Want this in a nutshell? This anti-wrinkle serum works as it says.
Yes, it also costs a pretty penny. Many many pretty pennies.
Let’s dial back a little. Swissline is a Switzerland based brand of skincare that is sold primarily through salons and spas. I have tried some samples of their anti-aging skincare before this and I have to say that for the most part, I have been impressed. The Cell Shock Total Lift Overnight Cream is one I particularly like. Very light textured and makes skin look very nice. Especially helpful if you have dry skin or aging skin or are in hotel rooms and travel a lot. I had a small sample pot that went travelling with me all the time. Lovely!
The Cell Shock 360º Anti-Wrinkle Serum Triple Collagen Complex was launched earlier this year in 2013 and is a serum that is targeted at lifting wrinkles, lines and plumping up dry skin. Also targeted at those with dry and more matured skin, this serum works to plump up skin collagen and make it more resilient and infuse it with moisture.
Whilst I won’t agree with it helping with moisture, I will agree that it does make lines look less apparent on skin. If you have naso-labial lines (or laugh lines) and lines on your forehead, then you will likely notice a lifting effect. Quite impressive.