Hello hello peeps! 😀
What’s this PB doing, you may be wondering. Just blogging once a MONTH now instead of almost daily? Well it almost seems that way doesn’t it? There’ll be changes aplenty going on but I’m slowly trying to make that comeback so bear with me 🙂
What with 2014 coming to an end, and having gone through a lot of ups and downs myself this year, physically and emotionally, towards the end of the year, I found I’d let myself go. My skincare routine was shot to pieces, I was a slob and all I was doing was keeping to the basic cleanse, tone, moisturise and while my skin didn’t go crazy (I do believe I’d left a good enough base that it managed to withstand my neglect) it wasn’t looking at its best.
One day, when things were starting to look up (as they always will because when you’re at your lowest ebb, the only way left to go is up!) I realised that I was just being really shitty to myself and I didn’t see why I should be. So I picked myself up, dusted off the ol’ skincare and got stuck in and within a week, I reaped the benefits.
Dull skin I didn’t quite notice before took a backseat and turned into a clear skinned glow, minor clogged pores especially around my chin unclogged and smoothed out and I just didn’t need very much foundation. The best compliment was being told that my foundation was looking great and I only had the most minimum of base on! When you look good, you feel good, clichéd as it sounds, and putting makeup on was a cinch because everything looks good! 🙂
Incidentally I also got a few requests to share my skincare products that I’m using now. So I thought it would be nice to share not my skincare products because those change a lot from time to time, but my latest skincare ROUTINE which doesn’t. This way, you get to use the products that suit your skin because you and I may not have the same skintype would we? 🙂
So, as the year closes I’d like for you to think about not chasing after that new and latest makeup obsession or product for a while, or looking for the highest coverage foundation in the market to mask your skin. Instead, remember that good makeup starts with good skin and as we close the year and step forth into a new one, make it your resolution to better your skin above all else. Here’s my routine and I hope it will help you get started.
Remember, it’s all about the base! 😉