I don’t talk much about concealers do I? Its not because I don’t use them (Heaven knows, I’d look like the walking dead without concealer!) but its because I’m super picky about my concealers. I’m so picky, I don’t stray very far, nor do I experiment very much. Ths one that works best for me is the Make Up For Ever Full Cover, for blemishes, and Dior Skinflash for illuminating the under eye (use #2 for the under eye. #1 is way too pink!). I will be renewing my review on the MUFE one soon because I’ve got some new thoughts on it after more than 5 years being loyal to that.
But today, I wanted to tell you about this dinky little wonder that I’ve been using for a few months, and never told you about. I’ve got to remedy this now 🙂 Its the Shu Uemura Point Cealer – a very dinky little pen-like contraption that I like because it not only works well to cover up blemishes, it also works for the under eye area! A 2-in-1 concealer. Perfect-o! I’ll show you the proof in the pictures below 😉
This concealer comes in a little pen-like packaging that is very small. I’ve overlooked it countless number of times when in a hurry, because it is wont to be hidden under other bulkier cosmetics. But since I know its there, and that I really want to use it, I make sure I place it in a more prominent place.
It just fits in the palm of my hand and in fact, is easily hidden – although I’m not sure why you’d want to do that.
The applicator is a shower head sponge applicator and I can just about hear your groans at this point. Yes, yes. It isn’t the most hygienic applicator system in the world and the germophobes among you will be cringing at this point when I show you my used applicator. I’m sorry, I never had the chance to take its picture in its pristine white condition 😛
You twist the bottom of the pen, and the mechanism pushes out the product at the top. This bit is about all you will need for both eyes, if you are just doing the under eye, or for blemishes and the under eye for half your face. The reason is because, the texture is quite creamy, yet the coverage is high so a little does go a long way.
My shade is Light Beige, which is possibly the lightest there is. It can go on the skin looking a bit pale, but once you spread things out, its fine. I also noticed that although it conceals well, it does not have that heavy cakey feel of a full coverage concealer/cream product. It isn’t dry and in fact, feels quite emollient and it stays on my skin quite well all day. Granted, I always set my makeup with powder, but still. Its more impressive than most I have tried and failed to make the cut.
I know what you’re thinking at this point – show us the money! Or maybe “Show us what it looks like! How do we know it does what you say?” Well, here we go. Before and after Shu Uemura Point Cealer.
I just twist up enough product for it to ooze out of the shower head applicator as you see above, then I dab it on my skin as you see in Picture #2. Then, I use my fingers to lightly pat to blend and voila! Picture #3 🙂
Granted, the coverage is not 100%. I never said it was 😛 I just said it was good coverage and for me, this is good enough because it evens out the complexion which is what I want. Setting it with a bit of powder helps with the coverage if you wish even higher coverage. Or you can layer on more. It isn’t cakey as I’ve noted, so if you do layer on the product, it still doesn’t cake. Well, not unless you pile on a truck load but then you’d be better off choosing a different concealer 😀
In a nutshell
A very travel friendly and portable pen concealer that I like for its liquid texture yet high coverage. The creamy texture is enough to mask blemishes and works just as well for the under eye area, which is useful when you don’t want to faff about with 2 different concealers. Just one does the trick! It is very small though for the price and the sponge applicator head can be deemed unhygienic but the thing about me and concealer is that if something works, it just does. So those are mere inconsequentials 🙂
Pros: Small and compact packaging makes this travel friendly, High coverage to cover blemishes yet light enough to use on the under eye area, Lasts all day on my skin, Creamy and not thick or cakey
Cons: Sponge applicator is a bit unhygienic, Small size makes this pricey
I actually have the Shu Uemura Pro Gel Cealer too that comes in a pot but that one is really tricky to work with. Once I have worked out what I think about it, I’ll share my thoughts. In the meantime, I’m sticking to this one, because it does the job very well, and is so portable and easy to use. It fits into the smallest cosmetic bag and does the job of 2.
