You know what ladies, I don’t want to be 21 again. Being 21 is overhyped 😛 Besides I’m having more fun now than I did at 21 😉 But I don’t mind people thinking I LOOK 21 – teehee… 😉
Anyway, this is a gift I thought I’d put to the test since we have about 2 weeks left to the New Year. I wouldn’t mind greeting 2011 with a bright smile and nice firmer, better skin if this 21 night renewal serum is to be believed.
What we have here is a set of 3 vials of serum to last 3 weeks of use. You start from the vial marked 1 and each vial lasts a week. Apparently, the concentration of active ingredients in each vial increases week by week to give better results.
What I should be expecting after Week 1 is smoother more even toned skin, thereafter firmer skin and better skin overall. Erm… alright then.
I’ll keep a look out for all that. I’m also pairing this with the Dior Capture Totale night cream to see how that fares. My only worry is that the latter might be a bit rich so we’ll see.
I just broke this out last night. So I’ll have a report for you after the New Year. How exciting! 😛
Its the first time I’m trying one of these intensive serum things. I know some other brands do them too. You are only supposed to use it for the time stated to give your skin an intensive sort of home treatment which boosts and improves your skin texture and how it looks.
I was told that this can be used just once or twice a year. Not too bad I reckon 🙂 Have you tried this or something like this? How did you find it?
Update: See what happens after Week 1
Paris B
The Dior Capture Totale Nuit 21 Night Renewal Treatment retails at RM740/set at Dior counters.
OMG!!!! its so expensive i hope it better works!!!!!!!!!!
Well if I choose to just use it once a year, or maybe twice, its not that pricey 😉 But we’ll see how it works.
*jaw drops*
RM740??? *rubs eyes*
*jaw drops again*
*wires Steph’s jaw so it doesn’t drop again* 😉
To be used once or twice a year? Then 740 is well spent no? Hehehe and I love the fact that most people enjoy life more after 21..hahahaha!
That’s what I thought 😀 And yes life certainly picks up after 21 because you actually start having a disposable income of your own 😛
RM740?? D-oh..
Hmm.. what happens though after you finish in 21 days? Does the skin go back to normal?
According to the blurb in the box, this is an intensive treatment, so what it does is boost up your skin’s regenerative processes so you end up with better looking skin. The results don’t last a lifetime but with proper maintenance, it can last a few months. Its recommended to be used in the change of seasons e.g. winter-summer or summer-winter. For us here, I’m guessing just once or twice a year would be good. Of course, with cell renewal the skin will go back to “normal” but if “normal” isn’t bad skin to start with, then its alright.
Wow~ This is indeed pricey 😛
Anyways, I have more fun after 21 because I don’t look 21 when I was 21 😀 It’s always good to look like 21 when you are no longer 21. Tee hee.. 😛
Actually I think I look better now than I did at 21! *preen* 😀 But its a great feeling for people to think you’re a lot younger than you really are right? Its that whole vanity thing
LOL Precisely 😀
oh do share. RM740 for a year is fine. most ppl would have spent more for facial packages.
I’ll certainly share once the 21 days are up 🙂 And you’re right! I never thought of it that way although I guess a facial is a nice pampering and can stretch over a year, while this is used up in 21 days 😉
wow RM740 . if it works , I don’t mind spending the money.. if not will want to strangle myself 😛
The best part? You’ll never know till you try it 😛
I think people need to look beyond the price tag. I think what caught PB’s attention (as well as many of us, I’m sure) is the novelty to this.Something that needs to be used once a year! Isn’t that cool? Or, what about I change the way I use it? I use 1 bottle a month and the 2nd bottle 2nd month and spread it out? Will that work? Beauty products that come with technology is FASCINATING. Just need to look beyond the price tag. Besides, it’s Dior. anything Dior comes with a hefty price tag.
Yup you said it! Its by Dior so we can’t quite expect a 2 figure price tag and I think its not as extravagant as say, La Mer which has a similar system for RM1800 or thereabouts 😉
Thanks for sharing this. What a coincidence! I just received an invite to preview Capture Totale 2011 at Dior’s counter in Penang. They said Dior member will get 2x bonus points and there’s refreshments too! I hope I can make it this Saturday 😉
That sounds like something really fun to attend! I hope you enjoy yourself there – I heard some of the new Capture Totale stuff are really impressive
Ooh, I want to know the results! It is fairly expensive, but if it does work… then it is much cheaper than surgery!^^
HAHA! You are absolutely right! And less dangerous too 😀 I’ll be sure to update
Money is not issue, if the product works! Anything that would make me beautiful, I am in!! 😀 Thanks for being a guinea pig. I will patiently wait for your review next month!
Okedoke! I’m quite happy with it actually.