I know many of you travel, and cooler climes are always a favourite destination, to escape from our infernal tropical heat and humidity. But how often do you travel somewhere cool, and then find that your skincare isn’t holding up, or that your skin starts to flake and dry out and break out? Worst of all, this happens even after you return home!
Not only is it uncomfortable, your makeup doesn’t look good whether in person or in holiday snaps.

Well, I most recently went on such a holiday.
It was cold and windy, and the humidity was laughably in single digits. I knew my skin would suffer. So I made the necessary preparations, and I can happily report that after a week, the skin on my body was dry and itchy as heck! But the skin on my face was not only comfortable and near perfect, my makeup went on well and looked so natural and amazing too! Yes, I’m preening LOL! 😀
So here’s some tips you should keep in mind when you travel from the hot and humid tropics to a cool, low humidity destination, and the products that helped me.
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