A small wonder indeed! 😀
Have you tried the Shu Uemura Point Cealer? Have any thoughts on it? Or do you have a favourite concealer that does the job of 2 (cover blemishes and under eye circles) that you think I might like too? Oh and I have no idea why its called a Point Cealer and not a Point Concealer. Why did they eat up the word “con” I’d like to know that too – answers on a postcard please… 😛
Paris B
Shu Uemura Point Cealer concealer Price: RM85/2.8ml Availability: Shu Uemura counters
I use By Terry’s Touché Veloutee for my undereye area but I do not have a concealer for blemishes as I usually use foundation. This sounds like a must-have for those who are after a Multi-tasking ‘cealer’ ! 😉
This one’s perfect for travel too because it does the job of two 😀 Lucky you to be able to just use foundation to cover blemishes. Gone are my days of that happening 😛
Mac Studio Sculpt for me!!! I prefer the texture because it stays on better!!
I haven’t tried this one but glad it works for you!
I’ve used Shu Uemura’s concealer that comes in a square plastic pot but found it too drying for the under eye area. I’m now using the stick concealer, but am really tempted to get this one when my stick concealer finishes! The coverage looks really good!
I have the one that comes in a pot too and you are right. Its too drying for anything but blemishes and even then I only find it does a decent job. Not amazing. In fact I don’t even like it very much 😛 I like this one, because its light and creamy and importantly, does the job! 😀
I also have the Bobbi Brown under eye concealer, and the concealer duo (the one with the powder) but I find it troublesome and tricky to put 2 different concealers under the eye and finish off with the powder. I ended up with patchy looking concealer before! 😛
I never tried the infamous Bobbi Brown concealer actually. I always thought it a bother, and I also thought it too yellow 😛 But I can’t deny its extremely popular!
Truth be told, I am not a big Shu fan besides their Eyelash curler. The brand just really never caught my eye as I much prefer European & American brands due to me… being a brand snob?? lol
I love MUFE Full Cover concealer. It covers my blemishes and acne scars superbly well and on good days, I can just slap it on without foundation and I will still be good to go. The only problem with the MUFE is the price tag. I mean RM110?? Ouch! But a little product goes a long way, so quite a worthy investment I do have to say myself since I have only gone through 2 tubes since 2009. HG face concealer!
I haven’t found a concealer that I like for my under eyes. I am currently using Bobbi Brown’s Corrector in Peach layered under Bobbi Brown’s Creamy Concealer in Honey. It works amazingly well for covering my hereditary dark circles, but it creases like hell no matter how many different powders I have tried setting it with. 🙁
Well, we have our brand preferences 🙂 I am not much of a Shu Uemura fan in general. I think they used to be better. But this one surprised me. I love the MUFE Full Cover too. RM110 is madness but for me it lasts more than a year, so I’m going to have to still stick with it 🙂 I think for the under eye area, it will depend on how bad a problem you have. For me, the Dior Skinflash work because I don’t have a genetic dark eye circle problem, only when I don’t have enough sleep. But for those who do have a problem, I can imagine it would be tough finding a good concealer. I do think this Shu Point Cealer does a good job for the under eye area. Or even the Shiseido Perfect Concealer (I think that’s the name) if you’d like to try that one 🙂
I’m a huge fan of Shu items. This is another one I can give it a go 😀 Yaye!
I think highly of this one but er… I don’t think you need a concealer? 😛
Oh but you haven’t seen you undereye circles 😛
Looking at the packaging, seems like this is perfect for personal use, and girl! it has a good coverage! 🙂
Only for personal use, Nikki! Not for sharing 😉
Not really a fan of Shu but gotta admit the coverage is pretty good on this one!
Yep! I’m not too much of a Shu fan too but this little one impressed me 🙂
This is my HG concealer! Tried a ton before settling on it too, nothing works as well on my always dark-ish undereye area. Did they change the packaging? Think it was previously in one of those ‘dove tail’ wands like lipglosses.
