If I had an award to give for the most boring name for a sequel, the award would go to Urban Decay for Naked2. Its not even Naked 2 : Return of the Neutrals or perhaps Naked 2: Because once just isn’t enough. Its just Naked 2.
But what a sequel! It literally had everyone on the edge of their seats waiting with bated breath as news about Naked 2 was leaked out. There were rumours it would be a cooler toned palette – right up my alley! If I had a complaint about Naked (The Original) it was that it was too warm. There were also rumours it would be more matte. But I didn’t hold out for that. What is Urban Decay if not shimmery and sparkly?
And then the photos of the palette leaked out and I felt a little crestfallen. At a glance, it looks just like the Original palette. It wasn’t cooler in tone, and neither was it more matte. It just looked … the same. And really, there is no real reason why you need two palettes. One is enough so just choose either since they are both permanent.
I got my hands on this one a little while ago through a friend in the USA, but have taken a while to blog about it because I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. Also, I knew it was coming into Malaysia – I just didn’t know when. So it gave me a great excuse to sit on things. However, The Naked 2 palette launched here over the weekend so its probably an opportune time to tell you about the Urban Decay Naked 2 palette 🙂