I know the site is called “My Women Stuff” but sometimes some things for the boys catch my eye too so I thought this won’t go amiss. This will not be a regular category but sometimes, I’ll write about stuff for guys as tested by my guinea pigs… ahem… testers, just to jazz things up a bit or I get bored 😛
While I was pottering about at Kiehl’s recently (I so need to tell you about the Kiehl’s Ultimate White surface brightening exfoliator – can you say baby butt smooth skin?!) a male friend who was with me, picked up the iconic Kiehl’s #1 lip balm that comes in a tube to sooth dry chapped lips. However, after taking a walk around the store, he decided to pick up the Facial Fuel No Shine Moisturizing Lip Balm instead.
His Reason: No Shine. He did not want to walk around with glossy lips.
I have to agree. Glossy lips on girls = sexy and cute. Glossy lips on guys = wrong!
The Kiehl’s no shine lip balm comes in a stick form in a very masculine deep blue case. The balm itself is white with a fresh minty smell – rather like spearmint chewing gum.
I tested it on the back of my hand and I must agree that any shine is kept to a minimum. Its not matte, it just does not give a glossy look and it feels emollient.
According to my friend, it does what it says – soothes dry chapped lips and does not shine. He does prefer the Kiehl’s #1 Lip Balm for helping with dry lips but prefers this one for portability and its discreet look. Reapplication is required but then that’s true of all lip balm.
Although its one for the boys, I reckon we women can use it too 🙂 After all, lips are lips right? I like minty flavoured lip balm and I dislike goopy shine so maybe if I’m looking for a lip balm in future, I’d consider this one.
A 0.15 oz/4.4g tube retails for RM35 at Kiehl’s boutiques (1 Utama and Pavilion Kuala Lumpur) I suspect he will repurchase… because it looks manly compared to the other lip balms commercially available in the market 🙂
Pros: No Shine, Soothes chapped dry lips, masculine packaging
Cons: Rather pricey
Does your guy or guy friends take an interest in skincare?
I’m curious. Is it only the men in my life who care about skincare or does your guy or guy friends too? In my case, its usually at my urging that they take an interest in their skin and then they are hooked and I’ve created a monster!! 😛
Has your interest in skincare influenced your guy or your guy friends in any way? Do share!
Stay beautiful… and macho! 😀
Paris B
this is interesting. my bf always got dry lips problems and when i force lipbalm on him he just detests the glossiness. lol. and..most guys that i know do not give a damn about their face, they keep insisting that skincare is only for sissy, which is totally wrong! but i successfully enforced my dad and bf to use cleanser to wash their face day n night 😀
Hey prettybeautiful
You are right – there’s nothing sissy about looking after your skin! I’m glad your persistence pays off and maybe what your bf needs is this Kiehl’s lipbalm 😉
my bf and i, we influenced each other in terms of skincare. sometimes i suggest a product for him to use and sometimes he buys me stuff for me to try. and currently, we are looking for a place where we can do facial together..lol. i find it kinda sexy for a guy to care about their skin. for hygienic purpose really 🙂
Hi Anis
Aww… its so sweet that your bf actually buys you items to try! I prefer more established facial salons but most facial salons these days do facials for men too – just ask 🙂
Cannot stay macho, too chorlor oredi as it is but yes, I’ve got Jen to use better skincare products and to use a deep cleansing mask once a week. His one vice is to pick his spots to which I’d smack his hands each time I catch him doing that.
He cleanses, moisturises (with sunscreen of spf 50) and uses the eye cream everyday. He carries around a lip balm-the men nivea thingamajig. Also he exfoliates every other day.
Hee hee hee 🙂
Hi geekchic
LOL at being chorlor 😉 It looks like your man has got the whole routine down pat! I’m impressed!! 😀
Great post PB! Been meaning to get Kiehl’s stuff but was thinking over and over again..
My guy never knew difference between soap and cleanser before we got together. Thanks to me, he now knows and getting clearer and better skin than ever! Hahaha..:)
Hi Jessica
Oh I love that you converted your guy from soap to proper cleanser! Regular soap can be very drying on the skin and glad too that its helping him 🙂
Hmm..my brother is so into skin care..my hubby..well its super minimal, he does use a special facial wash and I am the one who’s reminding him to use lipbalm before we go to sleep..but yeah, I have to tell him! hahahah 🙂 Wonderful lip balm!!!!
Hi Nikki
Cleanser and lip balm is a start! 😉 Next thing you know,he’ll be taking your toner and moisturiser etc etc hehe…
I have trouble getting my hubby to even use a cleanser. I’m successful maybe once in a blue moon. But the ironic thing is that he has really smooth skin.
Except now, wrinkles are starting to show (crow’s feet) so maybe I can at least get him to use suncreen. >_<
Hi Yannie
Aww… don’t you hate it when they have better skin than you do? And sunscreen does more than just protect against wrinkles – it also protects against skin cancer!
I hope my man will learn to take care of his skin one day! He’ll dip into my Biotherm when his face is dry. He’ll come to me when his lips are chapped and I’ll hand him my LipIce. *lol*
Hey Amanda
LOL… At least he knows who to look to to cure his skin ailments Maybe get him his own Lipice? 😉
my boy never knew about what’s skin care until he met me!!he is now using cleanser,toner,moisturiser,scrub and sometimes, i will get him a mask~ 🙂
Hi Akiki
I’d say you are a good influence! He needs to look good to complement you yes? 🙂
my bro…cant be say he is very into skincare, but he has acne & oily skin so he have to take care of and he took vitamin A before which dries ppl out(ouch!), so he develop the habit of applying lip balm to prevent cracked lip!
Hi A.min
Ooh those who are on Accutane also complain of having their lips dry out so lip balm is always a must for them.
yes PB, my husband has infected by me in facial treatment. 😀
now he cleanse his face daily. having a moisturizer and eye gel, but not being routine. why? bcos he only wear them if i do applying. geeeee…i must take care of 2 faces!! hahahaha
sometimes he uses sunscreen, doing masks :), and for the very 1st time in his life, he did facial 2 months ago!! hahahaa
i think he likes all these pampering thingy, he is just so lazy to do it by himself.
Hi Reeka
I think its so cute that your husband now takes care of his skin! If you’re looking good so should he 😉
THe only thing my bro got infected with was the 3M acne patch. Haha! WOrks like magic and even he got into it.
Best thing is, you can cut the patch into smaller pieces. Save $$$!!
Hi Ms Blacklace
I should try this patch thing. Everyone’s raving about it!
Cool! Nice post… Yea.. It’s pricey… Hah! My guy cousin is metrosexual… Lol… He takes even better care of his skin than I DO!! but then, my skin looks better than his! Hahah… jkjk… We have to take good care of our skin cuz we are fair (he’s even fairer!!) and any blemish will be easy to spot…
He uses Origins!! and his lip balm is apparently really famous from Australia and it’s in a pot… I’ve heard my cousin talking abt it, I can’t remember the name though…
Hi Yuki
The fair ones have it worst I think because every little thing shows up. I’m always happy for people to take care of their skin – male OR female 🙂
Sadly… nope. My guy runs away screaming in the opposite direction the moment I brandish something like a lip balm to him. However, he allowed me to put on blackhead remover masque, and the occasional face mask. Huh. I must have threatened bodily harm if he refused in these circumstances. Maybe it’ll help with other… guinea pigs of yours? 😀
Hi Ann
LOL… my guinea pigs are usually quite happy to slather anything on their faces. Helps me tons!