This is a tip handed down to me by my grandma and my Mom. I grew up in a small town and my Mom was a snob. Hmm… I don’t think she’d like me saying that 😉 But growing up, she shopped for our clothes in other places, never in town so we’d only shop once or twice a year, around Chinese New Year (and thanks to Mom, we stood out in our out of town finery! 😉 )
When she got home, she’d empty all the year’s worth of clothes for the whole family into a HUGE tub and handwash every single item before we could wear them. She said it was more hygienic and that the clothes won’t be as hot when we wear them.
When I grew up, I did the same because I always listen to my Mom and because I found from experience that washing new clothes before wearing them made them more comfortable. Truly, they did not feel as hot when you wear them for the first time.
Later I read somewhere that it was advisable to wash all new clothes before wearing them, because you do not know where your suppoedly “new” clothes have been! I’ve been to a clothing factory/warehouse before. Its not the cleanest place in the world and yes, clothes are piled higgledy piggledy all over the place, and on the floors where you just don’t know what has been where.
So, no matter where my clothes come from, even if they look clean and are brand new, and come packed in plastic, I always wash them before wearing them for the first time. I take no chances!
Do you do this too?
Paris B
Good tip and a great habit to have. Unfortunately I am lazy (or something) and just wear them straight from the shop, cut the tags off as long as they have no strange smell 🙂
It’s not a good thing to do as I heard a horrific story about a lady in the US that found bunch of scorpions in her pair of jeans that came from a factory across the world – after she wore them the first time of course! Still gives me the willies thinking of that.
Eeks! Scorpians! I have a bit of paranoia about wearing new clothes straight from the store – I guess it must be all that brainwashing my Gran and Mom gave me LOL
yes, i do that for my own and my family’s clothes. also learnt it from my mom. i think there are chemicals from the dyes and the dirt from the factory that makes it sensible to wash the clothes first. that’s also why i tend not to buy dry-clean only clothes, or if i assess the dry-clean-only item can stand up to hand-washing, i’d still wash the item … LOL! OCD much?
Ohhh I try not to dry clean too! 😉 But my reasoning is more about costs than about concern for the chemicals although I can see that you have a point!
Frankly I don’t have that habit, ahahaha ^.^ But I’ve never had a prob so far.
I believe its a good habit to inculcate – never know where the clothes have been you know… or what they have come in contact with 😉
i do that too! every single new thing – clothes, innerwear, bedsheet, towel, socks, just have to wash them first. ew i wouldn’t want to imagine what once was stuck on them
YES! Especially innerwear!
I’m lazy too and don’t wash first for clothes (but always for sheets and towels)…but I should, you never know what has trampled over your clothes before you put them on!
Yup yup! Warehouses are dirty places, no matter how pristine the clothes look in the store
Unfortunately I’m normally too excited and keen to rip into the clothes right away and not wash before I wear. *sheepish grin*
Although I am glad that a lot of labels these days state to wash before you wear. It’s a good practice, now if only I would follow those instructions 😛
They have those labels over there? I think that’s awesome! Its good to bear in mind 😉
I do! Mum insisted on washing everything — clothes, towels, bedsheets, etc — before using them to get rid of dirt, in case they shrink or in case the colour runs.
I always remember my ex-neighbour’s story about a friend who used a brand new towel without washing it first. His face was stained bright red and his wife screamed the place down.
ROFLOL!! That’s such a funny story! But you’re right – washing clothes first does help you know if they will run. Sometimes its that first wash when they run but they are ok after that
Er, I’m one of the lazy bunch too… but now, I shall reconsider in light of your statement that ‘you don’t know where your supposedly new clothes have been before’! 😛
Gosh! I’d pegged you for one of those careful ones! 🙂 But its true – you never know…
My mom bugs me about washing it too but unfortunately, I falter. Hahaha.
Aww… don’t! Its a good habit to have 😉
I washes everything before use too. Can’t stand the smell and stiffness of the fabric before wash.
I’m less fussed about the smell than I am about how hot it is before first wash. I wonder if there’s some chemical or something… or it might be starch that gets it so smooth and straight.
I wash my new clothes too because I never know whats the ‘history’ of the clothes before I bought it and I have to agree with you.. unwash new clothes feels warmer
I find it especially true of bedsheets. If I don’t wash my sheets before using it for the first time, it always feels so warm and uncomfortable!
I usually do it.
Doesn’t help that there was an episode of House awhile back where they treated a kid who (in the end) had contact poisoning from a pair of jeans that were in contact with pesticides :p
Ooh! That is surely incentive to wash before you wear!
I do, all the time! 🙂 I hate the smell of new clothes!
I don’t even notice the smell! Hmm… I shall pay attention next time 😉
Yes, it’s a good idea and I usually do that but slipped up with some. Definitely wash new clothes for my son and of course, the new undies.
Oh yeah you’re absolutely right about undies since they are directly next to the skin!
definitely wash them before wearing them, you’re right about feeling extra warm if you wear them without washing them first, I think they spray on chemicals as well, that’s what I heard 🙂
Chemicals? Eww! These days chemicals are everywhere, sadly enough!
My mum always wash new clothes before wear and I do it too. She always said it’s more hygienic and I agree 😀
Yup! It most certainly is! 😀
yeap~ usually the older one would teach us to do that…i’m kinda lazy sometimes to do that…but it make sense that it’s for hygiene too… other than the above.. who knows the clothes are try wore by how many people…their sweats and everything =S
That makes sense too but I’m personally more concerned with chemicals and dirt 🙂
Only if they smell funky.
But I think I should try to wash them for now. But I like how newly bought clothes look. The fabrics look smooth and crisp. After washing the fabrics always look a bit stretched and looser. No likey.
But reading all the horror stories here, I thing I should reconsider my approach.
I get what you mean about new clothes looking so much better before washing, especially shirts! I wash mine by hand or in a front loading machine which I find kinder to clothes. Also I’ve stopped buying too many 100% cotton clothes coz they are hell to iron to that crisp smoothness! 😛
I know my mom always reminds me to wash before I wear new clothes, but… I’m also one of the lazier ones =p Sometimes, if I find the clothes smelling odd I would definitely wash it. Otherwise ….
I don’t knock what my elders tell me because there’s always a grain of truth in there 😉 Next time, just toss in the new clothes with your laundry – its quick and painless 😉
Oh yes, i got the same tip from my mom too 🙂
So all new clothes go for their shower before entering my wardrobe hehe. Definitely cleaner and less irritation.. some are so dusty!