deluded. There is NO product that works for everyone. It may work for the majority, but there will be someone for whom it fails because, get this, we’re all different. So don’t buy into the hype too quickly. Even if the world is raving about it and pushing you to go and buy something already, don’t give in to the hype. Try it, work it out for yourself if it works for YOU. My most recent meh! moment was with the Lancome Rouge in Love lipsticks that everyone loved. I didn’t but it is my preference and no one is right or wrong 🙂
#4 There are no ugly women only lazy ones
Nothing was ever achieved without a little bit of hard work and this goes too with beauty. Is it any wonder I chose this quote for my blog tagline? 😉 For some, the whole skincare process day and night is a chore. I’d say its a necessity. Its important to remove the dirt of the day and just as important to put back all the goodness your skin will benefit from. How many products you use is your choice. But I am one of those who uses a lot which works for me and I don’t see myself stopping. But see Philosophy #3 above too 😉
Your turn: What is your beauty philosophy? Do you agree with mine?
Please feel free to share your own. We can all learn something from each other 😀
Paris B
I agree with what you’ve posted, PB. Mine (and because I’m approaching my mid-30s)
Learn to age gracefully. Use whatever products you can to slow the process but ultimately, the lines add character. The laugh lines indicate a happy life that’s been led and looking forward to many more happy years to come.
Amen to aging gracefully! I don’t believe in erasing all lines either. They were put in there for a reason and they add character.
Yep, your beauty philosophy definitely ticked all of my boxes, especially #1. It doesn’t have to be expensive. My all-time favourite foundation (Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum) and BB cream (Garnier) come from the pharmacy. Favourite moisturiser (Uriage AquaPrecis) also comes from the pharmacy. Even good serums (something I discovered a month or so ago; will review soon) also don’t have to be expensive. Ahh the things we learn as we get older 🙂
Speaking of which, I highly agree with LeGeeque’s comment. We have to learn to age gracefully. Not every line on our face needs to be erased.
Ooh your drugstore faves and mine are the same! Now I need to go and pick up Uriage to try (saw the range here) and I’m going to hunt down that Dr. Lewinn’s serum thing too. Its great that the pharmacy brands are stepping up their game 😀
I totally agree with the moisturizing part. That is the beauty philosophy that I hold dearly:
My skin was once sooo bad with pimples (that pops out everyday!) because I supposed it was too dry and sensitized (I used wrong products, sigh). Based on advice, I put on moisturiser (Dermalogica works the best) every single day and night, and that’s all I did. Though it took a year to see the effect, I have great skin now! Love myself.
Another of my beauty philosophy is not to put too much make up. Meaning – as minimal as possible – concealer over a moisturized face, no foundation, lipstick. and eye brow liner 😛
Ah Cchivy I wish I’d known this when I was battling pimples myself. I might have end up with less scarring! I like your philosophy of not wearing too much makeup too. There is a time and place for everything and trowelling on the makeup doesn’t suit every time and place! 😀
Totally agree on all of the above, especially #4. Heh, mine’s simple – sunscreen, sunscreen sunscreen! Plus umbrella.. Though many people call me an auntie for carrying an umbrella everywhere. 😛
Oh yes indeed! I am utterly horrified whenever I hear of people who don’t use sunscreen (still!!) because it really is the 1st barrier to anti-aging 🙂 I should learn to be like you and carry an umbrella everywhere 🙂
I love these philosophies. It’s so true that beauty doesn’t have to cost a lot. One of my favorite mascara is a drugstore one. After trying multiple $19 mascaras, I’m loving my cheap one.
Mines are definitely:
1. Always take your make up off!
2. A little goes a long way.
3. Find your favorite face part and play it up!
Such good philosophies you have, Kaolee thanks for sharing! I like your #1 tip – its so important!
First of all I would like to say that beauty is always subjective and yes what works for many may not work for the minority. Its also not rational to spend beyond one’s means,if an individual cannot afford higher end stuff. Learning to make use of available resources rather than hankering after what you cannot have, is a form of beauty as well. I would like to add though, that sometimes less is more and coming from someone whose pores clog very easily, my skincare routine will always include serum and lotions/gels rather than creams 🙂 And of cos it is always important to make an effort to enhance one’s looks cos you can not derive something out of nothing when no efforts are invested in.
Oh of course, we all should work within our means (no point going bankrupt over something that we can’t afford right?) and there are loads of gems to be found in every price category (which is great especially since many pharmacy brands are now stepping up their game!) Good points, Sharon!
