Ahh… isn’t it wonderful to know that the season of giving here in MWS continues? 😀
In conjunction with Earth Day on 22 April 2011, Esmeria Organics has kindly sponsored 3 full size skincare kits worth RM139.60 each for 3 lucky winners!
I do really like using this range of affordable organic products and I am of course, happy that Esmeria Organics has decided to share the love with all of you MWS readers so you get to experience it for yourselves! 😀 (Malaysia only by sponsors’ request – so sorry International gals!) Hop along now to find out how to participate!
p/s If this isn’t applicable to you, please check back in a few hours. There’ll be a piping hot new beauty post to read then 😉
For a chance to win 1 of 3 Esmeria Organics full size skincare sets worth RM139.60 here’s what you have to do:-
Leave a comment below this post and share “What do you think of certified organic skincare”. Esmeria will chose the 3 best comments to win a full size skincare set comprising cleansing gel, toner, scrub and moisturizer, according to your skin type.
For another chance at winning something or to win an additional prize, Esmeria is giving away 10 trial kits on their Facebook page. Head to the Esmeria Organics Facebook Page and “Like” the page then leave a comment there with your best eco-friendly practices for Earth Day. This is OPTIONAL to the giveaway going on here, but may score you additional prizes. That is an open contest though, not just restricted to MWS Readers but I do hope some of you win something at any rate because you ladies (and gents) are awesome! 😀
Deadline for entries is 5pm 22 April 2011 (Friday) and winners will be chosen by Esmeria and prizes will also be sent by them.
Good luck everyone!
Paris B
If you are new here please read the general terms and conditions for all giveaways held on MWS.
When I was 12, I secretly used my mom’s product that sounded like ‘clinic’
Afraid what a product for adults would do to my young skin, she became quite frantic
I told her not to panic, it’s not something drastic
Being a skeptic, she introduced me to a wonderful tonic eco-certified from across the Atlantic
Surprisingly it did not contain any chemics
From then on, I was a supporter of everything organic.
Organic skincare is the true meaning of the word natural. It is safe, not only to us, but importantly to Mother Earth. Esmeria Organics – really proud of you 🙂
What do you think of certified organic skincare?
I think its a step forward from most of what is available out there to consumers. We now have options to decide on what we apply to our skin daily. Organic skincare without harsh chemicals mean that we can have peace of mind when using something as intimate as skincare every single day.
Cetified organic skincare simply means all the ingredients are extracted from the mother earth. Free of paraben (which cause cancer for long term usage), free of alcohol (which sting the skin) and no SLS. And the most important thing is won’t break the piggy bank because organic skincare have to be affordable so that everybody will have a chance to try it and love it.
Certified organic skincare means Tender Loving Care to me 🙂
Though I’m currently studying cosmetic dermatology yet my love for organic, natural beauty products and procedures is no way going to end whatsoever. I keep on discovering organic skincare brands, and mostly love them! My personal opinion is that you should give certified organic skincare products a try; I never am disappointed with such stuff!
What do you think of certified organic skincare?
I think that certified organic skincare is a great leap for the skincare industry. While it might be more expensive to product as compared to chemically made ones, however in the long run the benefits are just unimaginably fantastic, it’s more of a think of the larger picture kinda thing. And most importantly, we’re assured of certified organic ingredients! That’s what certified organic skincare is – organic skincare good enough to be certified!
I am so relieved natural and organic skincare don’t use mineral oils or other petrochemical derived stuff in their products! Using organic goodies makes my hair and skin smell naturally fragrant too! 🙂
By using Certified Organics products, we are actually doing a great favour for our skin. Certified Organic products protects the skin without adding harmful ingredients. It is good for the skin and good for the environment.
Certified organic skincare means…
…. feeding my skin with the best Mother Nature has to offer, without leaving an impact on the environment 🙂
When it comes to organic skin care
One thing does come to mind:
While they are lauded good for the skin,
they’re rather hard to find!
