While exiting my favourite eating shop after lunch yesterday, my eye was caught by this very pretty chopstick holder. I could almost see it translated to hold beauty products instead!
Oft times, the chopstick holders at these eating establishments tend to be drab, plain affairs. The bright blue and white patterned holder was a bright spot in the day. I can just see it as a brush holder, or a holder for eyeliners and mascara can’t you? 🙂
Are you any good at using chopsticks? I handle them like a pro, if I don’t say so myself – go on then, challenge me with peanuts and fishballs 😉
Paris B
Insta-Updates: An extract of life from my Instagram timeline. Not always about beauty products but always about beauty. Look for me at PARISBMWS if you like
I fail! I’m not good at chopsticks but I’m good at eating with my bare hands for sure! :)))) 🙂
The chopstick holder is indeed very nice! and perfect for all my eyeliners, lipliners, eyebrow liners and the works 😀
Haha! I can do bare hands too! Next time we meet, its the bare hands eating challenge hehe… 😉
no I can’t use chopsticks the proper way. I am a bit the Western girl so give me a fork n spoon to tackle those noodles!
Haha I made it a point to learn to use chopsticks properly when I was younger. I don’t know why. Must have been the sight of everyone at the dining table eating with chopsticks that did it 🙂
I’m good enough with chopsticks. Can do fish balls and boiled eggs. haha. I only learned to use chopsticks at around 10 years’ old.
Haha! Yay for chopsticks! 😀 I might have been about that age too when I got the hang of eating with chopsticks but I remember telling myself I had to learn it. I don’t know why but I’m glad I did 😀
I’m pretty slick with chopsticks but all that has to happen is for one other person to drop a fishball and let it roll away merrily to set off the giggles. All chopsticky skills go down the way of the little fishball!
LOL! Yes! Those springy bouncy little buggers 😛
OK, fun fact: I grew up in Taiwan but I use chopsticks all wrong *awkward silence*
My mum didn’t want to clean up the mess, so she always said little kids should just use a spoon. I stayed a little kid till… way too late apparently. I can use them, but I use them wrong, and there are some things I can’t pick up very well with them. Hmm
Haha wow I didn’t expect that, Sunny 🙂 I *think* I’m doing it right. At least I don’t poke anyone’s eyes out and it looks about the right sort of elegance hehe…
So pretty! I cross my chopsticks the wrong way, and when it comes to dim sum, I tend to spear my fishballs with a chopstick. Very bad form! 😛
Spearing fishballs is very common I think. Especially when you really want that last one before someone else gets to it 😉
I can eat with them, but I’m probably not the most elegant, and things like mochi send me into utter despair. How am I supposed to cut something that keeps flabbing away? >.<
Hahaha! Mochi would be a challenge wouldn’t it? 😀 I think the fact you can eat with chopsticks is already an achievemnent, considering you aren’t Asian, from memory – good on you! 😀
Ha ha..I hold the chopstick in a wrong way but I can still pick up peanuts etc. And my brother’s wife to be who is a Greek can hold the chopstick in a correct way. I pointed this to her and she laughed.
LOL I think sometimes, we take our own culture for granted and it takes someone of a different culture to set us back on the right track 🙂
Ooh..I remember back when I was seven years old, I bought a bowl of soupy noodles but then realized there were no fork and spoons left in the canteen. So I took a pair of chopsticks and used them for the first time in my life. From that day onwards I fell in love with them and even used them to eat rice at home when everyone else were using fork and spoon..LOL.. I can hold them the correct way and still enjoy eating with chopsticks to this day =)
Aww such a cute little story! I can just see a 7 year old you working those chopsticks 😀 I enjoy using chopsticks too. There’s so many things one can do with them too although soup is the biggest challenge.
this is so cute! it could be a really nice brush holder 🙂
I thought so too! I wonder where the shop owners got them from. Maybe I’ll ask the next time I’m there 😀
Holding chopsticks the correct way…. hmmm. Don’t really know which is the REAL correct way coz I’ve seen so many ways and they still manage to get food after food to the mouth. But I’m most annoyed with the way ppl stick up the thumb like doing the “good” sign while holding chopsticks… I fear they might poke my eyes with their thumb….>_< Oh well, it's their business anyway, and I'm happy with the way I hold mine. ^_^ ( btw PB, why don't you take a pic of the correct way and share… Plus, how to hold korean chopsticks as well )
I think the “right way” is the one where the chopsticks do not cross each other. Manipulating it to get food into the mouth isn’t usually as difficult 🙂 I’ll try to take a pic of how I hold mine and I hold Korean chopsticks the same way, but I dislike Korean chopsticks because they are all too thin! 😛