I absolutely agree with #4. Nothing comes for free. My beauty philosophy is, know thy self. A lot of my skincare and makeup routines stem from knowing what my skin can and cannot take, whether a particular makeup style looks good on me or not. I also need to feel comfortable in my own skin, walking out with head held high.
Indeed! Everything needs work and I like your philosophy too. Its no use copying what A or B uses or does if it doesn’t work for us. It took me a while to work out what works but now I’m pleased at punch that it does (whether skincare, makeup or just life!) 😀
1) You don’t have to be a slave to your makeup routine. – There are days when I appear bare-faced in public, because I can’t be bothered. For me, makeup is a choice, not a necessity.
2) Experience and experiment is key – If you don’t experiment, you don’t have the experience, and you won’t know what works for you and what does not ^.^ I took YEARS of learning what to do or rather, what not to do with makeup so that Mama Daforcena won’t scream at me before I go out the door. (If she does now, it’s probably because I was wearing out my FOTDs for the blog!)
3) Know thy skin type (it changes from time to time) – This is crucial to figure out the skincare you need. I used to think that I had oily skin because it felt oily. At the end, it was only because my skin was too dry because of the oil-combating skincare I used, causing it to pump more sebum. I have hence added a moisturizing serum and my skin is better now! ^.^
Haha I like #1 😀 Never be a slave to anything because everything is replaceable… within reason 🙂
I’d have to agree with you too, especially #3. Think I’m going to chip in too! 😀
1. Hydrate, hydrate and hydrate. I don’t care if you want brightening or firming or anti-aging, all those serums and lotions would not do a thing if your skin is as dry as the Sahara.
2. There’s no one-size-fits-all. If something works for someone, it does not imply that it’d definitely work for you.
3. Persistent is key. No lotion/potion is going to work overnight.
4. Don’t get caught up in trends. If something is working for you, stick to it. Don’t switch to something just because it’s the “in” thing now.
Yay I like yours especially #4! Trends are trends for a reason but I must confess to switching over to something new because its erm… new. Then finding out it doesn’t work for me and then scrabbling back to my tried and true… but I never learn do I? 😛
Well for me, I don’t have great skin to begin with so i struggled with combating my acne prone skin (thank goodness it’s only the T-Zone). Found my miracle moisturiser and been using that ever since.
Also, to pat on powder with a sponge on the under eye area instead of using a brush or swiping motion.
Sleep Sleep Sleep!!! Very important – my skin is the most supple and glowy when i sleep from 10pm to 6am/7am. 😀
Oh yes, sleep! Our skin needs rest to heal and recover and its really impressive how good sleep patterns can really help our skin look better too 🙂
1. No one or one range/brand of skincare, cheap or expensice, works well for you all the time – change according to your skin’s needs over time.
2. a cheap sunblock in time is worth more than the most expensive serum in the world. A lesson which I have learnt too late as earlieri n life i hated another layer of sunblock on my skin.
3. Consistent care even with mediocre products is better than sporadic lashings of the best products between indifferent care.
4. Accept and be happy with your age. It’s better for people to think “omg, she’s xxx years old?” in awe rather than in shock.
p/s I disagree strongly with your #4 (falls into the same category as “money is not important”) – of course there are ugly women and men in the world, knowing how to flatter their best features helps but the fact remains that they are . err .. aethestically challenged. This does not, however, necessarily impugn negatively on the person’s character.
Ah Rudi beauty is in the eyes of the beholder right? 😉 I like your philosophies and I practise all of them in one way or another. I particularly like #3 because being consistent is really key to many successes. No point splashing out on pricey items to cure something that could have been “cured” over time by just being a bit more consistent, which is my principal philosophy when it comes to sun damage on skin. I too wish I was a little more diligent when my mom was nagging me about using sunscreen. Its just too bad sunscreen back in the day was really awful smelling products with awfully thick texture to boot! 😛
I agree with all your key points and I strongly agree on Nothing works for everyone! SO TRUE! If I may add: “Let your skin breathe at least once a week” – No makeup, no eyeliner, no brow gels or lipstick.
Thanks for sharing, Nikki! I usually go barefaced with no makeup on weekends even when I go out sometimes. I hope I don’t scare anyone 😛
I agree with your all your points above. And if there is one thing that I can’t preach enough, it’s gotta be avoiding the sun like plague and USE SUNSCREEN!
