Well I don’t know if anyone read my Tweets late last night but it turns out that at about 10.30pm I found myself locked inside my bedroom. The lock of my door had jammed for some reason and I was essentially stuck inside the room with no way out. If I could use lipgloss to open the door I would but I couldn’t – obviously 😛
It took me about 2 hours to break the lock and to get out after midnight, with a little help from my bro who had to drive over from his place with screwdrivers. When I tell you that I live on a high floor of a condominium, and I had to have screwdrivers passed up to me from the condo unit downstairs, it all made for quite an adventure and a bit of McGuyver ingenuity.
But before I got my hands on a screwdriver which made things much easier and cut my work by about an hour, I was using various tools found in my bedroom in my attempt to dismantle the lock – I had a pair of tweezers for unscrewing screws, a hairpin for dismantling door knobs, a wire hanger to attempt to jiggle the lock loose and massage oil in a failed attempt to oil the stuck lock.
They didn’t work to free me, obviously, but they kept me amused until help arrived in the form of screwdrivers, elbow grease and turning the air blue with cusses 🙂
Perhaps if I had persisted, the tweezers might have worked but it was late and I wasn’t in the mood to try it.
Have you had a McGuyver moment involving beauty tools 🙂 I know the title of my post is a bit misleading but hey! Made ya look! 😉
Paris B
Hanny says
And usually, them, 20 sen coins work for doors… hehheh. But then again, it depends on the door knobs.
ParisB says
Yep mine was an unusual problem.
Connie says
LMAO!! Still got time to take pictures :p
ParisB says
Of course! Got camera phone can do anything 😀
geekchic says
Hey the last time I got locked in I was using hairpins and tweezers too! I still have pics of the mangled lock: will look for it.
Blogger to the core: faced with a crisis but out comes the camera for a post!
ParisB says
sadly yes. I had to take out the camera – that or go mad working on the lock
Tine says
I can hear the Mission Impossible theme song playing in the background 😛
Haven’t had that, err, luck being locked out (or in), but I’ve picked up your tips, just in case 😉
ParisB says
They key tip to take away will be to keep a set of screwdrivers handy in your bedroom – just in case 😀
Nikki says
Same reaction! I wouldn’t even bother to take photos! you are too Cute ms. GYVER! hahahha so 80s…so US! hahahaha
I haven’t tried using beauty tools to do adventurous stuffs like this, but this post got me thinking..I should start bringing my tweezers everywhere! 😀
ParisB says
I never thought tweezers could work screws but hey! now we all do! 😉 And yes I had to take photos. It was worthy of a post no? 😉
lyn says
Oh, my! Think I’ll keep a set of men tools (as opposed to beauty tools) in the bedroom, just in case 😉
ParisB says
Yes definitely! I’m changing my locks but I’ll keep a small screwdriver just in case 🙂
pinkcloud says
LOL thats funny! u can still have the mood to take pictures!
ParisB says
Yeah gotta see the lighter side of things or go mad 🙂
rinnah says
Wahahaha… and you still had presence of mind to take pictures along the way… I remember the same thing happened to my parents room before – the lock got stuck and we were all outside. I remember fiddling around with hairpins thinking I was McGuyver too! In the end, my uncle climbed into the room through the balcony and jimmied the lock there – apparently it was easier to crack than the room door itself and we opened the door from the inside out. 😛
ParisB says
After working on my lock I concur. Its easier to dismantle the lock from within rather than from outside. You know me – blogger mah so must take pics 😉