At around this time of year every year, when the Black Friday sales notices flood my email inbox, and I’m bombarded on Instagram with a never-ending wave of sales and discounts, I pause for a moment.
It is this time of year that I take stock of how my year has progressed, and I say a quiet Thank You to the universe for giving me yet another year on which to reflect.
Thanksgiving is a festival that we do not celebrate in Malaysia, but it is a practice that goes beyond roast turkey and pumpkin pie and Black Friday sales. While we have embraced Black Friday sales to our bosom, it makes me wonder why we don’t embrace what Thanksgiving is truly about – gratitude.
So, while you read this, pause for a moment. Close your eyes for just a few seconds, and think quickly of 3 things you are thankful and grateful for. You might be surprised to know that it won’t involve material goods 😉
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