I also agree that there is not one product out there that works for everyone. Very often I get so tempted to hop onto whatever bandwagon that was the hype at that time, only to find the product such a fad and end up being disappointed. Nowadays I tend to stick with ingredients that I know will work for myself… although I’m still quite the curious cat when it comes to trying out new products! Just need to watch out for the warning signs! Hehehe! 😀
I’m crazy about sunscreen too, Jenn! Like you I go hopping on all the bandwagons out there and often find that the stuff that were tried and true are the ones that work best for me. Not to say of course that some of the new stuff aren’t good 😉
My number one philosophy is: get educated! Growing up, my mum didn’t believe in sunblock or concealer so I have quite a bit of sun damage which is only on one side of my face (ha!) which is taking a lot of time and money to treat.
She didn’t like sunblock because they tend to break her out (and me too) but thankfully now I have converted her after doing some scientific reading. I think if we are so concerned about eating organic and only having scientifically-proven medical treatment, we should take the same approach to skincare and makeup. It doesn’t make much common (and dollar) sense to aimlessly buy into the PR spiel and anecdotal evidence on a new skincare ingredient.
As an aside, I’m so inspired by your blog (it’s one of the first beauty blogs I read) that I’m starting one of my own. 🙂
Woohoo!! Congrats on setting up your blog 😀 enjoy the journey! In my case, my mom got into sunscreen way before everyone got on the bandwagon but back in the day, the textures were horrible. Because of that, I probably never used enough so am paying for that folly now. Sigh… Is good to know that there are products for everyone these days 🙂 oh and yes yes yes! To all the PR spiel. We must be able to sift out the wheat from the chaff ourselves cos only we know what works for us in the end 🙂
well, for me, i believe:
1. less is more (for skincare, i cant use more than one serum. Also, if i keep products used bellow 5, my skin is better! cant be greedy!! otehr than that, a good foundation omits concealer! XD)
2. self control is essential: a product that makes other people beautiful doesnt mean u have to own it.. different things works on different people, on different time too!
3. a good sleep is the best skincare (learn it from the hard way!)
Haha I love #2 because it’s so true! I read so much about how great the Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua foundation is for Everyone that I had to try it, and I absolutely dislike it 🙁 guess it just wasn’t for me but boy! Was it an expensive lesson to learn 😛
the mantras are all so true! here are some mine:
1. be gentle with your skin! don’t tug, rub and pull!
2. use sunscreen! the sunscreen in the foundation isn’t nearly enough
3. apply moisturizer every night before bed, no matter how tired
4. take care of your hands too! apply a hand lotion after washing hands as the hands can reveal your age as well…
Excellent philosophies, Stacey! Its easy to forget #1 and #4 and I’m sort of glad I’ve discovered a hand cream I can use without getting too irritated with all the oily sticky feeling 😀
I 100% agree on all counts!!! Except maybe the moisturize one…I don’t really moisturize as much as I should–but I do use serums religiously, and for my oily skin, that’s usually enough moisture. 🙂 I also believe in starting young–antioxidant serums are my must-have and I think the earlier you start using them, the better off your skin will be. It’s always tempting, especially when you’re young, to spend all your money on fun makeup. But skincare is SO much more important!
Ah Becca, for some people serums are sufficient I’m told and that’s great because you get to cut down a step and you don’t need to spend as much LOL! 😀 Whilst I’m not for starting anti-aging skincare too young (there are 19 year olds asking if they should use anti aging and I’m like what?! Your skin is just in its prime!) but I am all for starting a good skincare regiment young because that is what will stand you on good stead as you get older 🙂 Yay to skincare!
I completely agree with everything you said. Mine is always wear sunscreen. It really prevent a lot of damage. And also, experiment, experiment, experiment. You never know what’s gonna work for you until you try.
I like the bit about experimenting, Gio. You are right. We never know what works till we try 😀
Love this post and your beauty philosophy 🙂 #2 is so true, I used to try to dry out my skin back when it was oily, not realizing that it was just leading to more breakouts. Moisturizing is the best thing you can do for your skin 90% of the time. And LOL agreed with #4. I guess the only things I would add are ‘always wear spf’ and ‘never underestimate the power of red lipstick.’ *nods solemnly*
Red Lipstick! Its powerful that one *nods*
1. Do not pile on tons of make-up. If people don’t recognize you when you’re bare-faced, then you’re putting on too much.
2. Double cleanse every evening.
3. Use sunscreen. Not just on the face but exposed body parts too. I learned this when my feet and arms are darker than my usual color. =.=
4. Be content with the features you already have and don’t go under the knife for cosmetic reasons. Its just not worth the risk and I’m traditional that way. =S
5. A friendly smile makes you attractive instantly! =D
Haha I love #1 and #5 😀 So true all of them.