I used to like shoe shopping. I ended up with a whole shelf of shoes once before I slowly made my way through them and got rid of those that were looking grungy or worn or just plain rotten. I blame it on warehouse sales of the time and trawling the cheaper shoe stores. I used to go to the warehouse sales and pick up shoes from Hush Puppies and Clarks at relatively cheap prices but then I realised that there was a problem with quality.
I don’t know if its the overall quality of Hush Puppies and Clarks shoes that have deteriorated or if its just the shoes at the sale. Either way, I found myself with broken heels and flapping soles and just an overall sense of disappointment. Not to mention an aching wallet!
These days, when I need a pair of decent shoes, I wait for a sale at Isetan then head straight for the Easy Spirit and Geox shoe counters. Both these shoe brands are very expensive here in Malaysia ranging from RM350 to RM600 for a pair of leather pumps at regular prices. Ouchies! I however, wait till they go on 50-60% off <- smart shopper! 😉
I got my first pair of Geox leather pumps on 50% off on a bit of a whim. The bit of plastic on the heel needs to be replaced due to a bit of carelessness on my part, but overall, its held up great over a year and still looks relatively good considering the amount of time I spend in them, so I consider it a good buy.
As for Easy Spirit I don’t know much about the shoe brand except that its not all that expensive over in the USA where it hails from. The shoes, both casual and formal are comfortable and fit my feet well which is why I keep going back to them. I have small narrow feet and finding shoes that will fit well can be a nightmare sometimes. I’ve also since worked out that my left foot is a tiny bit longer than my right which is a pain.
Some might find the shoe designs at both Geox and Easy Spirit boring and yes they are. There’s nothing exciting about the designs, nothing that says you MUST HAVE that pair of killer heels and nothing trendy. Jimmy Choos or Christian Louboutins they are not. But they work for me for everyday work shoes and they are brands I will go back to time and again… provided I get at least 50% off! 🙂
Do you have a favourite brand for everyday work shoes? Do share! We might find a favourite pair of shoes there too.
Stay beautiful,
Paris B
Primavera. Cause its not too expensive
Hey Jessie
Thanks for sharing! I used to wear Primavera too but now it kills my feet
Regarding Clarks, perhaps they put different quality of shoes during the sale as my dad bought me one three years ago and I still have it in a very good condition up to a point that I’m wondering when it’s gonna be worn out (I want to buy new shoes! lol)
I got a pair of Timberland shoes 2 years ago and been using them whenever I go to labs. They’re pretty good. In the end, shoes are never really my thing, I’m a flip flop girl 😛
Hiya Shuu
I suspected as much about Clarks in my last encounter. However I have bought shoes from their boutique here and experienced the same lower quality. That said, my Clarks shoes I purchased from the UK are still going strong. Tells you something eh?
I don’t have a favourite brand of shoes per se; I just get whatever’s comfortable and on sale! 😛 I don’t believe in spending a lot on pretty but flimsy heels that I’m only going to wear once in a blue moon.
I do like Clarks; I have a pair which lasted 7 years. If the shoes are made of good strong leather, but is a tad uncomfortable and is on sale, I’d most likely get it, and then pad them with good insoles. No point letting a pair of good and cheap shoes go to waste.
Hi Tine
I agree with you about heels so I don’t buy them often. I do prefer to get something in a more classic color and something better if I know I’ll have to stand in them for long. I like your theory about padding the insole of shoes – I usually pass once the shoe isn’t comfy.
Aldo is a good buy – especially when on sale. Also, if the shoes need a bit of adjusting, the sales assistants sometimes stretch it for you.
Have found that they last a while even with every day wear.
Hi Minis
I’ve never tried Aldo. I found their heels a little too high for everyday wear. Gone are the days when I can run around on 3 inch heels without breaking a sweat!
I only wear Vincci shoes. Although they hurt like hell, I can only wear this brand of shoes because I have Cinderella feet and only Vincci has my size
Hi Cyndi
I have smallish and narrow feet – I take a Eu 36 and UK4. I can’t wear Vincci for this reason – they don’t support my feet and my back aches for ages after I wear them. I will consider them for a cheap pair of heels I need in a hurry.
Cindy…I;m with u, girl. I have a very small shoe size….3 or 3.5 on Vincci or 35 on charles & Keith.
When I was working (now i;m fulltime HW), i liked C&K and everbest (several models fit me in size 36).
Now since i dont need shoes for working, which need comfy factor, i do love vincci. Yes, the quality is poor, but it’s quite cheap 🙂
Hi Reeka
I take 35-36 in most shoes but I guess my feet are narrow too which makes it harder for me to find shoes that fit. At this point in time I’m going to quality over price but I guess its all a matter of preference 🙂
I have given up on cheap uncomfortable shoes. Coz I hate it when I come home after a 12hr day and my feet is more tired than the rest of my body.
I’m in Singapore and there’s this shoe shop called Alegro near my work place. They sell shoes which are of high quality and not cheap (but not too ex either). I got most shoes at S$69.
The lady boss really takes time to find shoes that fits me. And she doesn’t recommend me shoes which looks good but doesn’t fit. So, now all my shoes are comfortable and looks nice!!
Hey Shay
I share your pain and not to mention back pain too! I’m glad you found a brand of shoes that fit you well and are pretty affordable too.
