I was browsing Sephora one day (as you do) and felt the need to purchase something. Despite how it might look, I don’t buy a lot of stuff from Sephora. For some reason, I get terribly disoriented and confused when I enter a Sephora store, and I usually walk out without a bag. But I ended up by the Caudalie shelf and my eye fell on a range of masks. I think they’re new? At least I’ve seen them being touted around.
There are 4 different masks for 4 different concerns, and I decided to pick one up. RM115 a tube. It was a little pricey but not terribly so.
The one I picked was the Caudalie Glycolic Peel Mask which promises radiance in 10 minutes. Ah, instant claims! The sceptic in me just had to see if it was true 😀
What Caudalie tells us this will do is to renew skin texture, tighten pores, lighten dark spots, reduce oil, provide an immediate burst of radiance to the skin… without irritating the skin! Is there anything this mask can’t do?! But the main reason I got it was because it said it was a Glycolic Peel Mask and I like the whole glycolic acid thing.