I’m usually quite fussy about buying skincare from brands I’m unfamiliar with, or that I’ve never heard of. This more so, when it’s a local brand, for I’ve come across far too many horror stories of repackaged products in the market. I tend to be terribly wary, even if I want to be supportive of a local brand.
I came across The Raw, a local Malaysian brand, through a friend on Instagram, who was very effusive with her praise for the products she had tried. It intrigued me enough to take a second look at what they had to offer.

First off, if anyone from the brand is reading this, I’d suggest setting up a website for the brand. As it stands, the only place you can get any information about their products is through their Instagram account, and even then, there is very little information about the brand itself. Facebook is merely a collection of their Instagram posts, and there is nowhere on the internet where I can read about the brand, its ethos and the products. For me, this is usually a big turn-off. If I can’t find information about a product or brand easily, I skip it. I only persevered this time, because I trusted my friend!
When I was setting up my brand, the first thing we did was to secure our domain name, and put up a website. We wanted a single place for people to get information about our brand, what we sell, why we do it, and all the information they may need about the brand and our products. It’s so important to have your own space, so I usually have very little patience or give much credibility to brands that don’t have a website.
As you can see, there was a lot of trust I gave in this instance, to try a product from a brand I’d never heard of, and might never trust at the best of times 😛 So, how did I fare with The Raw Daily Ceramide Moisturiser, then? 🙂
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