Ok I actually had a few people ask me “Why did you say you bought 3 NYX Runway Palettes when you only showed us 2?” Goodness! That’s observant 😛
The reason I only showed you 2 is because the other was another Bohemian Rhapsody eyeshadow palette I purchased as a 4th Anniversary Giveaway gift 🙂 I had a feeling I’d like it (I did), and you have a chance to win it right here. Open worldwide so everyone can enter – yay! 😀
For a chance to win 1 NYX Runway Eyeshadow palette in Bohemian Rhapsody (US$11 RRP) leave a comment below about anything at all. Tell us about your weekend or about your last purchase. Or maybe tell us the last good meal you had. Make me laugh (always a good thing!) or send a shiver down my spine. Anything goes! 🙂
The deadline is 12noon on Tuesday 22 March 2011 (Malaysian time GMT +8) (That’s just 24 hours yo!) and a winner will be drawn thereafter. This is open worldwide unless prohibited by law. You can read my review on the Bohemian Rhapsody palette here.
Please read the terms and conditions if you are new to giveaways here.
Good luck!
Paris B
Update: Winner is Shay – her comment made me laugh so hard 😛 Winner has been contacted by email
My mom just surprised me with a possible trip to New York in April! I think she’s trying to suck up to me before she tells me she’s taking off for Asia with my dad again next November. There’s always a catch to everything!
i had a tiring but ALL GOOD weekend! yay!
I have terrible luck with giveaways haha…my last good meal was mantis prawns. Loooove those…I think they look freaky, but after it’s cooked, it tastes absolutely yummy! Can’t get enough of them 😀
walking around in baju kebaya is not easy at all! salute to the nyonyas who wear it everyday!
I’ve just discovered that eating Biscotti might be a way to lose weight. HOW SO?? because it took me more than half an hour to munched down 2 pieces of Biscotti (it’s rock hard! >.<). By the time I finished those 2 pieces, I accidentally left out a big BURP!~ (oops! excuse me~ :p)
Don't underestimate it by its size. Believe me, it's quite filling!~ I still have 3 packets of Biscotti so I'm gonna eat it every morning for breakfast and see if I can manage to shed off some weight. Hehe…. 😀
I think I’m starting to be a brand snob lol. Am planning on purchasing the Lancome Artliner which was highly raved and a friend of mine uses it too. Im just waiting for the time where Im willing to splurge on this product and it better not dry up fast as i know pen eyeliners dry up quickly!
Let us pray hard and God bless Japan…<3
I am eating up 1 whole regular Domino’s pizza right now muahaha~~ DELICIOUS~~~
Paris u have really been generous this few weeks!!!!!!!!!!!! MUAKS~~~~
Though i didnt get to get any of the giveaway……T.T
Hope i have better luck this time!
It’s only Monday and I’m already looking forward to the weekend.
Can I say that how much “better” life will be if we work only four days instead of five/six?
Anyway, the past week has been horrible in a way coz’ the situation in japan don’t seems to be improving and some of my family members are still near the affected area. Nothing much that we can do here except to call every couple of hours to make sure they are ok etc. Thanks to skype. Keeping in contact at a time like this is made easier. Let’s all have positive well wishes to japan and her people to get well, at peace and be healthy. I’m taking this notion from Masaru Emoto’s miracle of water experiment. Hope that with all well wishes from all over the world, it can help the Japanese recover and mother earth be at peace.
I have a great weekends in Bagan Lalang beach (also known as Sepang Gold Coast) with my girlfriends. We are playing kites , building sand castles and of course bed talk with my gfs till morning ! Feel so young again !
The hot & cold weather is getting me down. Or should I say blazing hot, then wet showers. Now got headache and neckache. Using this NYX palette might help take my mind off all these aches! (hint2) 🙂
have you tried naruko skincare by the Taiwanese skin guru NiuEr?
I like it alot! not expensive too.. loving the nice scents too! 😀
I’m going to Taiwan in may, so looking forward to the brands there not available in sg! Jill Stuart, nars and chic choc!!! yes!!!
Had a spicy chili pan mee today,almost choked on chili flakes lol.
I bought the Nivea lip balm in pomegranate today cos it was 20% off at Watson’s Yummy!
I found a new hobby besides make up and shopping.It’s FISHING!! I love the way when the environment is peaceful and sitting on the jetty waiting for a fish to bite my bait.Guess what,when it did i almost fell OFF the jetty!! Luckily i had my friends next to me to save me from becoming a wet drench cat.But it’s fun! And it taught me a good habit.Be Patient :D…Maybe Ms Paris B could go try this as something new?*winks*
I’m reorganizing my dresser, so I need something to spice it up…Might this be it? 🙂
And also, another rant…why is Bruno Mars coming to KL and what do Penangites get? MLTR??!! 😛
My weekend began terribly, but was saved in the end by a delightful meal! My mother and I were shopping when we realised we had only 10 minutes to make it to the restaurant, since I had made lunch reservations. But the car keeper left for lunch with the keys – and was nowhere to be found! – leaving us quite distressed and unable to go to our appointment. Thankfully the other car keeper offered to take us to the restaurant, where we had the most delicious meal ever! And the waiters were so kind and helpful that we completely forgot our earlier ordeal. They even entertained us until the car keeper was back with our car!
i bought a pair of hot pink wedges which I loved at first sight. unfortunately,it is still too big even after inserting insoles and sticking the cushion at the back of the heels so my feet will slip out if i walk too quickly. And it gave me blisters on my small toes after a day of wearing it. but i still love it! :p
Winning this palette would be great!
Pretty stressed up right now with uni finals coming up!
feel like it takes a lot of effort to keep spirits up everyday in this world. why is happiness so elusive?