If there is a title for “World’s biggest sceptic” I’d be right up there with Scully. Remember The X-Files? No? Too young then, you won’t need this serum 😛
As a kid I was called “Moon-face” in school. Kids are horrible cruel creatures. But I’ve always had a round face. If my genetics are anything to go by (just look at your parents) I’m going to end up still with a broad round face, but with jowls.
So as I started trying out the Clarins Shaping Facial Lift Serum, I targeted those dreaded jowls I was developing. Gravity is cruel.
Now the ad talks about creating a V shape for your face. Yes its ideal but I’m going to tell you to be realistic and understand your face structure. If your structure is not predisposed to a V shape, no cream in the world can give you that. Plastic surgery might though. So in my case, I have a roundish face but squarish jawline. My sole target was to reduce the pockets around my jawline as it makes my face look “heavy”.
Well, knock me down with a feather! This face sculpting serum helps! Some pictures follow below.
I was told that this serum is an Asia only product. It has been around for a while, but this is a new formula. According to Clarins, Asians are genetically prone to having more fat pockets on our face. It keeps us looking young for longer but it can also make us look puffy and “heavy” if we aren’t careful, and as we age. With our poor diets, stress, pollution and poor circulation, we find ourselves retaining more water. If you’ve ever woken up in the morning wondering why your face looks puffy, apparently, this is why.
The Clarins serum aims to address this and this serum helps expedite the drainage of toxins through our lymphatic system. I’m not familiar with the science behind it so I’ll just tell you if it works. The instructions are to use 4 pumps. I used it for a week then decreased to 3 pumps. Makes it last a little longer 😛
Smooth the serum between your hands (there’s a light scent) and spread on your face starting from the center outwards. I usually take it down to my neck too.
The serum absorbs quite quickly without a sticky feel to the skin. There is a special facial pressure technique shown in the video below which takes about 2 minutes. But, you don’t need to use this technique. The serum does the job itself. Using the technique is supposed to help expedite the process.
Briefly, the technique is as follows:-
- Rest forehead in palms for 10 seconds
- Place base of palms over the eye area and hold for 10 seconds
- Move hands to the cheeks, cupping the cheeks and hold for 10 seconds
- Move hands to jaw and cup jaw and hold for 10 seconds
- Move hands to side of face, covering ears with thumb behind earlobe and hold for 10 seconds
- Interlace thumbs and place on neck and hold for few seconds
I’m a little lazy so while I used the serum every night, I was a little lax in the day. I also did the facial massage every other evening. Yet I started seeing results after 2 weeks. Imagine if I’d been a little more diligent 😛
I first noticed one day that my face looked less “round” and the jowls around my jawline were less pronounced. My jawline looked a little more defined too. Having to take pictures of yourself for FOTD pictures does make you a little more observant.
The difference was hard to show in photos because its not all THAT noticeable. But if you look at the “Before” you will see that the line of my face is pretty smooth – not much definition.
In the “2 Weeks Later” picture, a hint of cheekbones start to emerge and so does a hint of a chin. The jowl bit is marginally less pronounced. It was mostly brought to a head when someone I’d not seen in a while mentioned that my face looked smaller than they remembered. With my new short hair, that was quite a compliment. Rude observation but compliment nonetheless 😛
If you are going “I don’t see any difference!” well I did tell you its hard to show in photos because its not drastic 😛 It certainly did not turn my “moon face” into a “kuaci” (melon seed) face.
Its now about a month since I started using this serum. The skin on my face feels firmer and less slack around the jawline and I don’t get a puffy face in the mornings. My jawline is also a little more defined. Its all very minimal and subtle and whatever “facial slimming” seems to have stopped. I’m realistic so I’m not expecting to lose it all. Genetics is too strong for a mere serum to overcome.
Pros: Skin on face feels firmer, jawline looks more defined
Cons: Pricey product but if it works for you that’s great!
Directions are to use this as follows:
Cleansing -> Toner/Lotion -> Face Sculpting Lift Serum -> regular skincare moisturizer etc
Let’s be honest. We don’t all need this. But if you have been trying to find something for this very purpose, you could very well give this one a shot 🙂 Might you?
Paris B
The Clarins Shaping Facial Lift Serum retails at RM225/50ml at all Clarins counters.
omg! i seriously couldn’t believe it hehe… i tried their face sculpting facial as they had a promotion before raya and i was practically just laughing in my head when they explained how this serum works. i was like, ya ya, whatever… how can a serum help your face slim down, right? and now, i am like, omg. hehe… would consider this serum 🙂
I heard their facial is even more effective but this comes with prolonged use. Now I’m back from holiday I really need the face slimming! 😛
Oh my gosh Paris, I would love some puff on my face! 😀 As I get older, my face is getting a bit gaunt looking. It doesn’t help that I lost weight too. I am seriously thinking of injecting some of my thigh/butt fat into my cheeks LOL
Haha I’ve had chipmunk cheeks for as long as I remember! And I never seem to lose weight on my face. A good thing now that I’m getting older 🙂
wow something from Clarins Skin Care actually works. very very very interesting! LOVE this review!
I know! I was so sceptical I was prepared for it NOT to work
I was also called Moon Face growing up! Blearghhh…
That sounds pretty cool. Mayyyybe I’ll give it a try. 🙂
*high five fellow Moonface!*
i use this too!i have seriously puffy face with water retention. it really works! i was a skeptic but my friend and sister kept nagging at me to use it because they swear by it. I can seriously tell the difference within the first bottle. I am into my 3rd bottle now!
Wow! That’s dedication. Glad to hear that it works for you!
I have the older version. My face really showed a V at recent photos. But I am also exercising more. So, not exactly sure if all or most of the results is due to the product.
I think its a combination of the two because sometimes exercise can’t “sculpt” parts like the face but with everything, maybe this cream is helping 🙂
well, there is a slight difference. but i’m gonna get one also lah. along with the HydraQuench moisturizer 🙂
Oh by the way, Paris, what do you think of the Beauty Flash Balm, have you tried it?
I haven’t tried the Beauty Flash Balm but I came across it in the inflight magazine and it said it was a Clarins star product. Not sure what its for to be honest 😛
i have a fat face. must try! but scared will break out.
You do NOT have a fat face 😛
I tried this product myself for about 3 months. I definitely works. 😀
At first, I was a bit sceptical about it as I just turned 20 a few months ago and I have really really oily skin that you would think that I had jumped into a sea of oil. And I’m not even kidding.
After 2 weeks, my skins had reduced shininess and oiliness. My pores also got smaller and my skin’s tone got more even. I was pleasantly surprised because I have only been applying the product once every day before I hit the sack.
But yes, I agree that the significant change of the contour of the face can only be visibly seen in 3 months. I have a very chubby face so this product was a lifesaver. My friends even commented that I had lose weight but I promise you that I have not. It just that my face got toner and tauter. So happy~
The price is killing me, though. But it is so worth it. 😀
P.S Sorry for the long-winded comment. But I just had so much to say about this particular product. And Paris, I love your reviews~
Thank you so much for sharing Marissa & for your support 🙂
I have used this product for about two months. I wish i could post my before after pics but this is the best product that worked well in my face and neck area. I have purchased with evening product ( i guess it was the old one) along with mask. But i have not used the wrap mask often. I got amazing results and i have used every time one pump morning and night. I know it is little pricey but definatly worth it!
today my first day using clarins double serum. Would definitely give feedback as to how I feel about product. And oh! Will definitely try to get serum lift. Hope it’s available in south Africa nought. Thanks for blog! Rgds mogie