Happy weekend Ladies!
Call it “The Secret” or what you want. But there is a grain of truth in how the universe treats you depending on how YOU feel.
Personally, I’ve experienced some really down moments when all you really want to do is to dig yourself into a hole and hide away from the world and cry. Times when nothing goes right and everything you do goes wrong, people ignore you, you say the wrong things, people get mad at you, you get mad at people, your skin breaks out, your makeup looks crap … its a vicious cycle, if you notice. And the more sorry you feel for yourself, the deeper down you spiral.
When you are mad or down, you will find yourself picking at the smallest thing and blowing it up into something big, be it in reality or in your mind. Everything looks wrong and you start going “Why me?”
Over the recent years, when things start going belly up, I pick myself up and force myself to look on the bright side and to think positive. There are always 2 sides to everything, I’ve learnt. You can wallow in the dark side or look on the brighter side and go from there. There is a lot one can learn from Star Wars LOL!
But seriously, I’ve found that when I look on the brighter more positive side of things, the dark clouds don’t hover too long and everything will start taking a turn for the better. It takes a lot of effort to smile when you feel like crying, but it gets easier as you go along and soon those smiles will be unforced.
And when I stay positive, good things are easier to come by and they come by more often. Be it a friend dropping a line out of the blue to say hello, meeting a new friend you get along with, a fun event I might be invited to, or just good things in general. And skin breakouts heal a lot faster too!
So, hard as it is, do not underestimate the power of thinking positive. The Universe is listening and watching.
This feelgood message is brought to you by…
Paris B 🙂
I agree that it is important to think positive. I’ve seen people around me unable to enjoy what is an otherwise comfortable life because they were so focused on picking on the negative aspects of very trivial issues. Life will always have its ups and downs, so might as well enjoy what we can 🙂
Yup! You are absolutely right. There’s no point dwelling on the negatives when we can look at the positives 🙂
Thanks Paris.
i am going through a down side in my career..still finding my light to get out from tunnel…one of my girl friend been encourage me to buy THE SECRET book, and my lazy worm still yet to get out…your message is extremely RIGHT! …. missery thinking will makes one feel even more miserable…this week, i have promised myself, must get THE SECRET….TQ Paris…hope to see more of this posting from you… 🙂 ..really inspiring…
Thank you. I hope you find your upside soon. Its hard, but if we look hard enough, there’s always a silver lining and a positive side. All the best!
yea I agree. Whether you like it or not, life’s going to go on. But the way you look at it and handle it will make aaaall the difference =)
Definitely! Life is short, why be miserable eh? 🙂
PB! You know what I’ve been going through right? It has been more than a year and I clearly remember that day when I just want to scream “WHYYYY ME??????”.
You know how crazily positive I am and so far, it’s paying off!!! Thanks for the reminder, I do thank someone UP THERE for giving me this positive outlook in life!
PARTEY TIME!!! :DHope to see you someday!
I love how super positive and cheery you always are, Nikki! 🙂
Don’t know what you’re going through, but glad to know that staying positive has helped you.
You are one of the most positive people I know! And knowing what you went through and are going through, I’m sure your positive attitude is making a difference to everyone around you too. I’m sure we’ll meet some day. Come soon! 🙂
Hi Paris,
Thanks for sharing this. Enjoyed reading ur blog very much, u r always positive and cheery and funny. Power of the positive mind really works. Whatever we think now will shape our future, seriously. So becareful what u think all the time.
Stay positive!
lemon 😉
Thank you Lemon! I try to be positive as much as I can because I’ve been down the long dark negative route and it really sucks! So happy happy joy joy everyone! 🙂
thank you
Great post and timely reminder. Thanks! 🙂
You’re welcome 🙂
Thanks for the smart reminder, PB! Ah, I can be a horribly pessimistic person at times and I have a tendency to simply break down and stop functioning when I my expectations seem far-fetched. When I start to get going and put things into perspective, it doesn’t get too bad but it’s not often that I do!
We just have to take it a step at a time. I’ve learnt that anything big can be tackled if we start breaking it down into small bite sized pieces. Glad that you realize how you can pick yourself up!
totally agree on the power of positive thinking…and the law of attraction…it works when it is meant to work 😉
It is! Just don’t expect the impossible. I find that being positive attacts more positive things so anything negative seems less daunting
Thanks for sharing Paris!
You’re welcome! 🙂
good one, Paris 🙂