Even rarer are those that can
claim that they’re certified,
To agree to not add chemicals
And by those rules abide.
‘So why the fuss?’ you might ask,
Well, if you’re asking me,
Organic skincare may be rare
But they are mostly free
Of chemicals that may harm our skin
or inflame it with junk.
Instead, these products help ensure
our skin is free from gunk
By using ingredients that are
pure, natural and good
to keep it clean, supple and clear
as they promised they would.
So in the long run, we all win
The environment and our skin
What’s that? An Esmeria giveaway?
Well, you can count me IN!
When using a certified organic skincare, one will knows that his/her skin is GUARANTEED to be pampered by the purest, safest, and most eco-friendly ingredients in the product.
If you love NATURE, you will definitely love anything that is ORGANIC! 😀
”What do you think of certified organic skincare”.-
Certified Organic Skincare could be summarized to say that it is completely free of all chemicals and it is 100% Natural with the finest of quality for its extracts.And Most certainly ,to get it certified organic being a skincare,comes with a price tag,and its not cheap a tag, that not many skincare products have certified as organic although they may be ,but most assuredly Esmeria Organics has gone all out to get it certified for us consumers to have conviction to purchase and use the best for our skin in this time and age.
Certified organic skincare is products that are completely free of all impurities and toxic synthetics. Meaning that they are good enough to eat!
Organic skincare not only tends to be safer and better for your skin because of the ingredients used but just the word ‘organic’ conveys a sense that you’re using a product that’s healthier all around. 🙂
What do you think of certified organic skincare:
safe for the skin, safe for the environment
To me, certified organics means the ingredients of the product must be planted and harvested in an eco-friendly manner, without the use of chemical pesticide. The workers must be treated in a fair and humane manner. Ideally, the company itself should practice environmental-friendly policies, i.e., encouraging employees to car-pool; putting energy-efficient light bulbs in the office, placing recycling bins in the office. Most importantly, the end-product must be safe to use.
Whether a particular skincare product is organic, or whether it is certified organic, is not as important to me, as whether it contains any ingredient that may trigger allergic reaction on my sensitive skin.I had tried a few organic and/or “nature-based” ingredients before, in the belief that, if a product is made from natural products like fruits, nuts, floweres, etc, it must be safe to use. Alas, was I wrong! My skin started itching like crazy, and I at first I had no idea that the itch could have been caused by the “nature-based” skincare products that I was using. I was lucky to stumble across the Paula’s Choice website, where I learned that lavender oil/extract is a skin irritant. I immediately checked the ingredients list of the “nature-based” products that I was using at that time, and lo and behold what do you know, they all contain lavender oil/extract. Later on, I learned that because organic/nature-based products do not use synthetic fragrance, most of them resort to using lavender oil to make their products smell appealing. My itch went away eventually, after I stopped using the “nature-based” products.
Make no mistake, I do not have anything against organic products. But, based on my own experince, the most important thing when buying skincare products is to check the ingredients list for the ingredient(s) that you know you are allergic to. Whether the product is organic or certified organic, is not the issue.
Certified organic skincare is like a new born baby; pure, fresh and free of sins!
Certified organic skincare means i’m providing only natural ingredients to “feed” my skin…Organics products such as food and drinks are what concerned people the most now, but no matter how healthy the food or drinks that we consume, if the things applied onto our skin are being chemicals which will harm us, it would be just useless consuming the organic products.Organic product will provide me a healthier, longer live span, happier and risk free life..
Certified organic skincare can only be obtained after fulfilling all the strict international standard which normally evaluated by third party starting from the development of the product to the delivery of the product to consumer.Esmeria organic is first certified organic launch in Malaysia and not like any other skincare which claim to be ‘Natural’ or ‘Organic’.The quality and the ingredient used can be rest assurance. I am dying to have one of Esmeria organic skincare as i know not many product in market qualify to be certified organic.