Mine is VNC, I think it’s called VINCCI in Malaysia 🙂 It’s waaaayy cheaper there! If I have the chance to go there again, I’ll haul like a dozen pairs! LOL
Hey Nikki
Wait till you get here during a sale – you might even end up with 2 dozen! 😀
I love VNC too, but they pulled out of Singapore! Now I head over the causeway to get my Vincci fix. 🙂
I didn’t know Vincci pulled out of Singapore! I wonder why.
Nah, it’s still in Singapore! I’ve seen them at John Little before.
Hey FA
Thanks for the update!
I’m a Birkenstock gal. They last forever and are really comfy. Though they’re not quite work shoes. I’m lucky where I don’t have to worry so much about work shoes. For prettier/cooler shoes, I like Nine West and Miss Sixty–but only during a sale-haha!
Hey Monstro
I went to try the Birkenstocks after meeting you that day but they are still too wide. The lady told me I’d have to buy the narrow ones online. Darn! I do look at Nine West for pretty shoes too but I found most of them a little heavy – both on the feet and on my wallet 😉
i love Charles and Keith shoes. and all the high end brands! can’t afford them though, so C&K will do for a student like me. Vincci’s are a no no for me except if i need a cheap sandal to trod on in case of any shoe emergency. XD
Hi yahui
Charles & Keith isn’t that cheap to my surprise but they do have pretty trendy stuff. I guess I’m an old fuddy duddy with shoes 🙂
oh my god and how can i forget about Nine West! i absolutely love love love their designs! very daring use of colors and very chic designs.
Its cute how they do knock off designs of more expensive brands !
mine’s aldo 🙂 tho i have to wait for their sales… damn expensive!!!
Hi Farah Lily
That’s 2 votes for Aldo already! I should check them out the next time there’s a sale 😀
I think for expensive shoes on sale…really got to check.
Coz for shoes…if you don’t wear for a long time, it will self-disintegrate. If the shoes bought in a sale don’t last. It may not be that the quality is lousy when made. But it might be due to the shoes being kept for a long time before its being put on sale.
I think it has something to do with the humidity in the air or something. Coz the bottom will drop out and the leather will flake off.
Hi Shay
You might be right – thats the reason I no longer go for warehouse sales for shoes – other than the crazy crowds grabbing at shoes like they are free. That said, I’ve also picked up very good shoes at such sales which have lasted me ages. I do seriously believe quality has taken a nosedive in recent years for some brands.
Yes. They don’t make things to last anymore. Haha….probably to make us buy more and more.
Manufacturers are evil! LOL
Can I say how much I like this topic? ^-^
For working shoes I normally go for Hush Puppies and Clarks.
For the killer heels, I’d pick Charles & Keith, Guess, Aldo and Nine West.
If I can’t bring myself to splurge on the brands above, I spend my money at Vincci or Primavera.
But my rule of thumb for all my shoes is buy them at 50% off whenever possible! That’s how I get great looking shoes at a fraction of a price. My colleagues still think I’ve got expensive taste though. They just don’t get the secret of shopping during a sale. Heh.
p.s. I’ve been eyeing a pair from Easy Spirit, but even at 40% off (Isetan) my pocket still hurts! 😛
Hey Rinnah
You’re a smart shopper you are and who cares what your colleagues think!! For Easy Spirit nothing below 50% will do for me – it softens the blow a little. 🙂 I’ve cut Hush Puppies from my work shoe list as they’ve never held up to my abuse and it got too pricey to replace them that often. I must check Clarks again – from a proper store but those on sale are usually so frumpy! 🙁
My fav workshoes is Scholl and Snowfly. I had tried cheaper brand workshoes but I am into comfortable not for the name and look. Furthermore, they last longer. Casual and comfy range is Scholl which I first bought from England back in 80’s. Must admit that Clark’s quality has deteriorated in recent years. Before they were available in M’sia, I used to get mine from UK which is very much cheaper and still have them.
Hi Sowchun
You must be lucky too to find favourites in Scholl. Mine always died on me after a few months – looking battered and worn. I have to agree with you about Clarks. It might be to do with where they are now made and how they plan to keep their prices in Malaysia affordable. I’ve never tried Charles & Keith. I should pay more attention next time. 🙂
Charles & Keith is very much cheaper in S’pore, even after conversion. They are trendy but don’t last, so gives more reason to buy another pair.
and they have warehouse sales… sure to grab 5 to 10 pairs. A colleague just grapped 10 pairs of NOSE shoes at the warehouse sales near Sunway Pyramid…
I totally agree with you about Geox. I also like Tods, Prada, and any sort of cheap flip flops from India!
Hey Jamilla
Oh Tods feel so awesome on my feet! But my wallet cries everytime I go near the Tods store LOL…
I used to be such a shoe freak -way back when my feet were not swollen from motherhood! I am one of the few women in the world who had swollen feet during pregnancy which never went back to its normal size!! Vincci, in my extensive search for the most comfortable pair is not the place to go. They make cute shoes without thinking about comfort and at the end of the day, my feet felt like they have been up Mount Kinabalu and back!Now I go for flats! To hell if they are ugly….
Hi JackieA
I love flats! They don’t have to be ugly although I have to admit some are. Cute ballet flats are the best things to run around in.
Nine West, Liz Clairborne, Ferragamo are my fav. Usually get them in factory outlets in States and UK…once or twice a year…sometimes I do pick one or two sandals from local brands like Vincci, Charles & Keith and Nose… not too bad 🙂
Hey Rin
Next time I’ll have to ask you to bring me back Ferragamo yes? Hehe… Lucky you to shop at factory outlets!