There aren’t many organic makeup brands around are there? Maybe there are, but I’m just not aware mainly because I’m not that specialized in the natural, organic field. But recently, I was introduced to a foundation by Nvey Eco and I also bought a highly raved concealer from RMS Beauty to see what the hype was about.
Since I have 2 concealers from 2 organic makeup brands, I thought it would be useful to have them both in one post so those of you who are interested in trying organic makeup will know of your options.
It has taken me a while to figure out if I like these or if they measure up to other non-organic makeup brands. The thing is, I recently found a firm favourite, and you might even call it Holy Grail concealer in the Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer so when I discovered that, everything else paled in comparison.
It was against this background that I put the Nvey Eco Erase Concealer and RMS Beauty Un Cover-up to the test and had to adjust my thinking accordingly.
Both these organic concealers come in a “paste” form i.e. they are compressed cream products that took me a while to figure out how to use. After a lot of experimenting, my final conclusion is that both these products work best using your fingers. In fact, you will HATE it if you don’t use your fingers and try to use a brush. How do I know? Because I did. A month ago, that would have been my review. Hate this, don’t buy it. But if you ask me now, I actually quite like these with a few caveats.