I remember that Stratia Liquid Gold was quite popular on Instagram a little while ago. It was easily visible due to its bright yellow colour, and the name tripped off the tongue. Prior to this, my only reference to Liquid Gold was the cult favourite one from Alpha-H that I still use to this day.
When a friend asked if I might want to hop onto her order for a bottle to try, I jumped at it. Shipping is a flat rate direct from the website, so it made sense to share the order and save on shipping.
Stratia is a brand of skincare from the USA focused on science based ingredients. While this isnβt uncommon today, they arenβt as pretentious as many other brands out there *coughTheOrdinarycough* π They also donβt have very many products in their range, which Iβm fine with. It isnβt about having 300 products to sell, it is about having some and doing them well. Stratia must be, because I know of many people who hail the Liquid Gold as holy grail!
I was naturally quite curious, and quite excitedly gave this a go when it arrived. I have had this quite many months now, and I think I have formed my view π