What say you ladies?
I realise that in many ways, many niche or indie skincare brands were born in someone’s kitchen. Most of the time, it was to fill a need or to find a way to get around commercial products. Perhaps it is because they are sensitive to certain ingredients, or it might be that they want to try a natural homemade alternative which they know will be free of chemicals and preservatives.
I’m curious though. Are you into making your own skincare?
The most adventurous I got probably, was with the apple cider vinegar toner. I used to make up batches every couple of weeks but after a while, I just got tired of it. I was also using the aspirin mask for a spell but that soon palled too. Using Extra Virgin Olive Oil on my skin broke me out so badly I’m not even going near it… except for cooking and for dipping bread into. The last time I cooked anything up in my kitchen for skincare purposes, it was the L’Occitane Ma Creme… which really can’t be counted 😛
Otherwise, I prefer just purchasing my skincare ready made, because I don’t have much faith in being as clinical at home as I should be when messing around with things like skincare which need to be able to keep, and because most homemade remedies tend to get messy. But that’s me 🙂
Your say: Are you into DIY Homemade Skincare? Do you have a reason why?
Paris B
yeah.. i did some diy skincare..
such as baking soda + water. it can reduce the pores. no kidding.
and now, i try another remedies which are kinda simple. cause the cyst acne bother me last week coz of stress and lack of sleep.
my daily routine now:
put on toothpaste on the acne for few minutes. it can be sting a bit. then wash it off.
then, hot compress the acne with washcloth which has been soaked with hot water.
after that, wash your face with your daily facial wash. then rinse it with warm water first then cold water. air dry your face.
then put on the moisturizer.
thanks gosh, it’s work. the acne almost gone now 🙂
I could make my own skincare only when I have a lab of my own. It is necessary since I would want miliQ water, sterilized utensils, chemical products, centrifuges, clean beakers, pH meter, more equipments etc. It will only happen when someone is willing to fund me.
I really like to make DIY masks from time to time, I have a lot of nice recipes that I try to use more frequently because i made a good experienc with them! For example a green tea mask or a yogurt and honey mask. But I usually just make masks that don’t have to many different ingredients, not because of the difficulty level but because I have a overview over the effects. Furthermore some ingredients just don’t match!
And I also like the environmental and of course ecnomical aspect of DIY cosmetics! It is cheaper and it is mostly natural ingredients! But to be honest, I still haven’t dared to make my creams myself, too risky because of break outs… but masks are super!
I use ACV mixed with distilled water and a drop of tea tree oil as a toner, and I add a packet of Goody’s asprin powder to my glycerin cleanser (makes it a salicylic acid cleanser). I like to use honey as a moisturizing mask and rinse my hair with a weak ACV dilution. I also add a dash of vitamin C powder to my morning moisturizer (b/c it oxidizes so I do this fresh every morning in my hand). But I also love ready-made skincare products and for the the action items: retinol creams and fading lotions. The big guns need to be made by professionals. I’ll just dabble with the small and simple stuff.