Glad to know you like this one too – and perhaps your handle is a bit of a give away 😉 I think I know the one you mean – it looks like a lipgloss right? I’m not sure if this new packaging replaces the doe foot applicator though. I think it does, and if so, although it isn’t as hygienic as I’d like, its probably more hygienic than the doe foot lipgloss packaging 🙂
I’m not fond of the packaging, but the coverage looks really good!
The product is amazing but the packaging could be improved on – a tube perhaps?
This one looks very nice! Im totally addict to concealers and highlighters anyway.. They are quicker to use in the morning, and I dont like the feeling/thought of slapping full face of makeups on every day. This one looks really lightweight but pigmented enough to cover the flaws 🙂 Hope to get to try this one soon!
I think using concealer sometimes helps brighten the complexion even more and as you have said, just some concealer and some powder can be sufficient 🙂 I hope you get to try it some day and if you do, that you like it too!
Guess I am one of those people who is just too lazy to use concealer.
I actually have quite a number… … including the Bobbi Brown one, but I never use them.
I am sticking to Garnier Undereye Roll-On because I’ve opened it, and want to finish it. But I only use it on days I’ve slept late, and want to feel “safer”… it doesn’t conceals well… haha.
But yes, nice to see the difference this one has done for you! =D
It just might be that you don’t need concealer, Jyoan, hence you don’t feel the need to 🙂 I however need it because apparently when some people age, they develop dark circles under the eyes. Boo to that eh? I do quite like that Garnier roll on too. I use it off and on but if I want more coverage then this is the one I go to.
Whoa, it looks like this one actually does do wonders! I really regret not having got into cosmetics earlier in my life (when I was living in Taipei and had access to everything and anything all the time), but I’ll check this one out when I go home this summer! At the moment I don’t use a concealer for my undereye area (my dark circles aren’t bad, or so I believe lol), and for my face it’s NARS stick concealer. It’s decent, but I could always try some more!
LOL Don’t we all wish we knew what we do now back then? 🙂 At least you’ll be visiting Taiwan soon so there’s that, and a nice shopping list to put together 🙂 I should pay a visit to Taiwan soon. I hear the street food is awesome!
Oh it is, but don’t make me cry on this dreary Belgian morning. I only had a yogurt for breakfast! If you go to Taiwan you’ll find WHATEVER you want to eat 24 hours a day!
Sounds like life here which is probably why I never adapted to life outside of Asia 🙂
Wow it does cover the under eye area effectively. But I don use concealers, the most I’ll reach for an under eye concealer after late nights of studying and I usually use garniers roll on cause it’s convienient but it cakes, unfortunately. And that being said, the coverage is not as good as this one tho.
Ahh lucky you not to have to use concealers Biianca 😛 When I was a student, I never bothered either. But then, I didn’t have a lick of makeup on, except maybe some pressed powder. Look how far I’ve come! LOL
That concealer is amazing — great coverage and it doesn’t looking cakey or look like it settles into fine lines. I have tried a few concealers but none that I love. I am currently using the DiorSkin Sculpt Lifting Smoothing Concealer, which is just average on me. Thanks for the review.
I have heard a lot of raves for the Diorskin Nude concealer but I haven’t tried that one yet. For the under eye, another 2 that I happen to like, with similar non settling into fine lines properties is the Bourjois Healthy Mix concealer and the Shiseido Perfect Concealer 😀
I have this and i must agree it works wonders! I have serious dark eye circle and fine lines under my eyes. This doesn’t sink in horribly even if you apply several thin layers. The coverage is like a dream! Just love it!!
So glad you and I share the same love for this small wonder Germaine! 😀
Me using the daiso concealer
For me, MAC Prolongwear concealer is the best, followed by select cover up. Ive tried their studio finish and I’m not really fond of it as it really accentuates the flakiness under my eyes.I wore this wt BB Corrector in Dark Peach.On my blemishes, Im using Maybelline dream matte mousse in Natural beige.
MUFE also has good concealers, my friend swears by it.Full Cover is a great one for both blemishes and under eyes.They also have the pot ones, another hidden gem but you can only find them at their pro boutique, which I doubt they don’t have in Msia.